Saturday, November 5, 2022

Pastors are not the same as everyone else

I was dozing when I was awoke out of my sleep with God dropping this in my mind strongly....

There is a belief growing and spreading that the Pastor is no better and no different than the rest of the congregation. 

Pastors used to sit on the platform facing the congregation, but that seat has been removed in many churches. They've elevated the singers and musicians,  setting them center stage (platform) while many pastors have stepped down to take a seat on the front row facing the platform with their back to the congregation. 


The watchman on the wall is elevated at a higher point than the rest of the people so they can watch and sound the alarm if they see danger approaching.  That's why they're on the wall!  They cannot see as clear or as far if they are at the same viewpoint as everyone on ground level. 

Pastors cannot see the wolves in sheep's clothing sneaking in the back door or realize one of the "sheep" are struggling during service if his back is to everyone and everything.  

A shepherd is not the same as the sheep.   

The shepherd is not grazing with the flock. 

He is  OVERSEEING the flock. 

It is the shepherd that is feeding the flock with God's Word as He leads. 

It is the shepherd that is watching for any danger that may be near and fighting off the wolves through prayer, and fasting.  

It is the shepherd that is counseling and warning the sheep against danger. 

The shepherd keeps his eyes on the sheep, is  aware if a sheep is missing, and goes after them. 

No, the Shepherd, the Pastor,  is the not the same as everyone else.

The Pastor is the one who will have your blood on his hands if he does not warn you against sin and tell you what God's Word says.

Ezekiel 33 + Ecclesiastes 12:9-12

No, the Shepherd, the Pastor,  is the not the same as everyone else.  Don't listen to the devil's deception.  

Your Pastor is the watchman for your soul.

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