Testimony time....
Several years ago around mid November (i think?), my daughter, Tabitha, was having a lot of health issues. We had been to the doctor several times and could not figure out what was going on. Then, the doctor decided to run another test.
My kids left for a youth retreat so I was home alone. I ran to the store to pick up some things when I received the sobering call from the doctor.... "I'm so sorry to have to tell you (pause) your daughter tested positive for Lupus." My heart sunk and I fought hard to hold back the tears until I could leave the store. We had already had one family member die from this dreaded disease. And it hadn't been long before that we had lost the children's Dad. My heart couldn't handle this news.
I called several people and several joined me in fasting and praying over the weekend. Those that did = THANK YOU!
On monday, I called the doctor back because I wanted to discuss the results more fully. She responded, "I'm sorry I had not called you back sooner. I had them re-run the test and the second came back negative. Tabitha does NOT have Lupus."
I've held onto the memory of that miracle for these 10+ years.
Monday, as I was getting blood drawn, I asked the young lady for her expertise. I asked her if when blood is drawn if it can show one result one day then a different result a few days later? She said yes because the longer the blood sits, the more things can grow and develop in it.
I asked, "but can it show positive for Lupus one day then a few days later show negative?"
She said "no. It wasn't the blood."
I asked her what she meant.
She said, "it wasn't the blood. It was the prayer and fasting that changed it."
I've known and believed it was these many years, but my heart rejoiced again to hear it medically confirmed.
Our God is still the Healer and Miracle Worker! ❤️
Another testimony....
Many years ago when Tasha was little and just learning to skate on trainers: we told her to stay on the grass so she decided to cross the sidewalk to get to the grass on the other side.
As she crossed it, her feet went out from under her and she went down with her arm straight, trying to catch herself. The impact pushed the upper bone from her arm out of place and was jutting out over the elbow. It didn't break through the skin but was evidently protruding.
She immediately screamed out in pain. I ran over to her and immediately put my hand over that bone and hollered the name "Jesus!" A friend came over and said as she saw it, "oh, Deonna, her arm is broken."
My mom was visiting and helped get the kids in the car and take us to the ER. On the way, God did a miracle. By the time we arrived, seen the doctor and heard the results of the X-ray, God had worked a miracle and set that bone back in place!!! The doctor could not even tell if there was possibly a hairline fracture. 🙌
I know what I saw and felt that day as I laid my hands on that bone calling on the name of Jesus. It was witnessed by a friend.
Until God stepped in!
The God we serve is a God of miracles!
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