Saturday, December 30, 2023

A New Year & Resolutions

 A New Year & Resolutions

As the New Year is approaching, many ponder as to what their New Year Resolution(s) will be:
- diet
- pay off a debt
- travel to (destination)
and the list goes on.

The definition of Resolution means:
* A firm decision to do or not do something
* The quality of being determined

While resolutions can be good, very rarely does anyone  make a Resolution to....
* draw closer to God
* Read their Bible not only daily but even more
* Pray more each and every day
* Fast more
* Go to Church more
* Invite more people to Church
* Tell more people about Jesus
* Win a soul to Jesus

☝️ THESE should be our top resolutions above all others.

Jesus is coming soon. 

We want to be ready for His coming, but we have to do our part to draw closer to Him.
If our mind and our time are filled with everything else with little or no time spent in God's Word and His Presence, we won't be ready when He returns.

We want others to be ready for His coming,  but we have to do our part to reach out and sow seeds of the Gospel. 
There is a law of harvest.  If I do not sow seeds into the ground, I will not reap the fruit from it in due season. If you don't sow seeds concerning the Word of God into hearts and minds,  you will not see the fruit of harvest.

Jesus gave the Great Commission: GO and TEACH.

Action is required on our part.
In order to teach effectively what the Word of God instructs you must study and learn what the Bible teaches.

Make the resolution (the quality of being determined) in this New Year to:
* draw closer to God
* Read your Bible not only daily but even more
* Pray more each and every day
* Fast more
* Go to Church more
* Invite more people to Church
* Tell more people about Jesus (sowing seed)
* Win a soul to Jesus (the harvest)

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


I once heard it said, "When you're dressing or sitting in a way to try to attract the attention of the cute boy across the aisle, you may also be attracting the attention of his perverted uncle or grandpa."

Modesty is not bad.

Modesty is not anti-women.

Modesty is a fence to guard and protect us. 

Modesty is Biblical....for women and for men.

Further study concerning what the Scriptures teach about modesty can be viewed here.....

Thursday, December 14, 2023

What you think on affects you...

 For as he thinketh in his heart, 

so is he....

  — Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)

What you think on affects and molds who you are and who you become. 

Are you thinking good thoughts?

Or are you thinking negative thoughts?

Human nature wants to think and dwell on the negative but the Bible instructs us to think on these things...

whatsoever things are TRUE, 

.....there's a difference between truth and perceived truth or opinions 

whatsoever things are HONEST, from deceit, honorable

whatsoever things are JUST, 

.....righteous, holy

whatsoever things are PURE, 

.....clean, without sin

whatsoever things are LOVELY, 

......friendly,  kind, pleasant 

whatsoever things are OF GOOD REPORT; 

.....good news that is shared with a good intent

if there be any VIRTUE, 

.....doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong

and if there be any PRAISE, 

.....the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something


  — Philippians 4:8 (KJV)

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

To Teach or Not To Teach?

The recurring common reason I'm hearing for not teaching holiness and separation from the world is to "wait until they ask". 

Do you wait until a baby or child asks before you instruct them not to bite, or hit, or steal, or pull hair, etc?

No, you work to teach and correct a bad behavior they're exhibiting.  

Do you wait until a baby asks before you teach it how to say words, how to walk, or what 'No!' means?

Do you wait before a child asks before you begin teaching it the ABCs, how to put letters together to make words, and how to write? 

Do you wait until a child asks before beginning to teach him or her reading,  writing,  arithmetic, history, geography, art, music, etc?

No,you begin trying to teach and instruct things you know they need to learn, increasing the knowledge and lessons needed as they grow and grasp what they've previously been taught. 

Did God wait for His people to ask before He gave them the 10 Commandments and extensive instructions in the Law concerning the governing and ordinances of right and wrong?

No, He gave them rules to follow, instructing and correcting bad behavior and the sin nature that are contrary to God's ways. 

God gave them instructions on how to dress, how to live, what was ok or not ok to eat, things that were an abomination to Him, what was right and what was wrong. 

Did Paul wait for the saints in the Churches to ask questions before sending letters of instruction on how to live as a Christian and the sins they needed to shun and avoid?

In a few instances yes, but for the most part, No.  Paul sent them letters instructing them how to live Godly in this present world. 

His letters included instructions for and women....concerning clothing,  hair, alcohol,  submission,  things that will send a person to hell, and the need for the Fruit of the Spirit besides just the Gifts of the Spirit. 

Paul in his letter to Timothy instructed him to.....

2 Timothy 4:2 - 

* Preach the word; 

* be instant in season, out of season; 

* reprove, ( means reprimand, tell a fault, admonish)

* rebuke, (means express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions.)

* exhort  (means to try to encourage or strongly urge someone to do something)

* with all longsuffering and doctrine.  (Use patience and the Word of God)

As for me, I will not wait until someone asks before teaching Biblical Truths that are contained within the Bible.  Because.... (2 Timothy 3)

[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable 

* for doctrine, 

* for reproof, 

* for correction, 

* for instruction in righteousness: 

[17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Our study compilations are available for free on YouTube....

Or if you prefer written, we have compiled the studies into a book and kept the price as low as possible....

First posted to fb Mar 7, 2022

Sunday, December 3, 2023

What Makes A Good Marriage?

Memory Post from fb Dec 3, 2013 concerning what makes a good marriage....

Someone asked the question on what makes a good marriage so I thought I'd share my thoughts on what made our marriage good with a love that has lasted beyond the grave....

A good marriage is not perfect, it will have it's ups and downs, and yes you will get angry with each other at times.

A good marriage is not giving up on each other and never letting the word 'divorce' proceed out of the mouth in the bad times.

A good marriage is one that endures because you love each other unconditionally, overlooking faults, or failures.

A good marriage realizes love is not a feeling but an action.

A good marriage endures through sickness and in health, in the good times and in the bad, loving and enduring even when it seems you've seen more of 'the poorer' than 'the richer' because you realize it is not money that makes you rich but the love you share so even if you don't have a lot of money, you are rich in what really, a true love, that has lasted far beyond the grave. A love that death could not kill. That is a good marriage and one I wouldn't trade for anything.

**Disclaimer, no offense intended for those who have been divorced. Some circumstances are beyond your control and I meant nothing negative toward anyone by my words. My reference is meant that when the going gets tough, the tough do not get going but stick together through it and grow stronger in their unity and love.