Wednesday, September 30, 2020

SIPPING SAINTS - What Does the Bible Really Say About Alcohol?


Bible studies are intended to help us to dig a little deeper so we can gain an understanding of what God’s Word says and teaches.  Bible studies are to help us to become more Christlike and teach us how to live holy in an unholy world. 

Bible studies are not written to condemn the hearer but rather to admonish and teach us how to be more like Jesus.  The ways of the world are not the ways of God.  God has called us to separation and holiness. 

The Bible warns that there is a way that seems right to man but the end are the ways of destruction (Prov 14:12).  So keep an open heart and an open mind as we open God’s Word to learn what He is saying to His people. 


What does the Bible really say about Alcohol?


The United States has become a sodden society where many are unable to cope with life without a drink or two to ‘get them through’.

PEOPLE TURN TO ALCOHOL to escape problems – but rather than escape problems, alcohol is a mocker and will actually cause a person to wallow in their problems even more than without it. 

Alcohol increases the risk of suicide in heavy drinkers because rather than drowning out their sorrow, it causes them to wallow and drown in their sorrow.



According to statistics from 2018, 14.4 million adults ages 18 and older have Alcohol Use Disorder. (9.2 million are men and 5.3 million are women)

The leading cause of preventable death in the United States each year is from tobacco related use.

480,000 deaths per year in the U.S. is from cigarette smoking.
41,000 of those deaths are from 2nd hand smoke exposure ---- think of the kids!

The second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. is from poor diet and lack of physical activity.

The third leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. each year is from alcohol-related causes.  Approximately 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women die from alcohol related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the U.S.

Facts: 7.7% of deaths among men globally is alcohol attributable. 
And 2.6% of deaths among women globally are alcohol related.


Affects on health - Destroyed livers, raised blood pressure, mood swings, mental, etc

Hangovers – passing out, vomiting

Loss of critical judgment and slow reactions

Birth defects in children of mothers who drink while pregnant.

We see an increase in underage drinking.  Kids will not do as you say as much as they will do what they see you do.  That’s why it is so important that we are a godly moral example to our children.

Nearly 10% of U.S. children live with a parent who has alcohol related problems. (study was from 2012 – percentage is higher now since covid hit and alcohol consumption has increased.  They knew that and is the reason they allowed liquor stores to be open yet tried to keep the doors to Churches closed tightly when that is the only place that people can find real hope!)

Children who grow up in a home where alcohol consumption is common are at a greater risk for emotional problems than children whose parents are not alcoholics. And they are 4 times more likely to become alcoholics themselves than other children. 

Most children of alcoholics have experienced some form of neglect or abuse in the home. Some suffer from the painful after effects of a parent dying from either alcohol related illness or suicide from increased alcohol consumption.


~ ~ Is it any wonder the Bible warns against Alcohol consumption?! ~ ~

What does the Bible say about alcohol?

**Keep in mind: There are varying Hebrew words which were all translated to the English word ‘wine’ yet had different meanings. 

Things that meant one thing when originally translated do not have the same definition now as they did back then. 

Example: gay used to mean ‘happy’, now it describes something that is perverse

The ‘wine’ mentioned in the following verses will typically be the Hebrew word yah’-yin meaning ‘effervesce; wine as fermented, intoxication’ (H3196).

The ‘strong drink’ mentioned in the following verses will typically be the Hebrew word shay-kawr’ meaning ‘intoxicant, intensely alcoholic liquor’. (H7941)


Proverbs 20:1 – wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

Proverbs 31:4 – it is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink.

          Why? Because it affects their judgment!

Isaiah 5:11 – Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!

Isaiah 5:22 – Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

Isaiah 28:7 – They also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are wallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

God required separation from the world and Holiness!

Leviticus 10:9 – those who ministered before the Lord in the Tabernacle were not permitted to drink wine NOR strong drink.

God said if they did, they would die.  Intoxicating drinks affect their ministering. God wanted them to be holy and consecrated fully to Him, not altered or inhibited by the alcohol.

Nazarites took a vow which separated them unto God - they were not permitted to drink wine (fermented - H3196) nor strong drink (intensely alcoholic liquor – H7941) nor drink vinegar of wine nor from strong drinks (vinegar obtained from fermenting fruit juices or beer - H2558) nor were they permitted to drink any liquor of grapes nor were they permitted to eat grapes in any form (most likely to avoid any chance of alcoholic consumption) – Numbers 6:3-4 

John the Baptist’s mother was not permitted to drink wine nor strong drink while pregnant with him and John, the forerunner of Jesus who preached for everyone everywhere to repent, was not permitted to drink alcohol all his days – God didn’t want him to be influenced or inhibited against preaching the Truth of Righteousness and Holiness through the influence of alcoholic beverages.

As the Children of God, we should be separated completely and wholly from the world so that no one can accuse us of any unholy actions.


Have you ever seen someone under the influence of alcohol? They’ll say and do the craziest things that they are later embarrassed about.

รจ Have you ever stopped to think about why liquor stores have the word “spirits” connected to it? Drinking can put you under the influence of spirits that are not of God.  That’s why the Word of God and Pastors warn against it!

The most dangerous thing about alcohol is that a person cannot shut down a craving for it without the help of the Lord.  Alcohol enslaves, inflames, and renders powerless all who surrender to it.

But there is hope through Jesus Christ! By Him, we are made overcomers! James 4:7

          *Submit to God
          *Resist the devil
          *and he WILL FLEE from you

I’m sure we all have at least one family member who has been affected by alcohol addiction.

My great uncle drank himself to death.

My dad’s brother just passed in March 2020 from alcohol intoxication. So many times they found him in a drunken stuper face down in the snow suffering from frostbite – yet he still would return to the bottle after he was released from the hospital.

His daughter would post about how she was trying to drink her sorrow away, yet her posts revealed the alcohol was just taking her deeper into depression. The alcohol was not helping alleviate the sorrow.  Instead, it was intensifying it.

I deal with calls and texts often concerning my dad and his addiction to alcohol as well as calls concerning other family members.

Alcoholism doesn’t just affect the person who is drinking.  They don’t think or realize how it affects the ones who love them.


Biblical example…

Lot (nephew to Abraham) moved close to the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and eventually moved his family INTO the city. Those cities were so wicked and perverse in their ways and it began to affect his children and wife.

The wickedness was so great that God said He was going to destroy them.  Bur first, God sent angels to deliver Lot, his wife, and 2 daughters out of the cities before they were destroyed. 

They were told not to look back upon that sinful place but Lot’s wife did and she turned to a pillar of salt.  Lot and his daughters kept going and eventually found shelter in the mountains. 

The mountains were just a resting place, not a final destination but his daughters thought they would forever be without a husband and children.  So that night, his daughters, who had learned the wicked ways of those perverse cities, decided to get their father drunk. 

Lot was so drunk with alcohol and sorrow that he did not recognize that he was being promiscuous with his own daughters. That was considered wickedness before the Lord.

Those daughters each bore a son who became enemies that vexed the Israelites (Abraham’s descendants) – they were the Moabites and the Ammonites. 

Sin can have long lasting consequences. 

Some say:


Did He really?

People like to use the example of when Jesus turned water to wine at the wedding in Cana.

The wedding had been going on for 3 days. If they were drinking intoxicating drink, they would have been too drunk to know the difference once Jesus arrived. 

Keep in mind: not all wine is alcoholic any more than all cider is hard.  The word ‘wine’ did not mean back then what we take it to mean now.   It was the word used to describe the juice from the fruit. 

The intoxication came the longer the wine (juice) set and fermented into decayed wine. But this was new wine – new fruit juice.

The wine served at the wedding was a sweet fruit juice. How could Jesus and why would Jesus approve of serving something that His Word expressly speaks against?!  He didn’t!

Remember Jesus served His disciples ‘wine’ and bread at the last supper.  That ‘wine’ was symbolic of the Blood that He was about to shed for our sins.

There is no way that ‘wine’ was fermented and intoxicating because Jesus’ body never saw decay. Intoxicating wine is made from decaying and fermenting juice. 

It is revealed through Scripture that it was the ‘fruit of the vine’ that was in that cup. (Matt 26:27-29) supporting that it was not alcoholic wine.

Jesus is the Creator and Giver of Life, not of death.

Jesus exampled the refusal of taking intoxicating drink into the body even while in excruciating pain at the point of death when He refused to drink wine mingled with myrrh that was offered to Him to help numb the pain He was experiencing while on the Cross.

Jesus could not and would not partake of something that His Word warned against!  It would be contrary to His sinless character.

Some try to use the Scripture where Luke admonished Timothy to drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake and thine often infirmities. (1 Tim 5:23)

The point of Luke’s admonition is found within this verse.  It appears Timothy was having some trouble with his stomach and bowels.  Luke was a physician.  As a physician, he was not promoting consumption of alcoholic beverages.  He was prescribing a medical treatment for Timothy’s often infirmities. 


We can see not only is there Scripture after Scripture that warns against drinking alcoholic beverages but statistics as well as medical evidence reveal that intoxicating drinks are not healthy or wise to ingest.

God, by His direct act, does not make alcohol.  The laws of nature, if left to themselves, do not produce it. Grapes ripen, and if not eaten, they then rot and decompose but do not become wine. The manufacture of alcohol is wholly man’s device.  It is man who created intoxicating alcohol, not God.

God would not created intoxicating beverage and then warn time after time in His Word not to drink it. 

God’s Word will never contradict itself.  We have to follow what God says, not what man thinks on this subject.

God’s Word warns against it for our own good! And the good of our family!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Various Versions of the Bible - Does it matter which one I read?

I’ve been shocked to find how many actually think there is nothing wrong with reading other versions of the Bible such as NIV, RSV, ESV, MSG, etc. 

NIV = New International Version
RSV = Revised Standard Version
ESV = English Standard Version
MSG = The Message Bible

It used to be common and held firmly by most all denominations that the KJV was the closest to the original, but over the years, that belief has diminished as more and more people (even within our own denomination) embrace, read, and own different versions of what is supposed to be the Bible. 

Now, the tide has turned where many will question why a person still reads or owns the King James Version instead of the other way around and scoff at those who do. 

The question many have today is ‘does it really matter which version I read?’ and some will use the reasoning of ‘I can’t understand the KJV so I read these other versions because it’s easier to understand.’

Today, we’re going to examine some comparative Scriptures to see whether it really does matter or not and address some of the reasons given.


How did the King James Version of the Bible come into existence?

In 1604, soon after King James’ coronation as King of England, a conference of churchmen requested that the English Bible be revised because existing translations ‘were corrupt and not answerable to the truth of the original.’

King James set about to have 47 scholars organized into six companies which were then divided again with 2 of each of those groups working at Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge on sections of the Bible assigned to them.

An elaborate set of rules was contrived to deter individuals from translating the Scriptures with a bias slant toward what they believed or leaned toward even if that’s not what the Scripture said or meant.

They wanted to preserve the translation’s scholarly and nonpartisan character and keep it as faithful to the original languages of the Bible than previous translations.

The new Bible was completed and published in 1611 and was widely accepted for centuries until people began to look at it as antiquated/outdated and turned toward more modern versions beginning in 1952 (RSV), 1978 (NIV), 1989 (NRSV).

“I’ve tried to read the KJV but I can’t understand it.”

The Scripture tells us that the ‘natural man’ cannot understand spiritual things.

1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:
for they are foolishness unto him:
neither can he know them (which means: be aware, understand),
because they are spiritually discerned.

The carnal, natural man will have trouble understanding what God’s Word is saying.  That’s why the Bible says we must be born again.

John 3:3, 7
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.
…Ye must be born again.


When you’re born again, God’s Spirit will be living within you.  That Spirit will guide a person into all Truth.

John 16:13
Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of Truth is come,
He will guide you into all Truth….

Luke 24:45
Then opened He their understanding,
that they might understand the Scriptures.

God’s Spirit will help us to understand the Word of God if we go to it with an open heart and ask Him to open our understanding.

Most Americans would find it difficult to understand the Chinese language.  However, a child who is born into a Chinese family would be able to understand every word. 

When you are born again of water and Spirit, the Bible will begin to make sense. It doesn’t happen overnight but over time in the same way that a baby slowly learns to understand what their mommy and daddy are saying because you will have the Holy Ghost inside teaching and guiding you into all Truth.

The other versions are easier to understand

Possibly, some important questions to ask and examine are….

* Are they interpreted correctly? 
* Are they omitting important words or phrases?
* Do they change the meaning of the Scripture?

Lately, it seems I’m seeing more and more Scriptures posted from other versions.  It usually peaks my interest because I had never seen (whatever Scripture) from that particular view before so I’ll quickly go look it up in my Bible. 

Time and again, I’ve been shocked and saddened that the meaning has been either somewhat changed or completely changed.

A while back I saw a post on Facebook concerning Jeremiah 9:2 from the Message Bible.  People were having fun with it and it intrigued me because as many times as I had read the Bible, I didn’t recall seeing a Scripture with that inference.

Jeremiah 9:2 MSG
At times I wish I had a wilderness hut,
A backwoods cabin,
Where I could get away from my people
and never see them again.
They’re a faithless, feckless bunch,
a congregation of degenerates.

Jeremiah 9:2 KJV
Oh that I had in the wilderness
a lodging place of wayfaring men;
that I might leave my people,
and go from them!
for they be all adulterers,
an assembly of treacherous men.

HUGE difference!

But wait! - I thought the point of these other versions was to make it easier to read and understand? 

Feckless?!?  Who actually uses that word and what does it mean?  Feckless means: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

There is a HUGE difference between the meanings of faithless/feckless and adulterers/treacherous! 

The MSG version changed the entire meaning of that Scripture and watered down the outcry and outrage that God Himself was feeling against His own people. 

Israel was more than just a faithless and irresponsible people; they were an assembly of deceitful people who were committing spiritual adultery against their God.


What about NIV, ESV, and some of the other versions?

Jesus is the only one referred to as the Day Star

2 Peter 1:19
…until the day dawn, 
and the day star 
arise in your hearts.


Yet we find the ESV and ISV have changed the word ‘lucifer’ for ‘Day star’

The creator of this comparative makes a good point….
How can you trust a ‘Bible’ that misses the distinction between Jesus and lucifer?


Let’s look at a comparative of Daniel 3:25  KJV vs. NIV

Daniel 3:25 KJV
Lo, I see four men loose,
walking in the midst of the fire,
and they have no hurt;
and the form of the fourth
is like the Son of God.

Daniel 3:25 NIV
Look! I see four men
walking around in the fire,
unbound and unharmed,
and the fourth
looks like a son of the gods.


A comparative between Genesis 3:16 KJV vs. ESV

There is a difference between a woman’s desire/longings to be toward her husband and for a woman’s desires/longings to be contrary to her husband.

While it is true that a husband and wife may not always see things eye to eye and may be opposite to each other, that is NOT what GOD said. 

Comparative between KJV and NIV using Luke 9:56 and Matthew 18:11

Notice the NIV left out an important point mentioned in the KJV in Luke 9:56…


Jesus came to save lives, not destroy them!


…and it completely omitted the verse of Matthew 18:11 which reveals the whole reason why Jesus came!


WHY? Significant changes had to happen in order for the version/perversion to obtain a copyright in 1973. 

Notice the other versions left out WHO or WHAT we’re to believe on.

Many believe but what do they believe in? and who do they believe in?

The KJV let’s us know we are to believe on JESUS!


False doctrines and theologies are created when Scriptures are changed!

Philippians 2:5-6  KJV vs ESV is a prime example of that….

1 Timothy 3:16 KJV 

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. 
GOD was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, 
seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, 
believed on in the world, received up into glory.

1 Timothy 3:16 ESV
Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: 
He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, 
seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, 
believed on in the world, taken up in glory.

Reading both of these Scriptures (Phil 2:5-6 + 1 Tim 3:16) in the KJV, we understand and see that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ Jesus bodily and that He was manifest in the flesh.  But the ESV has changed the meaning of Scripture by implying Jesus is less than God.

There’s also a difference between saying He was received up INTO glory and that He was taken up IN glory.

The ESV is a revised version of the RSV which is already a ‘revised standard version’. 


Most other versions omit an important part of this verse….

ROMANS 8:1 KJV– There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.

NLT, NIV, ESV, RSV, NASB, CSB just to name a few omit the last phrase of this verse….there is no condemnation to those who WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT. 

Denying your flesh and following after the Will and Way of the Spirit is a key part in our walk with God!


NIV vs KJV Mark 9:46 - Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

NIV completely omits the verse explaining the agony and torture of hell.  Omitting it is not going to make it go away or make the reality of eternity less real.

Copyright versus No Copyright

Why are there such drastic changes and omission to these Scriptures? – the KJV does NOT have a copyright while the ESV and other versions DO.  Significant changes had to be made in these various versions of the Scripture in order to obtain copyrights.

If the Bible is God’s letters to us, then why would and how could someone copyright the Word of God?

The King James Version is an English translation of the Bible which was translated for the Church of England.  It was commissioned under the sponsorship of King James VI in 1603 and completed as well as published in 1611.

The Old Testament was translated from the Hebrew and Aramaic in which it was originally written and the New Testament was translated from the Greek in which is was originally written (for that was the universal language used during that time when the N.T. was written).

The KJV has been used and accepted since 1611, so why the need to change now?


Changing just one word can change the whole idea!

Some would reason that the KJV language is outdated.  Perhaps the ‘thee’s’ and ‘thou’s’ are, however we can understand what it’s meaning.  Students are made to study Shakespeare in school because his literature is considered ‘classics’ so why feel the Bible is outdated and needs to be updated and changed?

The change in wording is also bringing about a change in understanding of Scripture and creating false doctrine.

The devil is so clever to mix Truth with a little bit of lie in order to twist Truth and deceive just as he did to Eve in the Garden of Eden. 

The other versions are made to look real, they’ll have some Truth within, but they were created to deceive and lead people astray into false doctrine.

These other versions omit important words, verses, and topics such as: hell, blood, and repent.

The ESV is actually another translation from the RSV, which was denounced by elder men of God who recognized that the translators of the Revised Standard Version were actually modernistic and liberalistic scholars who do not believe or embrace the revealed truths of God’s Holy Word, including the plan of salvation.

We need to be careful who’s counsel we’re receiving. (Psalm 1:1)

Changes to the Bible lead to the creation of false doctrines and open a person up to receiving a spirit of error.

1 John 4:6
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us;
he that is not of God heareth not us.
Hereby know we the Spirit of Truth,
and the spirit of error.