Saturday, February 23, 2019

Does it matter which translation of the Bible I read?

While reading a book recently, a Scripture that was referenced caught my attention (although they quoted it from the New Living Translation). The author of the book quoted the Scripture as one they used in prayer for a wayward child so I immediately grabbed my KJV Bible to mark the Scripture for future prayer times.   But when I turned to Psalm 61:7 KJV, it didn't seem to fit and had a different meaning from the NLT version.

Psa 61:7 KJV - He shall abide before God for ever: O prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him.

Psa 61:7 NLT - Appoint your unfailing love and faithfulness to watch over him, Lord - keep him close to you!

Upon further research, the quoted NLT reference is different from the current rendition of Psalm 62:7 in the NLT (according to

Psa 61:7 NLT - May he reign under God’s protection forever.  May your unfailing love and faithfulness watch over him.

I'm not sure when, why, or how the translation changed concerning that Scripture but I find it concerning that they felt the need to change it again at some point.  To me, this shows the inaccuracy and unreliability of other translations of the Bible.

The picture reference above also shows the inaccuracy of other translations of the Bible. Lucifer is not the Day Star (that reference is made to Jesus alone - 2 Peter 1:19). 

There are many more inaccuracies and omissions in these modern and popular translations. Some may appear to be harmless but any time the Word of God is changed inaccurately, there is a danger. 

So, yes, I do believe it matters which translation of the Bible you read.

I am a strong proponent for the Authorized KJV.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

I'm so thankful for men of God who still stand and hold to the old paths (my husband being one).  It's not that they're "not with the times" but they see the dangerous path which these trends are leading away from God and godliness.  These men love and care deeply for your souls....that's why they hold so tightly to the old paths.

I feel such conviction within me when i see pictures from other countries.  People in the Philippines are so hungry for God that they'll WALK 3 HOURS to catch a ride for another hour or more sandwiched in cattle trucks.

They're not requiring coffee stations in the vestibule, the best music, polished preaching, etc. They're just hungry....for Jesus.

People in China are being beaten and having their legs broken because they serve Jesus.

We're spoiled in America. Jesus, help us to get our focus back where it needs to be.

Monday, January 21, 2019

True Happiness Can't Be Bought

Sometimes the best things in life are free.

Money and material things don't equal happiness (consider the singers, actors, etc who have died from suicide or drug overdose because of depression)

Time spent with family or enjoying the beauty of a sunset are more important and can bring more happiness then "stuff".

So enjoy the moments with family, enjoy the beauty of God's creation, and most importantly put God first in every area of your life.

True happiness can't be bought.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

What Are You Focusing On?

What Are You Focusing On?

Just a few days prior to the new year, a memory popped up on Facebook. that memory reminded me of how horrible a certain year had been or seemed to be.

As I read what I had previously posted, I began to reflect and realize that it wasn't the entire year that was horrible, only certain times and situations.  Yet we tend to gauge whether a year is good or bad by the circumstances we've encountered in that year.

As 2019 approached, it was on my heart so strong that rather than focusing and labeling an entire year by the highs or the lows I may encounter, I am starting out this new year by writing down each good thing that happens.

Our human nature likes to focus on and remember the negative. By writing down the good times and instances that bring joy then placing these reminders in a jar or some other decorative piece, it will help to remind each of us to focus on the positive in this upcoming year.

A year is made up of days and those days are made up of highs and lows.  We know in this life we will encounter both, but I want to encourage you to do as the Scripture encourages us to do and write it down as a reminder...

Finally, brethren, 
whatsoever things are TRUE, 
whatsoever things are HONEST, 
whatsoever things are JUST, 
whatsoever things are PURE, 
whatsoever things are LOVELY, 
whatsoever things are OF GOOD REPORT; 
if there be any VIRTUE, 
and if there be any PRAISE, 
Phil 4:8