Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Church Growth

How do you define true Church growth? 

It's not uncommon to get excited and say, "look how we're growing" when you see saints change from one Church and start attending your assembly (as long as the change is coming, not going ;) ). But is that true growth?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately.  To me, that's merely your own gain, not God's if they're already saved.  And unfortunately, not always but the majority of those time, those Church "transfers" bring problems with them, especially if they have a history of (as we used to term it) Church Hopping.  They bring problems when they come, and unless change and spiritual growth truly happens, you can be assured eventually they're going to "feel" to change churches again...usually sowing division and discord in the process. (Yes, we love them and try to help them as best we can, but we also watch and pray in the meantime).  

True Church Growth is seeing a sinner repent of their sins, be baptized in the saving name of Jesus, and receive the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in that heavenly language.    

Oh, yes, we're here to help the saved stay saved, the struggling to overcome, but our greatest mission should be to go into the highways and byways and compel them to come in. The fields are white unto harvest but the laborers are few. 

When we see the lost become saved, THAT is true Church growth.  Lord, help me to be a soulwinner!