Thursday, January 3, 2019

What Are You Focusing On?

What Are You Focusing On?

Just a few days prior to the new year, a memory popped up on Facebook. that memory reminded me of how horrible a certain year had been or seemed to be.

As I read what I had previously posted, I began to reflect and realize that it wasn't the entire year that was horrible, only certain times and situations.  Yet we tend to gauge whether a year is good or bad by the circumstances we've encountered in that year.

As 2019 approached, it was on my heart so strong that rather than focusing and labeling an entire year by the highs or the lows I may encounter, I am starting out this new year by writing down each good thing that happens.

Our human nature likes to focus on and remember the negative. By writing down the good times and instances that bring joy then placing these reminders in a jar or some other decorative piece, it will help to remind each of us to focus on the positive in this upcoming year.

A year is made up of days and those days are made up of highs and lows.  We know in this life we will encounter both, but I want to encourage you to do as the Scripture encourages us to do and write it down as a reminder...

Finally, brethren, 
whatsoever things are TRUE, 
whatsoever things are HONEST, 
whatsoever things are JUST, 
whatsoever things are PURE, 
whatsoever things are LOVELY, 
whatsoever things are OF GOOD REPORT; 
if there be any VIRTUE, 
and if there be any PRAISE, 
Phil 4:8

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