Friday, November 25, 2022

 Posted to fb 11-25-2020

I was not aware my husband posted this, nor was he aware of what I dreamed until after I began telling him my dream...he stopped me and read to me his post, and it lined up with my dream. 

I dreamed there were many people crowded up in a very large room with camp style bunk beds  all over. 

People were getting v ax ed ...I tried to warn them not to but they had already taken it.  They said they felt they had to because if they became sick they could pass it to someone else who may not survive.  

The room was dim as many who had just received it sat huddled together on the floor. Then a guard came to a door and said to everyone through the closed door for them to hold up the area where they had received the shot.  They did. To the naked eye nothing could be seen. But then he shined a light through the glass and on that area could be seen the words "Property of the government." 

The guard moved on and I sat in shock and sorrow that people would not listen.  There was a little more to the dream ( trying to save a family member from taking it) before I woke.

Very odd if this is coincidental. Not saying this upcoming  v ax is for sure the Mark (although it contains m R N A .....research what that is) but I can see how easily people will be deceived and convinced into taking the Mark. 

Jesus, help us. 🙏💔

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