Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Whoso curseth father or mother

Have you cursed your parents without realizing?

Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.  Prov 20:20

That word "curseth" means: to despise, bring into contempt (meaning strongly disapprove of them), willfully disobey or disrespect.  (H7043)

Sometimes these feelings develop because the child is strong-willed.

Sometimes these feelings develop because the parent is unloving and abusive.

Yet I've even seen some of the best and loving parents cursed and despised by their child because an unclean spirit has taken hold of them.

Parents: as hurtful as it is, recognize the spirit behind their attacks, continue to love them and pray for them. 

Children (even if now an adult): it's hard to show honor to a parent who is spiteful,  hateful,  abusive, and unloving yet the Bible warns not to despise them. 

Seems a little unfair, right? Especially when you may have been severely traumatized by that parent.  God sees and keeps record.  Seeking to forgive and having a right heart is for your sake, not theirs - it frees you! 

Bitterness, anger, and hate puts YOU in bondage. It eats at you and destroys your joy, your peace, your happiness and can even destroy relationships. 

Seek to forgive. It's hard. The painful memories resurface as you wonder why they treated you like they did? How could they do that? It's not right! You didn't deserve it! Although oft times the victim is told they did. 

Seek to forgive - as hard as it is. Forgiveness does not mean putting yourself back in harm's way. It does not condone or justify wrong actions or words. But it frees you from bitterness destroying your heart and soul. 

Jesus forgave those crucifying Him. Oh, to be like Jesus.  

Don't let your lamp be put out into obscure darkness over your reaction to someone else's actions.  💔

And parent: if you have treated your child spitefully,  hatefully, and been abusive through actions or words, ask God tocreate in you a clean heart, repent, and seek reconciliation with the child you were supposed to protect and nurture. 

Time is winding down fast. 

Faster than many realize.  

NOTHING is worth being lost for eternity over. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The God of Miracles

Testimony time....

Several years ago around mid November (i think?), my daughter, Tabitha, was having a lot of health issues. We had been to the doctor several times and could not figure out what was going on. Then, the doctor decided to run another test.

My kids left for a youth retreat so I was home alone. I ran to the store to pick up some things when I received the sobering call from the doctor.... "I'm so sorry to have to tell you (pause) your daughter tested positive for Lupus." My heart sunk and I fought hard to hold back the tears until I could leave the store. We had already had one family member die from this dreaded disease. And it hadn't been long before that we had lost the children's Dad.  My heart couldn't handle this news. 

I called several people and several joined me in fasting and praying over the weekend. Those that did = THANK YOU! 

On monday, I called the doctor back because I wanted to discuss the results more fully. She responded, "I'm sorry I had not called you back sooner.  I had them re-run the test and the second came back negative.  Tabitha does NOT have Lupus." 


I've held onto the memory of that miracle for these 10+ years. 

Monday,  as I was getting blood drawn, I asked the young lady for her expertise.  I asked her if when blood is drawn if it can show one result one day then a different result a few days later?  She said yes because the longer the blood sits, the more things can grow and develop in it. 

I asked, "but can it show positive for Lupus one day then a few days later show negative?"

She said "no.  It wasn't the blood."

I asked her what she meant.

She said, "it wasn't the blood.  It was the prayer and fasting that changed it." 

I've known and believed it was these many years, but my heart rejoiced again to hear it medically confirmed.  

Our God is still the Healer and Miracle Worker! ❤️


Another testimony....

Many years ago when Tasha was little and just learning to skate on trainers: we told her to stay on the grass so she decided to cross the sidewalk to get to the grass on the other side.  

As she crossed it, her feet went out from under her and she went down with her arm straight, trying to catch herself.  The impact pushed the upper bone from her arm out of place and was jutting out over the elbow.  It didn't break through the skin but was evidently protruding.  

She immediately screamed out in pain. I ran over to her and immediately put my hand over that bone and hollered the name "Jesus!"  A friend came over and said as she saw it, "oh, Deonna, her arm is broken."

My mom was visiting and helped get the kids in the car and take us to the ER. On the way, God did a miracle.  By the time we arrived, seen the doctor and heard the results of the X-ray,  God had worked a miracle and set that bone back in place!!!  The doctor could not even tell if there was possibly a hairline fracture. 🙌

I know what I saw and felt that day as I laid my hands on that bone calling on the name of Jesus. It was witnessed by a friend. 

Until God stepped in!

The God we serve is a God of miracles!

 It's easy to see someone else in the message...

"I can't believe they did that?"

"Sis or Bro ______ needed to hear THAT!"

"I'm glad I'm not like that!"

And so on as the Pharisee did in Luke 18. 

But oh how much greater and wiser it is to examine our own hearts, asking God to turn the search light on, revealing any sin while humbly and sincerely repenting before God as the Publican did. 

Psalms 51:17

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Isaiah 57:15

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Monday, November 28, 2022

What are you getting closer to?

The closer a person gets to God

The less of this world they want. 

And sadly I've seen the opposite:

The closer a person gets to the world

The less of God they want.

What are you getting closer to?

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Only the Strong Will Survive

"Only the string will survive what is coming on the earth."

These are the words a lady said the Lord spoke to her.  

PRAY more, FAST more, READ your BIBLE more than ever before. And pray that God will help you to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. It will only come by drawing closer and closer to Him. And cleansing hearts and homes of everything that is displeasing to God.

Friday, November 25, 2022

The downward spiral

The downward spiral....

Excusing, condoning, DEFENDing, or congratulating sinfulness.  And it's happening more and more within the Churches. These things ought not to be.

Paul rebuked a Church for condoning, excusing and sounds like they were even congratulating a couple's sinfulness.   The entire chapter of 1 Cor 5 addresses many things that were being allowed or overlooked within the Church. 

He said their glorying (rejoicing) is not good.  Instead of rejoicing,  they should be delivering them over to satan for the destruction of the flesh in hopes that it would bring repentance and their spirits be saved. (Vs 5-6)

A little bit of sin contaminates the whole.

Sin that is condoned, defended, applauded, and excused concerning one or more persons will spread like leaven or a cancer until it infects the whole Church.  Others will begin to think it's ok and follow suite as that ungodly spirit spreads enticing one after another to sin. I've watched it happen until spiritual authority was taken over it, sinfulness was no longer condoned, and those unclean spirits were cast out. 

Paul said PURGE OUT (cleanse thoroughly) that leaven (that sin) so the Whole can be clean. 

We are deceived if we think God will allow those who do unrighteous deeds to enter Heaven.  Be not deceived! (1 Cor 6:9-10)

We are to love them, but if God is not pleased or okay with something, then we are not wise nor helping anyone spiritually when we excuse, condone, defend, or congratulate any sin. 

The most loving thing we can do is warn a person away from sin. 

 Posted to fb 11-25-2020

I was not aware my husband posted this, nor was he aware of what I dreamed until after I began telling him my dream...he stopped me and read to me his post, and it lined up with my dream. 

I dreamed there were many people crowded up in a very large room with camp style bunk beds  all over. 

People were getting v ax ed ...I tried to warn them not to but they had already taken it.  They said they felt they had to because if they became sick they could pass it to someone else who may not survive.  

The room was dim as many who had just received it sat huddled together on the floor. Then a guard came to a door and said to everyone through the closed door for them to hold up the area where they had received the shot.  They did. To the naked eye nothing could be seen. But then he shined a light through the glass and on that area could be seen the words "Property of the government." 

The guard moved on and I sat in shock and sorrow that people would not listen.  There was a little more to the dream ( trying to save a family member from taking it) before I woke.

Very odd if this is coincidental. Not saying this upcoming  v ax is for sure the Mark (although it contains m R N A .....research what that is) but I can see how easily people will be deceived and convinced into taking the Mark. 

Jesus, help us. 🙏💔

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy THANKSgiving

The world tries its hardest to remove Jesus from every holiday.  They haven't been able to commercialize this particular holiday other than the sale of an abundance of food. So, they try to remove the one word that directs our attention to God.... the word "Thanks".... and replace it with other words.  

This is not "Turkey" day (although many will be eating plenty of it.  It is not "Friends"giving. Or whatever other word they try to replace it with. It is THANKSgiving.

While we are thankful for our friends, family, and so much more, remember to direct that thankfulness upward and take time to say, "Thank You Jesus for your many blessings on me." It is because of Him that we live, and move, and have our being.  We are abundantly blessed because of our loving Savior.

We're unworthy Lord but you have blessed us anyway. Thank You Jesus! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Two intruders last night

I debated posting this but thought I should let others in our area know just in case it happens to them too...

We ran off two intruders in the middle of the night!

I woke during the middle of the night hearing dogs bark. Earlier that morning I had ran a group of dogs out of the horse pasture that were barking near the horses. So I thought they may be back? Those dogs had barked all night a few nights prior and kept me awake all night so I was not going to endure that again.

I grabbed a flashlight, opened the door, and shone the light into the horse pasture trying to see if something is there. I didn't see anything and realized the dog that was barking was my husband's dog.  She stopped so I went back inside and locked the door. But then I began to realize that sounded like a pretty serious bark - like she was disturbed about something. So I looked out the window to see if I could see anyone or anything in the yard. I didn't so I proceeded back to bed.

As I was getting ready to crawl back in my warm bed, I heard someone messing with our door handle....the very door i had just come back in. I froze and thought maybe I was imagining it so I stood there listening. Then I heard it again. And again. And again.

By this time I was shaking because I had just been outside. I woke my husband up and told him someone is trying to get in our house. We both grabbed weapons and quickly rushed toward the front door. I didn't hear anything at the door anymore so I turned on the porch light and peaked out the curtain. I didn't see anything so I went back over to where my husband was. Suddenly, we heard it again.... someone was messing with the doorknob.

I was shaking but quickly rushed over to the door and peeked out the curtain.  Standing there on our front porch were TWO BIG black dogs. 

What a relief! But annoyance!

I yelled at them to "get" but they just wagged their tail. They must have been cold and wanting inside somewhere,  anywhere.   We finally ran them off (they must belong to someone because they had collars and looked well kept). 

So if anyone else hears someone rattling their door handle in the middle of the night, it may be those dogs trying to break in and not a person. 🥴🐕 

True story 🤷‍♀️😂

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Caution in excusing and accusing others

A man, who was hurting and deeply wounded inside after his wife treacherously departed, was looked down on and told, "something drove her away." 

Would that same statement be made to a woman whose husband treacherously departs? Would it not be considered harsh and condemned as being judgmental? 

It is not "different" and the same care, concern, and compassion should be extended whether man or woman. 

Yes, something drove that person away = SIN!

But every man (person) is tempted, 

when he/she is drawn away of their own LUST, 

and enticed.

Then when lust hath conceived, 

it bringeth forth sin: 

and sin, when it is finished, 

bringeth forth death.

Do not err, my beloved brethren.

James 1:14-16

I do not post this to defend or condemn.  

We need to get back to judging with righteous judgment and not man's. Trying and weighing a matter out in the Spirit and not our own thoughts and surmisings. 

...their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another. Romans 2:15

We need to exercise great caution when excusing one while accusing another lest we excuse the guilty while condemning the innocent.  

Put it in God's hands and let Him sort it out. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, 

and going about to establish their own righteousness, 

have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Romans 10:3

...their thoughts the mean while 


or else excusing 

one another.

Rom 2:15

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man,

but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Prov 16:25

What people say is ok or not ok....what people allow or not necessarily in agreement to what God says is ok or not ok, what God allows or condemns.   We must align ourselves with God's Word and God's ways above all.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Pastors are not the same as everyone else

I was dozing when I was awoke out of my sleep with God dropping this in my mind strongly....

There is a belief growing and spreading that the Pastor is no better and no different than the rest of the congregation. 

Pastors used to sit on the platform facing the congregation, but that seat has been removed in many churches. They've elevated the singers and musicians,  setting them center stage (platform) while many pastors have stepped down to take a seat on the front row facing the platform with their back to the congregation. 


The watchman on the wall is elevated at a higher point than the rest of the people so they can watch and sound the alarm if they see danger approaching.  That's why they're on the wall!  They cannot see as clear or as far if they are at the same viewpoint as everyone on ground level. 

Pastors cannot see the wolves in sheep's clothing sneaking in the back door or realize one of the "sheep" are struggling during service if his back is to everyone and everything.  

A shepherd is not the same as the sheep.   

The shepherd is not grazing with the flock. 

He is  OVERSEEING the flock. 

It is the shepherd that is feeding the flock with God's Word as He leads. 

It is the shepherd that is watching for any danger that may be near and fighting off the wolves through prayer, and fasting.  

It is the shepherd that is counseling and warning the sheep against danger. 

The shepherd keeps his eyes on the sheep, is  aware if a sheep is missing, and goes after them. 

No, the Shepherd, the Pastor,  is the not the same as everyone else.

The Pastor is the one who will have your blood on his hands if he does not warn you against sin and tell you what God's Word says.

Ezekiel 33 + Ecclesiastes 12:9-12

No, the Shepherd, the Pastor,  is the not the same as everyone else.  Don't listen to the devil's deception.  

Your Pastor is the watchman for your soul.

Friday, November 4, 2022

SEARCH the Scriptures with READINESS of Mind

John 5:39

SEARCH the Scriptures; 

for in them ye THINK ye have eternal life: 

and they are they which testify of me.

Acts 17:11

...they received the word 

with all readiness of mind, 

and SEARCHED the Scriptures DAILY, 

whether those things were so.

Matthew 7:7-8

...SEEK and ye shall find

....he that seeketh findeth....

Are you SEARCHING the scriptures daily?

SEARCH means "try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly."

Are you SEEKING to know what God's word truly says?

SEEK means "to go in search or quest of"

When you SEEK with all READINESS of mind you shall find.

READINESS means "willingness to do something."

Are you willing to obey and do whatever Jesus commanded in His word?

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Fb memory from Nov 1, 2012

Fb memory from Nov 1, 2012

Just saved Tabitha's purse from being stolen at Walmart.  A lady walked up and stood right beside her cart where her purse was...the whole isle was empty but she chose to stand right there so I kept an eye on her.  Tabitha moved her cart forward a little then turned back to look at the candy, and I noticed the lady moved forward and stood in front of her purse again eying it.   Next thing I see is her picking it up and shoving it under the stuff in her hand.  

I immediately stood in front of her and made her give it back...she tried to say it was hers but I was mad and started hollering for security so she quickly handed it back then walked away saying I was crazy and she didn't know what I was talking about.  I followed her through the store hollering for security (I know I looked like a crazy woman but I was NOT going to let her get away).  Finally 3 workers came to see what the commotion was but said they couldn't do anything since she did not have my daughter's purse in her possession and she was still denying it.  

Later, as we were leaving, one of the cashiers asked if we got the purse back.  I explained more about what happened and it is suspected she did get away with stealing someone else's wallet (which I saw in her hand but she insisted was hers to security).  All of "her" cards were declined, the "pins" were incorrect, and her ID did not match up when she tried to write a check....then after she left, another lady came to the front saying her wallet was missing.   

So frustrating because she was right there, they had her but could not hold her because of the laws.  :0(

1 Peter 4:3-4

1 Peter 4:3-4 KJV

For the time past of our life may suffice us 

to have wrought the will of the Gentiles 

(referring to their pagan and ungodly ways)

when we walked in.....

lasciviousness = driven by lustful behavior 

lusts = longing for what's forbidden 

excess of wine = drunkenness

revellings = carousal, letting loose

banquetings = drinking bout, carousal

(Carousal means the activity of drinking alcohol and enjoying oneself with others in a noisy, lively way)

and abominable idolatries = ungodly idol worship, worshipping the will and desires of the flesh




speaking evil of you.