Friday, May 20, 2022

Will you be found standing?

This apple tree has been in the ground for several years.    We had to support it with stakes the first couple years while it was still young and not deeply rooted because the winds kept knocking it down.  We have done what we could to nurture it as it grows.  Now, it's more mature,  should be deeply rooted, and is beginning to bear fruit. Yet, we came out this morning to find the winds had once again knocked it over.  Once again, we had to add stakes to support it and prayed the roots were not damaged, that they would be strengthened, and the fruit would not be lost. 

My husband and I were discussing that there is definitely a message in all this. The Pastor and Bible study teachers try to nurture and support the young Christians as the grow.  We try to shield them through prayer as they weather the winds and storms of life.  But we can only do so much.  

It is up to each of us to personally and individually dig our roots deeper in Christ until we are rooted and grounded in our Faith and cannot be shaken or blown down by any wind of doctrine that may blow or storm that may try to destroy us.  

Stay fervent and faithful in prayer,  Bible reading,  fasting,  and Church attendance.  Storms will come. Winds will blow. Will you be found standing strong? Or will you be overcome? Dig your roots deeper in Christ.

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