Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Fb memory from Nov 1, 2012

Fb memory from Nov 1, 2012

Just saved Tabitha's purse from being stolen at Walmart.  A lady walked up and stood right beside her cart where her purse was...the whole isle was empty but she chose to stand right there so I kept an eye on her.  Tabitha moved her cart forward a little then turned back to look at the candy, and I noticed the lady moved forward and stood in front of her purse again eying it.   Next thing I see is her picking it up and shoving it under the stuff in her hand.  

I immediately stood in front of her and made her give it back...she tried to say it was hers but I was mad and started hollering for security so she quickly handed it back then walked away saying I was crazy and she didn't know what I was talking about.  I followed her through the store hollering for security (I know I looked like a crazy woman but I was NOT going to let her get away).  Finally 3 workers came to see what the commotion was but said they couldn't do anything since she did not have my daughter's purse in her possession and she was still denying it.  

Later, as we were leaving, one of the cashiers asked if we got the purse back.  I explained more about what happened and it is suspected she did get away with stealing someone else's wallet (which I saw in her hand but she insisted was hers to security).  All of "her" cards were declined, the "pins" were incorrect, and her ID did not match up when she tried to write a check....then after she left, another lady came to the front saying her wallet was missing.   

So frustrating because she was right there, they had her but could not hold her because of the laws.  :0(

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