Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Prov 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

There is no name that is greater than the name of Jesus!
It is the only name that can save, deliver, and heal.
We can call upon that Name in the time of trouble.

The Scripture says His name is a STRONG tower.
It is immovable, impenetrable, and impassable.
It is a fortress, protecting you round about on EVERY circles you, and is over and under you.
NOTHING can get to you while you are within it's walls!
You are inaccessible to outside forces!

The storms may rage outside.
The enemy will may taunt and sneer, telling you that he's, "going to take you down! You're going to lose!"
Do not listen!
They are only threats...he can NOT harm you unless God allows.
And if God allows, it is for a purpose and He will work all things for your good.

Trust in Him!
Rest upon His promises for No weapon formed against you shall prosper! (Romans 8:28)

(Posted on Facebook 09/18/14)


....The lips of the righteous feed many. (Prov10:21)
The tongue of the just is as choice silver.... (Prov 10:20)
The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom... (Prov 10:31)
The lips of the righteous knoweth what is acceptable.... (Prov 10:32)

Speak things that encourage, comfort, bring hope, and are good.
Speak things that build up and not tear down.
Speak truth in love but also know when to hold your peace (ie refrain from speaking).
The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable.
Speak life into someone else today!

You have no idea what they may be going through -what you say and how you say it could make a difference.

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. (Prov 12:25)

(Posted on Facebook 09/14/14)