Friday, June 30, 2023

Should Christians Discuss....shhhhh.....the antichrist?

Many think we shouldn't be concerned or worry about who the antichrist is. But Paul wrote a letter explaining to the Thessalonians that the Day of Christ would not come UNTIL two things occurred.... (1) a great falling away AND (2) the man of sin, the son of perdition, will be revealed.

2 Thessalonians 2

1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, EXCEPT there come a falling away first, AND that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

According to this passage, we will know the Day of Christ is nearing once we see these two things happen.  

(1) we will see a great falling away

(2) We will know who the man of sin, son of perdition, is because he will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God. He will sit in the Temple of God, shewing himself as if he is God. 

Why would the Bible give us these warning signs of what to watch for and also give defining information of what the man of sin will be like in this and many other verses if we are just to ignore them? And not concern ourselves with what they're saying? They are written with detailed information for a reason.  It is not written for us to ignore them.

 2 Tim 3:16 - All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable...

Even the ones we may not like, don't want to hear, and don't think should be talked about.  

If it's in the Bible, it's in there for a good reason. And it needs to be talked about and taught on. 

Watch and pray

(First posted to fb 6-30-22)

Monday, June 26, 2023

You've Changed


You’ve Changed

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17


One day while outside, I saw a huge butterfly floating through the air.  The wings fluttered every few seconds helping to keep it on course as it seemed to glide effortlessly through the air.

That beautiful butterfly didn’t start out as a butterfly, nor did it have wings.  It had to go through a process of changes before it became the butterfly that we see flittering through the air. 

It had to go through a metamorphosis (meaning: a transformation or change).

That beautiful butterfly first started out as an egg which was laid on a plant by the adult female butterfly.

Over time, that egg eventually hatches as a caterpillar emerges to feast on the plants and leaves around it.  As the caterpillar grows, it will split and shed its skin at least 4-5 times.  Caterpillars can grow to approximately 100 times in size during this stage.

Once the caterpillar is fully grown, it stops eating and begins to spin a cocoon around itself as it suspends from a branch, hiding amongst the leaves for protection. 

There it will remain for anywhere from a few weeks, a month, or even longer….some have even remained in this stage for up to two years depending upon what kind of butterfly it will become.

On the outside to the onlooker, it looks like nothing is happening….it looks like its stuck in that form and position….but big changes are happening inside.

When the time is right, that caterpillar will shed its cocoon and slowly emerge as a beautiful butterfly, carefully fluttering its wings to dry them out until it can finally fly as it leaves the old life behind.

It is no longer bound to merely crawling on the ground – it now can soar to higher heights, seeing things from a different perspective and seeing sights it had never seen before.

Life is the same way – Life is all about change.

Seasons change……Times change…..Styles change.

We can see so much change even looking back at pictures from the past 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, and beyond.

I’m sure we all can look at places we used to live or once visited long ago and think how much it has changed.

The once familiar is now unfamiliar.

I went back to visit my home town after living away for several years.  Some things were still the same but much had changed to the point I no longer recognized certain areas. 

If I hadn’t been following gps, I would have ended up lost trying to get back to a place I once knew like the back of my hand.

Roads had been diverted, bypasses had been installed around cities I once used to drive through, buildings had been torn down or renovated. 

Change made it difficult for my mind to recognize where I was and where to go.



People change as well…

We can look back at someone’s baby picture and we may possibly see some resemblance to what they look like now, but we can see clearly that they have definitely changed.

Babies grow into toddlers.  Toddlers grow into preschoolers.

Then they grow and become school age and start to lose that ‘babyish’ look.

Soon they grow and become teenagers with attitude that makes us wish they were little once again so we could just put them in time-out or down for a nap.

Before we know it, they’ve grown into adults and are having children of their own and we think, “Where has the time gone???”

They no longer look like the sweet little baby you brought home from the hospital.

They no longer act like the sweet little child proudly bringing you a handful of dandelions that they think are the most beautiful flowers which you accept with a smile and hug as if they’d just brought you a dozen roses.

Eventually time catches up with us all as we begin to see wrinkles develop and a grey hair appears, then another and another, until finally our head is snowy white.

We still feel like we’re the same young person we were when we turned 20 but the aches and pains let us know we’re not that same young person.

Each day we’re getting older and older. 

Change doesn’t just happen on the outside – it also happens on the inside

We may not be changing so much in looks as adults, but life’s trials have a way of changing who we once were inside.

We start out as young adults thinking we’re going to conquer the world! But situations and storms in life will change a person...sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.


It is our choice whether to remain a victim or rise to become a victor!

We can’t do it on our own – only Jesus can transform us into what we are supposed to be in Christ.

People who are addicted to alcohol, nicotine, or drugs cannot overcome the cravings and desires for the old sinful habits on their own.   Only the power of the Holy Ghost can truly deliver and set a person free from who they used to be.....through the new birth experience.

Once we’ve repented of our sins, been baptized in Jesus name, and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues – we do not instantly become perfected, but we have begun living a new life.

Paul taught in 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.

It’s not, “Aha! I’ve arrived!” and we’ll never struggle in this flesh again, but it’s the beginning of the process of changing and transforming into His image. 

It’s the beginning of learning to walk in Jesus’ footsteps – to walk like Jesus; to talk like Jesus; to become like Jesus - just as a baby who is first learning to walk, and talk, growing little by little into maturity.

That Scripture also says “old things are passed away.”

When we become a new creature in Christ, we won’t do the same sinful things that we used to do.

And they that are Christ’s
have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Galatians 5:24

This flesh/the old carnal man of sin wants to do sinful things but as a new creature in Christ, we have to crucify and deny the flesh of those old sinful habits, affections, and lusts.   


That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man,
which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts.
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
And that ye put on the new man,
which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Ephesians 4:22-24

The old man wants to lie and deceive. But the new man grows in spiritual maturity to understand that even a ‘little white lie’ is still a lie and a sin in the eyes of God.  (Eph 4:25)

The old man wants to steal out of covetousness and greed.  But as the new man grows in spiritual maturity, he/she comes to realize stealing is a sin that will keep us out of Heaven.  And that if we want something, we must work for it so that we not only provide for ourself and our family but also that we’re also able to give to someone else who is truly in need. (Eph 4:28)

The old man wants to gossip and backbite, cuss or lash out with harsh words in anger, but the new creature in Christ learns that this grieves the Holy Spirit of God.  The new creature learns to bridle the tongue and speak only what pleases God realizing that one day we’ll have to answer to God for every word spoken. (Eph 4:29-32 + Col. 3:8-9 + Matthew 12:36)  

The old man would have unclean thoughts and feelings.  The old man would sit and listen to or watch things they shouldn’t.  The old man would do things that are contrary (opposite) to the ways of God. But a true born again Christian feels the uncleanness of that type of talking and living and the spirit behind them.  The new man recognizes those things will keep them out of heaven. (Eph 5:3-5 + 1 Cor 10:8)

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;
adultery, fornication,
uncleanness (physical or moral impurity),
lasciviousness (intense or uncontrolled lust),
idolatry (anything that comes first before God),
witchcraft (movies/cartoons containing it, horoscopes, fortune telling, etc)
hatred, variance (strife/quarreling),
emulations (jealousy/malice),
wrath (fierce anger), strife,
seditions (divisions), heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness,
revellings (rioting), and such like:
of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past,
 that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21

The above mentioned actions are the ways of the old carnal man that will keep us from making heaven our home.  These are the things we need to ‘put off’, in other words = stop doing.

To be carnally minded is death;
but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Because the carnal mind is enmity (hostility/opposition) against God….
Romans 8:5-7

When a person becomes a new creature in Christ, family and friends may scoff and mock, not understanding the change in you.

1 Peter 4:3-4
For the time past of our life may suffice us to have
wrought the will of the Gentiles,
when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries;
excess of riot (meaning: unsavedness G810), speaking evil of you.

They think it strange that you’re no longer doing all the sinful ungodly things that you did before coming to Christ.  Some will speak evil of you because you don’t. 

Some may even feel convicted about the things they’re still doing but don’t want to give up so they’ll apply pressure to the new young Christian, telling them that change is not necessary.

But keep standing for it is God, not man, that we will one day have to stand before and give account to.  And it will be a witness to them as they see your Christian life and conduct.

Life is about change.   The new birth is about change.


The altar is ‘come as you are’ but heaven is not.

We find this evidenced in the parable in Matthew 22 about the man invited to the wedding of the King, yet he would not change and wear the wedding garment required to enter.  The King had opened the invitation to whosoever will – Come!  But there had to be a change out of their old filthy garments into the new clean ones provided – they had to make that change. 

This man refused to change. He thought he could come as he was and stay as he was.  This angered the King.  Those who came would receive the benefits of the feast and the King’s table.   But the requirement was CHANGE.  This man refused.  He wanted to live his own way and do things his own way.  The King ordered the man to be bound hand and foot and cast into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Some may think that sounds harsh but Jesus paid the ultimate and supreme price to purchase us – we are bought with a price, therefore, we are to glorify God in our BODY AND IN OUR SPIRIT.   (1 Cor 6:20)

What the King asks of us in return pales in comparison to the price He paid so that we may feast at His table.   But we must make the choice to CHANGE to be more like Him.

The altar (repentance) is where we crucify the old man and die out to the old carnal sinful ways.

Baptism is where we bury the old man of sin. (Romans 6:3-6 + Col 2:12)

So that with the help of the Holy Ghost we can walk in the newness of life. (Rom. 6:4 + 8:10)

The new birth is about becoming a NEW CREATURE in Christ.

The new birth is about old things passing away and all things becoming new.

So the next time someone looks at you and says, “you’ve changed.” Smile at them and respond, “Thank you! Yes, I have.  We’re supposed to.”

My will or Thy will

The greatest struggle a person may have is submitting 'their will' to 'His will.'

Many messes have been created following 'my will ' rather than 'Thy will.'

It's easy to say but harder to do.

However, God's ways are always best.

Lord, THY will be done, NOT mine.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Be Thou An Example of the Believers

 1 Timothy 4 (KJV)


¹² Let no man despise thy youth; but 


in word = what you say

in conversation = how you behave 

in charity = love toward others

in spirit = mental disposition, what you think on

in faith = what you believe and stand for 

in purity = cleanliness inside, pure heart

¹³ Till I come, give attendance (apply oneself) : 

to reading = read you Bible  DAILY

to exhortation = emphatically encourage others to live for God

to doctrine = holding to and teaching the ways of God

Monday, June 19, 2023

The Social Media Trap - Kids and the Internet


We live in an entertainment addicted world! 

The entertainment used to be found through television shows, then movies once they came along.  At first it appeared to be wholesome and innocent with shows teaching values such as Leave It To Beaver, Little House On The Prairie, and The Andy Griffith Show.

Preachers who used to strongly warn and preach against having a tv were ridiculed and ignored because what could be wrong with I Love Lucy?  Yet, look where the tv shows, movies, and now social media has digressed to today. 

Perhaps it was the Holy Ghost moving on those Holy Men of Old, warning against the dangers of where that ‘one eyed devil’ (as they used to call it) would spiral down to – from wholesome, value-filled shows to blatant lewdness and debauchery desensitizing the hearts and minds of the masses.

The Bible warns to ‘set no wicked thing before our eyes’ (Psalm 101:3) yet things that Christians used to blush about and turn their eyes away from are now watched on tv, movies, or social media platforms without flinching.  Sometimes, those things (sins) are even laughed at or condoned. 

The devil will make sin look pretty and justified.

Look at Disney and other cartoon makers.  Even when I was a child, Disney was not an innocent cute cartoon producer.  We think it was, but observe how much witchcraft, wizardry, and sorcery was promoted through their movies.  Then along came Bewitched and Harry Potter.  All these shows make witches, wizards, and warlocks (everything the Bible warns against) look innocent and good.  Yet, they are the complete opposite.

And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:14

The devil is a master of deceit making evil look like it’s good and good look like it’s evil. 

Guard your heart and guard your eyes! 



Too much screen time damages the brain and its proper development.

Parents used to have more control over screen time because television shut off at midnight and would not come back on again until 6 am.  More time was spent outside playing or reading a book. If they wanted to watch a cartoon or show, they had to come home to watch it.  There were only certain times through the day that ‘children’s shows’ were actually on for them to watch.   

But now, many children have a screen in their hand most of the day and night, unfortunately with unrestricted access to whatever they choose to set before their eyes.  (They need restricted access with parental controls for their protection)

Sadly, we, the adults, have started that road to their electronic addiction.  They get fussy as babies, what is the first thing many adults do?   Pull up a video and set it before them to watch to ‘keep them entertained.’

I have seen babies throw a fit when an adult won’t let them have their phone.  Rather than distracting the baby with something else or teaching them the value of rules and that no means no, we cater to them and give them the phone back.  Then we wonder why children do not think no means no and tantrums become more forceful as they grow older.


I’ve seen it bind both adults and children.  Screen time is a digital drug.

Technology is hyper-arousing and raises dopamine levels (the feel-good neurotransmitter most involved in the addiction dynamic) as much as drugs and other addictions.

Too much screen time damages the brain.

A study by John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital found that children (or adults) who are addicted to electronics will exhibit these signs:

·        Loss of control over behavior related to the cell phone or games

·        Changes in mood related to use

·        Tolerance of the device

·        Inability to regulate the use of the device (in other words: it controls them rather than they control it.)

·        This can also result in symptoms of withdrawal when the cell phone isn’t there, including anger or irritability, difficulty concentrating, repeated focus on not having the device, restlessness, sleep problems and craving of the device to the point that it interferes with the ability to complete things like schoolwork or daily living activities.

I’ll add this: if a child or adult has a melt down over not having access to their phone or other electronic device, they have an addiction problem that needs to be broken – for their good and their future.

Electronic addiction can negatively affect relationships with the people around us….

When we’re around other people yet we keep looking at our phone or game device, we are telling them that something else is more important than they are.  We are essentially rejecting the person or group of people we are with.  This can cause a strain on a relationship/a friendship which will eventually lead to a loss of it.

I have been at gatherings in a home where everyone sat and watched the tv, a tablet, or phone screen.  Hardly anyone was interacting or talking to each other.  We need to change this as a society – and it will need to start with each of us individually.  

There will always be something new to watch, see, or listen to because of all the social media apps available.

Learn to shut it off (self-control which is a fruit of the Spirit) and be present with those you are present with.



There are many dangers with all these social media apps that are now available.   The adults know a few.  These kids know of many more that we’re not even aware exist.

Reading a book or play time allows a child to develop their imagination.  While tablets, social media, smart phones, video games do all the thinking for the child as the videos and games present the pictures for them.  It is found that it causes children to become lazy.

Social media can affect self-esteem and lead to depression, bullying, and even suicide.

The goal of many when they post something is to see how many “likes,”  words of affirmation, or “followers” they can get.  When that is not achieved, it can lead to depression or anxiety as the person comes up with another video or another picture to post in hopes that more will ‘like’ it this time.  

I’ve seen people so desperate to get the likes that they’ll reshare their own post after a span of time.  Or they’ll post more and more selfie pictures or videos to get attention.

The Surgeon General has warned that regular social media use can dangerously alter kid’s brain development.

The more time a person (adult or child) spends on social media, the more likely they are to develop:

·        Feelings of inadequacy about your life or appearance = this comes through comparing their life to the life of others through social media

·        Fear of missing out = social media addiction

·        Isolation = a person does not know how to interact outside of a screen

·        Depression and anxiety

·        Cyberbullying

·        Self-absorption = thinking only about self and what self wants

·        Distracted easily and mind is constantly drawn to the social media site

·        Disrupted sleep – lack of adequate restorative sleep

·        Exposing self or becoming the aggressor of: bullying or rumor spreading

·        Develop unrealistic view of other people’s lives (people try to present and post only the pretty perfect pictures and videos which are not the norm for them or their family.  And filters provide a fake appearance rather than what is truly reality)

·        Influenced by Peer pressure

·        It limits their direct contact with peers

·        Can lead to decreased attention spans

·        Sensory overload

·        Hyper-aroused nervous system

·        Causes them to be impulsive and moody

It can also subject a child or adult to:

·        Identity theft

·        Invasion of privacy

·        You or your child seeing offensive images and messages

·        The presence of strangers pretending to be a kid/teen who may be there to ‘groom’ your child

·        The exposure to uploaded videos by other kids or teens teaching and indoctrinating your children with thoughts and views that are contrary (opposite) to God’s Word and ways.

While these social media platforms can provide a place for your kids or teens to express themselves, it can also be a place where false messages and false beliefs can be easily and rapidly spread, received, and believed as truth.

The devil does not come as a red-horned creature with a pitchfork.  He comes through the posters on these social media platforms appearing to be a messenger of enlightenment to spread his doctrines of devils.


Tik Tok

·        There are frequent ‘Tik tok challenges’ popping up and enticing, even pressuring these kids to perform dangerous or ungodly actions to get likes and followers or shares or whatever else.  Children have died from attempting some of these challenges.

·        It is a popular place to post and find videos promoting and teaching (by other kids/teens) things that are ungodly.

·        Personal data, browsing history, location, and biometric identifiers could be shared with China’s authoritarian government. (and the reason why our own government has forbid its use by government employees)

·        The ‘dances’ and ‘dance moves’ learned from there are NOT godly

·        Inappropriate content <– I can’t stress this enough!!!



·        Very popular and most kids use it

·        Supposedly has fun filters  

·        Automatically hides information from parents

·        Has a secret pass-coded picture vault where kids can hide and lock away from parent’s view when they search their phone. (Kids, if you have this, I’m ratting you out –> for your good and your protection)

·        Parents do not have the ability to check for content coming in or going out

·        LOTS of INAPPROPRIATE behaviors posted on snapchat which desensitize kids and expose them to things they should not see

·        Parents can not monitor or filter information being seen

·        Broadcasts your child’s location within 10 feet

·        Most predators highly recommend snapchat to kids they’re chatting with

·        Snapchat is more addicting to teens/kids than parents can comprehend. (I’d say this is the same for tiktok)  Officer Gomez has seen kids lie, cheat, steal, trade things they shouldn’t just to spend a few minutes on snapchat (ADDICTION).  It changes who a child/teen once was into someone dark and rebellious.

Some may argue there are some good things on these platforms. However, as one parent said: the RISKS OUTWEIGH THE BENEFITS!  You can never take back what your child sees or hears or is exposed to on these sights. 

The minimum age requirement for these sites is 13 – yet many many children are on these sites at a much younger age. 
They lack the maturity to be able to handle social media properly – even at 13.



·        Kids, youth and adults can be exposed to bad things on any social media platform.   Search will pop up things these kids should not see. 

·        Instagram is mainly used to post pictures.  What pictures are they posting? Pictures of themself? Exposing them to predators?

·        Conversations, pictures and accounts can easily be hidden from parents.

·        Accounts can be set to private to hide what is posted

·        Fake accounts are created to harass and bully others

·        Amongst other things – the site is not being used for the good by many

·        Just because someone ‘follows’ you, does not mean that is good.  I’ve had to block ‘followers’ because I could tell they were not good accounts nor were they following for the right reasons. 



·        Very addictive for kids and men

·        A police officer has been to several 911 calls because a kid had a melt down when they had to stop playing the game. 

·        What it is: a survival game where players fight against each other.  The goal is to combat the other players and be the last one standing.  (This teaches them to only think of themselves, not others; it teaches violence against others.  Both of which are contrary of how God’s Word teaches us to be: compassionate, thinking of others, etc)


YouTube & YouTube Kids

·        There’s inappropriate content all over the site

·        May contain violence or disturbing content in some videos

·        It may impede development

·        It can cause meltdowns

·        It can be addictive

·        May promote unsafe behavior

·        Your child is targeted by ads, ads, and more ads

·        It can affect sleep

·        Comments can be problematic

·        They have detected severe self-harm and bullying situations




·        Unfortunately, this app is not safe for kids either.

·        My children were bullied through fb.

·        Inappropriate messages were sent to at least one of them by someone I knew yet I was not aware of it happening until my child revealed it as an adult.

·        Spam accounts can find a page from just a seemingly innocent shared post.  Suddenly, you see a stranger ‘liking’ some of your old posts.  Kids are not able to fully understand the dangers.

·        Senator Ed Markey (D) said this concerning fb and kids: “Facebook is like Big Tobacco, pushing a product that they know is harmful.” He also called its photo-sharing site “Insta-greed.”

Don’t think it won’t happen to your young’un’s.   The child you least expect it to happen to could be the one it happens most to….the addiction, the hiding of videos and pics, the watching of inappropriate content, the stalking by a predator. 

Kids: ‘Bee obedient’ to your parent/guardian. 

Don’t argue or fight them if they restrict screen time, delete and block certain apps, or check your phone regularly. They are doing what they’re supposed to be doing – protecting you. 

There are dangers you are too young to understand….until it’s too late.

If Jesus wouldn’t approve of a video you are watching – do NOT watch it

If Jesus wouldn’t approve of you recording a video of yourself doing something – do NOT record it

If Jesus wouldn’t approve of how you’re dressed for a picture you are going to post – do NOT take the picture

If you feel the need to hide it then you know you are doing wrong – don’t do it

Remember, even if your parent or grandparent or teacher does not see, Jesus still sees and He is the One we will all have to stand before and answer to one day.  Therefore, do what is right and guard your heart, your eyes, your ears and your mind from the dangers on the internet.

Parents/Grandparents: it is up to you to protect your children. 

You can do this by:

·        Setting up boundaries and screen time limits.

·        Install parental control apps (I’ve heard BARK is good?)

·        Enforce rules and issue restrictions when lines are crossed and rules are broken. 

·        Don’t give in when they cry and try to negotiate to keep their phones, etc.  They NEED to detox from it more then they or even you realize.

·        Parents have posted positive turn arounds after they were able to detox their children from their screen addictions – but it takes time, endurance, and patience.

·        Pray protection over their hearts and minds


The devil is after your children, your grandchildren. You are the umbrella to protect them from his attacks and tactics through prayer and God’s help.