Monday, May 30, 2022

Luke 21:34

 Luke 21:34

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged (burdened) with

  •  surfeiting (gluttony, excess), 
  • drunkenness,
  • and cares of this life, 

and so that day come upon you unawares.

Too many are seeking to be entertained. 

They just want to see and read and hear things that make them feel good, make them laugh, peak their interest.  

Too many are turning a deaf ear to the warning cries to the Church to purify ourselves and make sure our garments are washed, pure, and white without spot or wrinkle. 

Too many are justifying carnality and worldliness. 

That day will come upon them unaware. 💔😔

Watch and pray 🙏 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

That Day Shall Not Come Except...

Many think we shouldn't be concerned or worry about who the antichrist is. But Paul wrote a letter explaining to the Thessalonians that the Day of Christ would not come UNTIL two things occurred.... (1) a great falling away AND (2) the man of sin, the son of perdition, will be revealed.

2 Thessalonians 2

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, EXCEPT there come a falling away first, AND that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

According to this passage, we will know the Day of Christ is nearing once we see these two things happen.  

(1) we will see a great falling away

(2) We will know who the man of sin, son of perdition, is because he will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God. He will sit in the Temple of God, shewing himself as if he is God. 

Why would the Bible gave us these warning signs of what to watch for and also give defining information of what the man of sin will be like in this and many other verses if we are just to ignore them? And not concern ourselves with what their saying? They are written with detailed information for a reason.  It is not written for us to ignore them.

 2 Tim 3:16 - All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable...

Even the ones we may not like, don't want to hear, and don't think should be talked about.  

If it's in the Bible, it's in there for a good reason. And it needs to be talked about and taught on. 

Watch and pray


2 Chronicles 7:13-14

If I shut up heaven that there be no rain,
or if I command the locusts to devour the land,
or if I send pestilence among My people;

If My people, which are called by My Name,

shall humble themselves
          and pray
          and seek My face
          and turn from their wicked ways


          Will I hear from heaven
          and will forgive their sin
          and will heal their land

Notice the first part of this passage….

IF God sends or allows these certain things to happen….no rain, locusts to devour the land, pestilences (anything that destroys)

Also notice that it says “among My people”

THEN IF we, God’s people will do certain things

HE WILL hear us, He will forgive us, and He will heal and restore.


**For every promise in the Bible, there is also a clause of things God requires of us.**

Many like to claim the promises without the clause.

They want the blessings without the contingencies or requirements made for them to do their part.


The first thing God instructed was for His people to humble themselves…

Humility is the opposite of pride. Pride is a hard thing to swallow but…

We’ve got to cast off all pride when we stand before our Maker.

We have to become as the publican who smote his chest and cried out for God to forgive him, acknowledging that he realized he was a sinner and needed God’s mercy and forgiveness.

Fasting is a way to humble ourselves before God.

Fasting when done with a right heart and for the right reasons submits the will of the flesh to the will of God.

Fasting is one of the hardest things for this flesh to do because it means we have to deny it what it wants.


The second thing God instructed for His people to do is to PRAY…

Jesus said in Matthew 21:13 - It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer…

In this passage of verse, Jesus became angry when He came into the Temple and saw that the Temple had become a place to buy and sell.  People were conversing and making God’s House a place of merchandise rather than a place to pray and talk to God as was God’s original design.

Jesus became so angry at what He was seeing as He entered the House of God that He cast out everyone who was buying and selling in the Temple.  He grabbed the tables of the moneychangers and overturned them, causing money to spill everywhere.  Then He grabbed the seats of those who sold doves and turned them over as well.

If that scenario was to happen today, Jesus would have been judged to have not handled that situation very ‘Christ-like’.

He would have been condemned and told He should have handled that in a more loving manner. 

But  Jesus was not sinning when He became angry over what He was seeing…rather it was a righteous indignation. 

The House of God was supposed to be a Holy Place…
            a place of worship…
            a place to talk to the One who created all things….
            a place to come and get into God’s Presence without all the                   
                  distractions and without all the hustle & bustle of everyday life with
                  its cares…..
            a place where our focus can be completely on HIM.

And the birds or animals that a person brought to be sacrificed were not to be bought but rather brought from their own flock.  It was supposed to be their own sacrifice….not someone else’s.


When we hear this phrase, we often think of it as referring to a building such as the Temple in the Old Testament or the modern day Church building in which we gather to have service on certain days of the week.

The word “house” can be defined as “a dwelling place”. (see Strong’s G3624)

God wants the place where He dwells to be a place filled with prayer.

Romans 8:9

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit if so be
that the Spirit of God DWELL in you…

The Greek word for “dwell” comes from the Greek word for ‘House’ and means “to occupy a house, to reside”. (see Strong’s G3611)

WE are God’s House, His dwelling place, if we have the Holy Ghost living inside of us.

2 Corinthians 6:16

…For ye are the Temple of the Living God; as God hath said,
I will dwell in them, and walk in them;
and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

are the Temple of the Living God.
WE are to be the House of Prayer.

We need the Holy Ghost!  The Holy Ghost is Christ in us (Rom 8:9-10)  We need Christ residing in us, and walking in us!  **not too late to receive Him**


Sometimes we don’t know how to pray or what to pray.  Even Jesus’ disciples felt that way at times. 

In Luke 11:1, we find where Jesus had been praying. 

His disciples knew the importance and necessity of prayer,

They had been taught it from birth (Deut 6:4)

but after listening to Jesus pray, one of His disciples may have felt his prayers were falling short or were inadequate so he said to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray….”

They knew John the Baptist had taught his disciples how to pray, and Jesus had instructed them not to pray using vain repetitions (Matthew 6:7 ) meaning, not to repeat the same things over and over, and use idle words such as repeating “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus – Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah” etc over and over again. 

That is drawing near to God with our mouth and with our words, but if a person’s heart is not in it, they are just using vain repetitions. (Isaiah 29:13)

He wants the words we pray to be sincere and from our heart.  He wants true, heartfelt worship and adoration.

He wants us to have a meaningful conversation with Him just as we would have with a close friend or family member. 

If you don’t know how to pray or what to pray, ask Jesus to teach you or come to the Pastor or I…we’re here to help direct you.  We want to help you draw closer to God.


The third thing God instructed was to SEEK HIS FACE….

Too many seek God’s hand instead of His face.

They want what God can do for them but don’t think anything should be required of them in return.

The crowds were thick at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.  They wanted the miracles, loaves, and fishes. But once Jesus began to preach a little stronger and a little harder, the crowds began to thin.

I’ve been in Church all my life – I’ve seen many things.

I’ve seen those who will run to the Church when there is trouble and strife happening in their lives. 

They want the pastor and saints to pray, pray, pray….pray for this need, pray for that situation, pray for healing, pray for blessing….and you’ll see them be faithful in Church attendance UNTIL the storm is past.  Then, you won’t see or hear much of them until the next need or crisis arises.

Have you ever felt used by someone? Can you imagine how God feels?

Are you seeking His face?  Or are you seeking His handouts?

Seek His face!  Through prayer, Bible reading, and fasting!  Seek His face!


The fourth thing God requires of us is to TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS…

We have to forsake sin- turn away from what is bad and evil…. everything that displeases God.

We are too close to the end and we never know when God may require our soul to be returned to Him.  We need to stay in an attitude of repentance.

Pray and ask God to show you anything that you need to repent of… anything that HE considers a wicked way.

I started doing this about 5 years ago and whatever He brings to my mind, even if it was when I was a child, I take time to truly repent.

Whether it is anger, gossip, slander, backbiting, hate, bitterness, offenses, etc

Even Idle words…. We’ll give account for those. (Mt 12:36)

God tried to use Jeremiah to warn the people to turn away from unrighteousness but they would not listen.  They justified their actions, their words, and their sin.

Jeremiah 35:12-17

12 Then came the Word of the Lord unto Jeremiah, saying,

13 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will ye not receive instruction to hearken to My words? Saith the Lord,

God was angry because they were listening and obeying the instructions of a man, but would not heed or listen to HIS voice of instruction.

14 The words of Jonadab the son of Jonadab, that he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are for performed; for unto this day they drink none, but obey their father’s commandment: notwithstanding I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking; but ye hearkened not unto Me.

15 I have sent also unto you all My servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, Return ye now every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers: but ye have not inclined your ear, not hearkened unto Me.

16 Because the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have performed the commandment of their father, which he commanded them; but this people hath not hearkened unto Me:

God was not angry that the sons of Rechab listened and obeyed their father. He actually blessed them for their obedience to him (read Jer 35:18-19)

But He was angry because they would not listen to the voice of God, therefore, judgment was pronounced…

17 Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that I have pronounced against them: because I have spoken unto them, but they have not heard; and I have called unto them, but they have not answered.

I’ve found that most people only want to hear about the love of God but do not want to think or hear when you start talking about the other side of God…the God of judgment. 

It scares them.  It upsets them.  They don’t understand this side of God.  And they don’t want to hear it.  Because the movie makers have tried to portray Jesus as only love, love, love….kinda like a permissive parent.

God is not unjust or unfair because He warns against sin.  Rather, God is a holy God and requires His people to be holy as well. 

Sometimes we get too comfortable and justified in our sins and carnality just as they did in the days of Jeremiah, therefore, at times, the distresses He sends on the land and on His people are actually for our good.  How can that be true?

Jeremiah 36:1-3

1 And it came to pass in the fourth year of Joiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, that this word came unto Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,

2 Take thee a roll of a book and write therein all the words that I have spoken unto thee against Israel, and against Judah, and against all the nations from the day I spake unto thee, from the days of Josiah, even unto this day.

3 à It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I purpose to do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin. ß

That’s the heart of God!

God’s desire and purpose was not to destroy them but rather to bring them to a place of repentance and turning from all unrighteousness.


Jeremiah was unable to deliver this Word from the Lord to the people in person so he asked Baruch to read it before the people in the house of the Lord on the day of fasting in the hopes that it would cause the people to turn away from sin and repent once they heard those words.

Jeremiah hoped they would realize how great the fury and anger of the Lord was toward His people for their wicked ways and make supplication before Him. (Jer 36:4-7)

Some trembled with fear when they heard the words (Jer 36:16) but some were hard hearted and unrepentant.  The king and his servants were not afraid, nor did they rend their garments, they were unrepentant when they heard the words of the coming judgment. (Jer 36:23-24)

We are seeing times of trouble as we’ve never experienced before. People are afraid of this virus that swept the world and killed many. They are afraid of the all the turmoil and strife we are seeing and have been seeing over the past couple years.  They’re fearful of the looming famine, food recalls, and now another disease that is sweeping the globe once again.

Jesus said it would happen in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.  These are the beginning of sorrows.  These are signs shaking the earth trying to wake people up and let us know “Jesus is coming soon!  Get ready!”  

Some are trembling and humbling themselves before the Almighty God.  It’s a time of spiritual awakening for some.   Some are turning back to God.  Others are tightening up and trying to get closer to God than ever before.

Unfortunately, some are like the king and his servants in Jeremiah’s day – they’re refusing to hear, they’ve hardened their hearts and are not listening to the voice of those crying out warning them to get right with God, turn from sin and turn to God.

The greatest lie ever perpetrated by the devil is that you can
live in sin and still be saved.

Just like in the days of Jeremiah, many only want to listen to those who are speaking good words to them.  (Jer 37:19 + 38:4) 

Just as it is today.  People are living sinful lifes, committing fornication, adultery, cussing, smoking, drinking and such like and see nothing wrong with what they’re doing.  They’re unrepentant.

If anyone tries to admonish them against these things and tell them what they’re doing is sin, they become angry and say “you’re judging! God knows my heart!” 

Yes, God knows your heart better than you do.  And, there’s a difference between judging and warning! 

Those flashing speed signs are not judging you, they’re warning you to slow down.

The police officer is judging you as he writes you a ticket….but he is not wrong in doing so. You knew the laws and chose to break them.

The judge is judging you based on the evidence and citation given…he is not wrong in doing so. 

The preacher and Word of God are issuing warnings before it’s too late and you stand before the Judge of all the earth.

These signs happening in our world are a warning to stop, turn from our wicked ways, and seek God’s face!

More than God trying to get the world’s attention, He is also trying to get His Bride’s attention.  He wants a bride who is pure and without spot or blemish.

-> Some are as the 5 wise virgins keeping their lamps trimmed, burning bright and bringing extra oil so they’ll be ready when the bridegroom appears.

Some are as the 5 foolish virgins who have oil in their lamps, their lit…for now…but they have no extra oil. 

They’re not praying as they should, they’re not reading their Bible as they should, they’re not fasting…actually, they’re making excuses for why they can’t.  They’re lulled into a slumber, cradled in the arms of entertainment and are completely unaware that their oil is getting low and their flame is about to go out.

We can’t let down on our prayer life…in fact we need to intensify it!
We need to read our Bible more than ever before!
We need to fast more than ever before!

Don’t let your oil go out!

Prayerlessness and lack of Bible reading are a sin.  Because you are putting something else before your time with God! 

We have to repent and get sin out of our heart!   (Mt 24 + 2 Tim 3)

THEN God said He….

          Will hear us from heaven
          and will forgive our sins
          and heal our land


But WE have to

          Humble ourselves


          Seek His face

          Turn from our wicked ways.


Jesus is coming soon.  We want to be ready! 

We want to be as the 5 wise virgins, oil in our lamps, burning brightly, and extra oil to get us through the dark nights until Jesus returns to take us with Him.


We need to be shining our lights as a city set on a hill that cannot be hid.

This world needs us to help them to find their way to God…

They’re scared, they’re worried, they’re feeling hopeless

We can’t be that light to show them the way if our light is dim or gone out because we’re not praying, we’re not reading our Bible, we’re  allowing unrepentant sin to remain in our heart.

We need to get as close to Jesus as possible so we can lead others to Him.

Friday, May 27, 2022


Vs 1 of Matthew 25 starts with the word “then” – in the preceding chapter of Matthew 24, the disciples had asked Jesus what would be the signs of his coming and the end of the world.  

Jesus proceeded to issue warnings of what would come and what signs to look for leading up to His return.

Jesus continues to talk about the coming Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew 25…

Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps and went forth to meet the Bridegroom.

** These virgins knew that the Bridegroom was to make his appearance at some point. He’d said he would be coming.  And they’d heard it preached for many years. 

Their duty was to go out to keep watch, waiting for his appearing.  Their lamps were to be lit, burning brightly so as to light the path for the Bridegroom.  So, they went out to wait….

And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

**Notice the distinction here – they were all virgins waiting for the Bridegroom to appear. These virgins represent each of us waiting for the return of Jesus Christ.  They all had a lamp with oil in it which was burning brightly (or somewhat) at that time representing the Holy Ghost.

The wise brought not only their lamp already filled with oil and was lit to light the way, but they also brought another vessel with extra oil….they were prepared for the ‘just in case.’    

I believe the wise virgins were keeping not only the supply of the Holy Ghost that they had but they kept praying and kept that supply of the Holy Ghost flowing within like a river that never ran dry.

While the foolish brought only their lamp with the oil that was already within.  It may have been full at that point and burning brightly. But they weren’t prepared for the Bridegroom/the Lord to delay His coming. They prayed but didn’t maintain a consistent daily meaningful prayer life. 

The cares of life, worries, strife, or perhaps the pursuit of worldly things choked out their prayer time. 

It was easier to play than to pray.  It was easier to sit and watch movies and surf the internet for hours than to pick up the Word of God and feast on it. 

Little by little, sin crept into their heart slowly diminishing the oil they had stored in their lamp.  Little by little, their lamp was growing dim and they were unaware.

Amos 6:1 - Woe to them that are at ease in Zion… (ease – H7600 = secure; in a bad sense, haughty)

I’m sure in their heart they thought they’d be fine.  I’m sure they thought it wouldn’t be long and the oil they had would be sufficient. But then….

While the Bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

2 Thessalonians 3:13 - But ye brethren, be not weary in well doing.

Galatians 6:9 - And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Now is not the time to grow weary!  We’ve got to stay fervent in prayer and keep watching for Jesus’ return!  We need to keep issuing the warning for others that “Jesus is coming soon!  Be ready!” Because….

And at midnight (when they least expected it) there was a cry made, Behold the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

And the foolish said unto the wise, give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

They thought they’d be ok.  They didn’t keep their prayer life up like it should have been, like it used to be.  They occasionally prayed or perhaps were not sincerely praying when they did.  Their prayer time was more-so out of duty and formality than in building a relationship with the Lover of our souls.

But the wise answered, saying, not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

The pastor’s prayers or Holy Ghost won’t get you into heaven.  Brother or Sister so-and-so’s prayers and Holy Ghost won’t get you in to heaven.  Relying on yesterday’s prayer meeting is not enough! You have got to get it for yourself! You have to do the praying yourself!  And you’ve got to stay prayed up and full of the Holy Ghost!

And while they went to buy, the Bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

Afterward, came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

But He answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the house wherein the Son of man cometh.

This parable is a warning to us all…

Those virgins were ALL supposed to be part of the wedding celebration. But half were left behind when Jesus came back.  Why?  Because they let their oil run out.  They grew lukewarm then cold in their prayer life and in their spirit yet were unaware until it was too late.

You would think being lukewarm was ok and better than being cold in our spirit but Rev 3:15 warns…

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou were cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

If we’re lukewarm in our spirit, God said He will spit us out.
We need to stay prayed up, full of the Holy Ghost and on fire for God.



Rev 12:12 – Woe unto the inhabiters of the earth and sea! For the devil is come down unto you having great wrath, because he knoweth he hath but a short time.

Rev 12:13-17 warns us….

When he saw that he was cast into the earth, he persecuted Israel which brought forth Jesus Christ.  When he saw he wasn’t winning there, then he went after the remnant of her seed.

The remnant of her seed are those which keep the commandments of God AND have the testimony of Jesus Christ…..that’s the Church!  That’s you and me.

Daniel 7:25 – “he shall wear out the saints of the Most High.”

This Scripture is referring to the antichrist but the antichrist spirit is here and has been for quite a while.  We know the devil is behind it all. (1 John 2:18,22 + 1 John 4:3 + 2 John 1:7)

The devil is trying to wear us out!

His tactics will differ depending on each person – he knows what is affective and works to distract or wear down one may not distract or bother another.

I could list things but you pray about it and ask God to reveal it to you.

God showed me the devil is going after some of you hard because he is trying to kill what God wants to do through you and for some, what was prophesied over you.  If he can distract you, if he can get to you, if he can wear you down, he can get those that God wants to reach through you. 

Guard your heart!  Guard your mind!     

Be aware, be wise to his tactics and devices that he is using against you!


Luke 17:26-30

And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.

Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.


People were so busy they were not aware of the hour.   We do have to continue to live life, have fun, build memories with the family – But some are so busy having fun they are not keeping their focus on eternity, on putting Jesus first, and on reaching the lost. They are at ease in Zion.


Mark 13:32-37

But of that day and that hour knoweth no man…

Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.

For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.

Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:

Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.

And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch!


Watch!  Pray more than you every have!  Don’t slumber or sleep like the foolish virgins did. Stay awake and alert spiritually because the devil knows he has but a short time and he is working overtime to keep as many as he can from making it to heaven.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Love Yourself More?

Matthew 22:37-40 KJV

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

The greatest commandments God ever gave are 

(1) To love God 

(2) To love others

Nowhere does the Bible admonish to "love yourself more". 

Actually,  we're warned against it. 

2 Timothy 3:1-2 ...This know also,  that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves....

It is an Endtime spirit that is spreading and gaining popularity rapidly.  Don't follow it. 

Friday, May 20, 2022

Will you be found standing?

This apple tree has been in the ground for several years.    We had to support it with stakes the first couple years while it was still young and not deeply rooted because the winds kept knocking it down.  We have done what we could to nurture it as it grows.  Now, it's more mature,  should be deeply rooted, and is beginning to bear fruit. Yet, we came out this morning to find the winds had once again knocked it over.  Once again, we had to add stakes to support it and prayed the roots were not damaged, that they would be strengthened, and the fruit would not be lost. 

My husband and I were discussing that there is definitely a message in all this. The Pastor and Bible study teachers try to nurture and support the young Christians as the grow.  We try to shield them through prayer as they weather the winds and storms of life.  But we can only do so much.  

It is up to each of us to personally and individually dig our roots deeper in Christ until we are rooted and grounded in our Faith and cannot be shaken or blown down by any wind of doctrine that may blow or storm that may try to destroy us.  

Stay fervent and faithful in prayer,  Bible reading,  fasting,  and Church attendance.  Storms will come. Winds will blow. Will you be found standing strong? Or will you be overcome? Dig your roots deeper in Christ.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Who are you seeking for?

Seek ye Me, and ye shall live. (Amos 5:4)

Seek the Lord and ye shall live. (Amos 5:6)

Seek Him that maketh the 7 stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into morning...the Lord is His name. (Amos 5:8)

Too many are looking for someone or something to save them rather than looking to the only One Who can - Jesus! Look to Him! Seek for Him!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The power of planting a seed and watering with prayer

I've been trying to sprout some seeds so I can plant them in the garden once they're a little more mature and ready. But each day I go out, I can see where something has dug into the dirt where I had planted my seeds. 

Hoping beyond hope that whatever it was did not get all of them, I've continued watering the soil daily, praying for signs of life to spring forth from what was planted. 

Over a week had passed since the seeds had been planted and I thought, "surely they're dead. Surely they're gone. The 'enemy' has snatched the seed I planted, and it is no longer there. Time to start over and try to plant another seed." 

More seeds were placed in water to soak overnight. But, as I started to plant the new seeds where the old had been,  I began to see life was springing up out of the soil in places where I thought it had been dead or gone. I didn't see the evidence last night, but what a difference a day can make!

As I moved the soil to prepare a hole in one spot where there still was no evidence of life, I could now see the seedling was beginning to grow in the darkness just below the surface of the dirt. Although I could not see the evidence above the surface, just below, hidden from my sight, God was doing the work and life was beginning to grow.

I quickly and carefully covered it back over, because I did not want to disturb or disrupt the process that God needed to do in that seed. 

We all have family and friends that we want to see come to Jesus and be saved.  Never underestimate the power of planting a seed, then watering it through prayer, and letting God do the work.  We may not see any evidence of life springing forth on the surface,  but we never know what God is doing within the heart just because we can't see it. 

Sometimes we can mess things up and kill the seed before it can fully develop when we try to 'help' God out.

Keep planting and keep praying,  trusting God to give the increase in His time. 

I recently transplanted new shoots from my raspberry bush. At first they all seem to be doing well, but then I noticed they were shriveling up and dying. Except one.  They all have the same soil. All had the same water. Yet only one survived while the rest shriveled and died.

There was a house that I passed by daily. They had several bushes planted in their front yard. I noticed that some of the bushes did well and look healthy while there were a few that began to turn brown and eventually die.

What happened? They all have the same soil. All have the same water. All had the same amount of sunlight. Yet some did not survive. Sometimes, it's not that the environment is bad. It's not that the person tending to them did anything wrong. There is something within them that cause them not to absorb the nutrients needed to thrive or survive.

Jesus had 12 Apostles yet one allowed the devil in his heart.

I believe Jesus would have forgiven him if he had repented like Peter did. I believe that's why Jesus called him friend as Judas delivered him into the hands of those that would kill him. He was still reaching for him, letting Judith no mercy and was still reaching out. 

Last year, I accidentally broke off a small branch from my raspberry bush before the berries were fully ripe. Something nudged me to stick that broken branch down into the soil.  I did, and within a few days, those berries had ripened.

If I had just counted it as a loss and discarded that broken branch and unripe berries,  I would have lost out on some very delicious berries.  

God was showing me through this illustration - just because  something appears to be dead, don't give up or throw it away.

Just because a person appears to be spiritually dead, do not give up on them. Keep praying and watching for fruit to spring forth from what seems dead and hopeless.

Jesus read from Isaiah 61. It was a prophecy concerning Him, and He wants us to do the same....
* Bind up the Brokenhearted
* To proclaim liberty to the captives
* and the opening of the prison to them that are bound
--> we're proclaiming liberty to those bound by sin!
* to comfort all that mourn
* to appoint unto them that mourn in zion

Notice most of what God is addressing in this passage of Scripture is sorrow of heart and mind.

Have you ever had days where it felt like the tears will never stop flowing?
Life can be hard.
What a comfort to know that God sees and takes note of every tear we cry.

Psalm 56:8 - Thou tellest my wanderings: put Thou my tears into Thy bottle: are they not in Thy book.

Not only has God collected and stored up every tear we cry in a bottle, but he also keeps a note of it in a book. I don't know about you, but he must have a very big book and bottle He's keeping my tears recorded in. 

What a comfort to know that He sees, He cares, He knows, and greatest of all He loves us.

What concerns us, concerns Him.

Psalm 34:18 - He is near unto those who are of a broken heart and saveth (which means protects) those who have a contrite spirit (meaning a crushed spirit).

If you are emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually exhausted from the load that is heavier than you can carry, then come unto Him, lay it at His feet, let Him carry it for you, and He will give you rest. (Mt 11:28)

God's Word promises to give us...
Beauty for ashes
The oil of joy for mourning 
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness

So that we might be called Trees of Righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified.

What does that phrase mean 'Trees of Righteousness'?

That word tree means strength, anything strong.
God is going to turn all of it around so we will be strong and righteousness.
Will become stronger spiritually as we learn to dig our roots deeper in prayer.
God has planted us, and we shall not be moved or shaken!
That HE might be glorified in us.

And I'm claiming that for our unsaved family as well.

Some have broken hearts that God wants to mend.

I am tired of the enemy trying to snatch and kill the seeds that have been planted. In my natural garden,  I have to put something over the seeds to protect them.  In the spiritual garden,  I can pray a covering,  a hedge over them by pleading the Blood of Jesus to protect their hearts and minds. 

So never underestimate the power of planting a seed and watering them with our prayers....even when you don't see any fruit. Even when you can't see what God is doing. 

God uses the darkness to sprout the planted seed. Trust Him to do the work. 

Sunday, May 8, 2022

How Does Your Garden Grow?

 Do you love to garden?   Maybe you are one who hates gardening.

I love the results. I do not like all the work!     

There are many types of gardens.

Are you one who has a flower garden?

They are so pretty to look at and attract butterflies and hummingbirds & bees
Bees, especially Mason bees, can be pesky, but yet they are necessary to pollinate the flowers

Have you ever tried your hand at planting fruit trees and bushes?
That is the least and rarely talked about gardening.
So far, that has given me the least amount of work and trouble.

You may be amongst the many who have planted a vegetable garden this year.

We planted a garden.
I know some are far more advanced and knowledgeable at gardening than I
I’m just a beginner trying to learn from those with more experience.
It took us several days to get the ground tilled up, then we tilled it again, then we tilled it again.
You would think the hardest part is past, but then you have to dig each hole, add the proper nutrients, then carefully place each plant in each hole, then cover it just the right amount of dirt.
With some plants: you have to add a trellis or something for them to climb, some you have to add stakes to secure them to because they won’t be able to stand on their own, some you can just plant a seed and watch it grow with little effort or work.

But even after all that work, effort, and energy poured into it, you’re still not done.

Now you have to make sure they all get water each day – not too much, not too little.

You have to watch for and pluck out any weeds that may begin growing in the garden

It is soooo much work!  But the results can be so rewarding…and overwhelming if you planted too much.  :-S

As the plants begin to grow and produce, then you have to go out and check each day for any food that may be ripe and ready to harvest.

And finally, you get to enjoy the fruit of your labor.

Each of us have a garden……

We all want to be as a beautiful flower garden, something that others will admire and compliment when they see.

But the garden I’m referring to is more than beauty or outward looks.

Each of us have a garden that we tend…. It’s located in our heart. 

What is growing in your garden?

The Bible talks a lot about gardens, about sowing, and about reaping.

The first garden ever mentioned is found in Genesis when God created a garden called Eden to place Adam and Eve in.  He then directed them to tend the garden. 

Isaiah 1:8 – mentions a garden of cucumbers.

Isaiah 1:30 – issues a warning about being as a garden that hath no water.  When a person does not pray or read their Bible everyday they are like a garden that has no water.

Isaiah 61:11 – for as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

*is righteousness and praise springing up in our garden?


Luke 13:19 – mentions a man who took a grain of mustard seed and cast it into his garden.  That one tiny little seed grew and became a great tree that the birds were able to lodge in.

Jesus talked about having faith the size of a mustard seed. (Matthew 17:20)

A Mustard seed is tiny. But although it is tiny, it can produce great things and we can see great miracles in our lives if we have faith.

*Are you allowing mustard seeds of faith to grow in your heart?

Rahab was a harlot, an ungodly woman who lived in Jericho.  I’m sure many avoided her because of her lifestyle, but she had let seeds of kindness grow into her heart.  Those seeds of kindness caused her to hide the 2 spies that Joshua sent before they came to conquer Jericho.  Because of it, she and all of her family were spared. Not only that, but she married an Israelite man named Salmon and had a son named Boaz.

*Are seeds of kindness growing in your heart?


Ruth was a Moabite woman. She was considered an outcast by the people of Israel.  Yet, she remained faithful to her mother in law, Naomi, even after her husband passed away.  She followed Naomi to Israel, a land foreign to her, and worked hard to provide for them both. 

Her faithfulness paid off and she became the wife to Boaz (making her the daughter in law of Rahab).  Ruth became the great grandmother to King David and both Ruth and Rahab are in the lineage of Jesus.

*Are seeds of faithfulness growing in your heart?


God turned these two messed up lives into a powerful message for His glory!
A lesson to us all to not look at where a person may be right now but what they can and will be as a testimony for God’s glory!

It is one thing to be grieved over sin.  It’s another thing to have a critical eye and critical spirit. 

God set a mark upon the forehead of those who sighed and cried over the sins and evil being committed throughout the land and even within the Sanctuary. (Ezekiel 9:4-6)

But Jesus rebuked those with critical eyes and critical spirits over and over again. (Mt 12:2,14)

A person who grieves over sin will intercede and pray for those bound or deceived by the devil, wanting to see God do a work and make a change for the better in that person.

A critical spirit will nitpick, condemn, look for and find faults, gossip, backbite, and sometimes want to see that person fail.

A critical spirit gets the measuring tape.  A grieved spirit gets into their prayer closet.

*Are you growing seeds of intercessory prayer in your heart?

*Or are weeds of criticism reaching out with their thorny vine hurting those in its path?

Martha & Mary –

Martha was busy trying to make sure everything was perfect, everyone was served, making sure that everyone had plenty of everything. 

While Mary, her sister, was sitting quietly at Jesus’ feet listening and soaking up every Word that He had to say.

Mary was wore out and frustrated.  Her life was too busy!  If only she could have just a little help, it would ease her load some.  So, she went straight to Jesus and complained.

“Jesus, do you not see all I’m doing?  Do you not see how I need help?  Do you not see that my sister here could help ease my load but she’s just been idly sitting here while I do all the work?”

Yes, Martha, Jesus sees and knows.  But sometimes you have to MAKE time with Jesus.  You can get so caught up with the hustle and bustle with life, putting Jesus on the backburner, or not even really giving Him much thought throughout the day because you’re….too busy.

Jesus turned to Martha and said, “Martha you are careful and troubled about many things.”  Jesus was telling Martha, “you are anxious and disturbed about too many things.”

Sometimes anxiety and troubled thoughts can bombard our minds when we’re not spending enough time with Jesus.

Mary chose the one thing that was needed above anything else – spending time with Jesus.

When those troubling thoughts or feelings of anxiety begin to overwhelm you, stop what you’re doing and spend time with Jesus.

*Are anxiety, worry, fear, or troubled thoughts growing in your garden?

*Or are you weeding those out by spending time in prayer and Bible reading?


Pride and rebellion

Ezekiel 28 – mentions lucifer being in the Garden of God until seeds of pride and rebellion sprung up in his heart.

Instead of repenting and weeding them out, he continued to feed those negative thoughts and let them grow and multiply until they choked out any good that was originally in him. 

Pride and rebellion led to his fall.  It also spread to other angels and caused them to fall as well.
Those are two kindred spirits we have to diligently guard our hearts against because it spreads like weeds.

Can you imagine trying to exert your will above God’s?

Would you even think of telling God, “who are you to tell me what to do?  I don’t have to listen to you! I’ve got everything figured out.  In fact, I’m going to put my throne above Yours!”

We say we wouldn’t and yet our actions say something different every time we:   
        - ignore His Word,
        - think we don’t need to come to Church – just once in a while/special occasions - because we're too tired, too busy, have other events going on. 
        - think we don’t need to pray – just occasionally when we need something,
        - don’t think we need to read His Word every single day.
        - don’t think we need a pastor – he is watching for your soul

Are the fruits of submission and obedience growing in your heart?  Are you keeping Him, His will, and His ways as top priority in your life? 

Or are there weeds of pride and rebellion growing, thinking you can do things your way instead of God’s way?


What about Bitterness?

Life can bring some hard blows.  Some have gone through more than their fair share of sorrow, loss, grief, attacks, storms of life – so many things that can make a person bitter if they let it.

Naomi knew about grief and loss. 
They faced a famine in the land of Israel so her husband moved her and their 2 boys to a strange far away land. 
Her boys grew while there and married Moabite women. 
Her husband died.
Then both of her boys died without leaving her any grandchildren.
Her heart was hurting as she made the decision to go back home to Israel.
She thought for sure both her daughter in laws would stay in Moab and remarry
But Ruth – we already talked about her – but she followed Naomi to a strange land

Naomi allowed bitterness to take root in her heart.
She even told the townspeople to call her Mara – meaning Bitter.

God looked upon her despite her bitterness & blessed her with a grandson to love

God cares about what we’re going through.  He knows and sees.

We can either allow the things we’ve gone through to make us bitter or better.

Job went through far worse trials and lost far more than Naomi.  Not only did he lose his children and everything he owned, but he also had a wife and so-called friends scrutinizing him, trying to figure out what sin he may have committed.

Yet through all of it, he continued to praise and live for God. And because he didn’t allow bitterness in his heart or toward his friends, God restored back double!

*will you be like Naomi and allow bitterness to consume you?

*Or will you be like Job and say “Blessed be the Name of the Lord!”


What is growing in your garden?

The Bible says “Favor is deceitful and Beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.” (Prov 31:30)

Beauty is vain – outward beauty will not last. But inward beauty will.    

Do you know what that means when the Scripture says ‘favor is deceitful’? 

Favor is referring to the charm a person can portray. 

Women, let’s face it, we know it’s true: some women can be sweet as honey to another lady’s face all while there is a dagger slung within their words.

I’ll never understand – other than there are weeds growing in their garden.

I hope you're not one who slings the daggers. But maybe you have been a recipient.  When those daggers are slung at you, guard your heart and don’t allow it to make you bitter, or angry, or hateful. Keep loving others!

Prov 31:31 says – Give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates.

What is the fruit of your hands? 

If you were given of the fruit growing in your heart, would it be good fruit?

Or would it be thorns, briars, and thistles?

Your works, whether good or bad will be what we’re known by.

Going back to Prov 31:30 - “…a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised”  When a woman really fears the Lord, her words, her deeds, and all her works are going to bring honor not only to God but also to herself. 

A woman who fears the Lord will have the Fruit of the Spirit evident in her life.

How does your garden grow?

Matthew 13 - Jesus talked about the sower who sowed Good Seed.  The sower refers to the preacher or teacher who delivers the Seed which is the Word of God. 

What grows in the garden of your heart will depend on the type of soil that is within.

The type of soil that is in your heart will depend on how much time you tend your heart through prayer, Bible reading, and fasting.

The garden of our hearts will produce good things as long as we keep tending it with daily prayer, spending time in the Word, and letting God have His way in us.

THAT is how your garden will grow and produce good fruit.


We have a huge responsibility….

Not only to tend the garden of our own hearts to make sure good things are growing in us but we also have the responsibility to help our children and grandchildren or any child we have influence in the lives of to help tend the gardens of their hearts.

What we example is what they will learn.

Are you teaching them….

·        That more than keeping the body clean, they must keep the heart and mind clean?

·        More than teaching them how to walk and talk and dress themselves – teach them to walk, talk, and dress in a way that brings honor to God

·        Teach them to be kind and loving – consider others, not just self and wants

·        Teach kids to be obedient and respectful – not only to yourself but also the teachers, bus drivers, and others in authority. 

o   Isaiah 3:12 issues a strong warning….
As for my people, children are their oppressors…

o   Oppressor means to ‘exercise authority or power over’

o   Do not allow your children to exercise authority or power over you nor any other adult. 

o   When you do this, you are allowing rebellion to take root in them

·        Most importantly: Are you teaching them to love the Lord our God with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength? 

Are you teaching God’s Word to them diligently and daily?

The Bible instructs in Deuteronomy 6 to talk about God and His Word when you’re:

·        sitting in your house,

·        when you’re traveling down the road to activities, events, the store, wherever

·        when you lay down to sleep at night

·        and first thing as you get out of bed in the morning

·        Scripture should be posted throughout our homes so all who enter can see and be reminded about the Word of the Lord.


The reason was to remind us and to remind our family that we need the Lord!

We need Jesus every single moment of every day!

Don’t get so busy with life, its cares, the hustle and bustle of running here and there, all the activities and events, that you forget to spend time with Jesus.

I know working and tending a family, taking care of the home, plus all the activities can leave us exhausted.  I’ve been there – but don’t neglect taking time to read the Bible to your family and pray with them. 


Search your heart - What is growing in your garden?

How is your Garden growing?  

How is your children’s garden growing?

Is it fruitful and growing with the things of God?

Or is it being overgrown and choked out by the activities of life?

When I wanted to figure out how to grow a good garden, I went to others with more experience.

If you want to know how to grow in God – pray, read your Bible, fast but also listen to those with more experience. Listen to the Pastor.  His messages are to help us grow in God.  To become spiritually healthy.

We don’t want to just look beautiful outside, we want to be healthy spiritually inside so we will bring forth fruit to the praise and glory of God.