Monday, March 14, 2022

WWB 02 - Are You the House of Prayer?



And said unto them, It is written,
My house shall be called the house of prayer…
Matthew 21:13

When we hear this phrase, we often think of it as referring to a building such as the Temple in the Old Testament or the modern day Church building in which we gather to have service on certain days of the week.


The word “house” can be defined as “a dwelling place”. (Strong’s G3624)

God wants the place where He dwells to be a place filled with prayer.

Romans 8:9

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit if so be
that the Spirit of God DWELL in you…

The Greek word for “dwell” comes from the Greek word for ‘House’ and means “to occupy, to reside”. (Strong’s G3611)

WE are God’s House, His dwelling place where God comes to reside once we have the Holy Ghost living inside of us.

2 Corinthians 6:16

…For ye are the Temple of the Living God; as God hath said,
I will dwell in them, and walk in them;
and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

WE are the Temple of the Living God.
WE are to be the House of Prayer.


Prayer is us talking to God – Bible reading is God communicating to us.

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing”

If a person is not praying, it won’t be long until they are straying.

“Prayer should not be merely an occasional impulse to which we respond when we are in trouble.  Prayer should be a life attitude when you’re a Christian”

Prayer should not be something that we do only when you come to Church.

As Christians, we should feed the spiritual man through prayer and Bible reading MORE than we feed the natural man.

Just as the natural body will grow weak and sickly if not fed very often or is fed on junk food the majority of the time….

In the same manner, the spiritual man will become weak and sickly if not fed very often or if the majority of a person’s spiritual diet consists of carnal things.

How much time is spent or not spent in prayer will affect how well you can handle a life crisis or even a simple frustration. 

We need to be FULL of the Holy Ghost, but we can’t be full of the Holy Ghost if we’re not praying.


Sometimes we don’t know how to pray or what to pray.  Even Jesus’ disciples felt that way at times. 

In Luke 11:1, we find where Jesus had been praying. 

His disciples knew the importance and necessity of prayer, but after listening to Jesus pray, one of His disciples may have felt his prayers were falling short or were inadequate as he said to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray….”

They knew John the Baptist had taught his disciples how to pray, and Jesus had instructed them not to pray using vain repetitions (Matthew 6:7 ) meaning, not to repeat the same things over and over, and use idle words such as repeating “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus – Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah” etc over and over again. 

That is drawing near to God with our mouth and with our words, but if a person’s heart is not in it, they are just using vain repetitions. (Isaiah 29:13)

Jesus wants the words we speak to be sincere and from our heart.  He wants true, heartfelt worship and adoration.

He wants us to have a meaningful conversation with Him just as we would have with a close friend or family member. 

If you don’t know how to pray or what to pray, ask Him.



James 4:8
Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you…..

The more time we spend in prayer, the closer we’ll become to Jesus. 

Coming to Church, hearing the preached Word, and reading the Bible are how we learn about God. But it is not the same nor does it take the place of praying.

Praying is building relationship with our Creator and Savior.

When we became interested in the person who is now our spouse, we didn’t build a relationship by just being in the same room.  No, we had many conversations. 

At first, it was awkward as we asked surface questions and told each other our likes and dislikes or shared our day.  Then little by little, those conversations became more meaningful and deeper until the relationship developed from just ‘like’ to ‘love’. 

It’s the same way in our walk with God. 

When you first begin to pray, it may seem awkward and you may not know exactly what to pray so the conversation is short. 

But the more you pray, the more you’ll learn to pray. 
The more you learn to pray, the more you’ll desire to pray. 
Until you long for those special times spent in God’s Presence, feeling His comforting touch as we feel His loving arms wrap around our shoulders.

Prayer draws us closer to Jesus!


Hezekiah, King of Judah, was born to a mother and father who did wickedly in the sight of Almighty God.  But despite his ungodly heritage, King Hezekiah made the decision to serve and pray to the One True Living God.

He tore down all the idols and places of pagan worship and tried to turn the hearts of the people back to serving the True God.

The Bible says he CLAVE (held tightly) to the Lord, kept His commandments, and didn’t depart/stray away from following Him.  Because of it, the Lord was with him. (2 Kings 18-20)

Years passed during Hezekiah’s reign and he continued to do right in God’s eyes, but eventually he became sick and grew worse each day. 

God sent the Prophet Isaiah to tell him to get his house in order because he was going to die.

Instead of accepting that word concerning his demise, he turned his face to the wall and began to pray.  He reminded God of his faithfulness and devotion to God.  Because he prayed, God extended Hezekiah’s life 15 more years. 

Because Prayer changes things!

The 3 Hebrew boys would not have been able to stand strong and would not have been delivered from the fiery furnace if they didn’t have a consistent dedicated prayer life.

Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den BECAUSE he prayed….but he was also kept safe and delivered out of it BECAUSE he had a consistent dedicated prayer life.

Noah saved himself and his immediate family BECAUSE he prayed.  Because he prayed, he was able to hear God’s voice warning there was a flood coming.  Because he prayed, he was able to hear God’s instructions on how to build the Ark and what to do to save his family and the animals.

It was because Paul and Silas chose to pray and worship God despite being beaten and bruised that the prison doors were opened and the chains fell off not just for them but for ALL who were bound in the prison with them.  And because they prayed instead of moaning, the jailer and his family were baptized that night.

Their stories would have all turned out differently if they hadn’t prayed.  


Corrie Ten Boom once wisely said….

The wonderful thing about praying
is that you leave a world of not being able to do something,
and enter God’s realm where everything is possible. 
He specializes in the impossible. 
Nothing is too great for His Almighty power. 
Nothing is too small for His love.

There are some who claim to be Christian yet don’t believe you have to pray very often, saying, “God knows my heart.” That is a doctrine of devils sent to deceive!  Yes, God knows their heart better than they do.  Their heart is carnal and loves the things of this present world more than the things of God.

The devil loves prayerlessness!  Or very little of it, just enough to appease the conscious.  Because he knows there’s power in prayer…

It is through prayer that mountains move.

It is through prayer that situations change.

It is through prayer that WE change and get in alignment with God’s Will.

It was during a prayer meeting that the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Day of Pentecost.

It was during a prayer meeting that the Holy Ghost was first poured out in Topeka, Kansas and then spread to California and was poured out at the Azusa Street Revival.

It began in September in the year 1900, when a man named Charles F. Parham required his students to carefully study the subject of the Holy Ghost.

On New Year’s eve, around 80 people gathered for watchnight service.  The people began to pray.

On January 1st, 1901, a missionary lady named Agnes Ozman was the first to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  She spoke in tongues for 3 days.

On January 3rd, twelve students (including Charles Parham) received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.

From there, the revival fires spread to Kansas City, Missouri. As they continued to pray and study God’s Word, God directed Bro Parham to Acts 2:38 and opened his understanding of the need of water Baptism by immersion in Jesus’ name.

The revival fires continued to spread and made its way south to Texas and then eventually to Azusa Street in Los Angeles, CA where in April of 1906, the Holy Ghost was again poured out in a mighty way.

Prior to those studies and prayer meetings, it was rare and looked down upon to speak in tongues.  The spread of this new outpouring of God’s Spirit was fought but you can’t fight against God.

The Holy Ghost was once again burning and spreading like a wild fire….all because people prayed!



Prayer opens the door to the supernatural and to see the Gifts of the Spirit in operation.

Through prayer AND Fasting, we see strongholds broken and chains fall off of those who are bound.

Through prayer, we see the impossible become miracles!

The reason the modern day Apostolic Church is not seeing the same results the Apostles saw, is because the modern day Apostolic Church is not doing the same things the Apostles did. 

The modern Church is craving and seeking after too much entertainment.  

The early Church learned the importance of prayer!  They knew how to pray!   

And it was not just a casual prayer – they knew how to pray a fervent, Holy Ghost, heartfelt, and anointed prayer!


It is the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man that availeth much! (James 5:16)


If you want to see a breakthrough in your life or situation,
prayer AND fasting are the key!

The modern day saints are addicted to good music and want to hear ‘good’ preaching that sounds more like a motivational speech than a sermon trying to direct them and get them ready for heaven. 

We need the preaching and teaching and worship (that’s Biblical), but we need along with all that to learn how to really pray.

The 5 foolish virgins oil was growing low because prayer was not a priority.

Lack of prayer of just occasional prayer here and there will cause a person to become lukewarm and then cold in their spirit. God said He will spue lukewarm Christians out of His mouth. (Rev 3:16)

You know why He hates it so much?  Because a lukewarm person thinks they’re ok spiritually when they’re on dangerous ground.  Revive the fires of prayer!

Surround yourself with people that will get you to pray more, worship more and love God more!

We need to LONG after God!

We need to HUNGER and THIRST after God!

Those that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be FILLED. (Mt 5:6)

If you don’t know how to pray, ask the Lord to teach you HOW to pray.

Let us not just appear to be a house of prayer but to actually BE a house of prayer.

The House of God is supposed to be a Holy Place…
            a place of worship…
            a place to talk to the One who created all things….
            a place to come and get into God’s Presence without all the                   
                  distractions and without all the hustle & bustle of everyday life with
                  its cares…..
            a place where our focus can be completely on HIM.

Bro Godair shared this….

Before Church, you talk to God.
During Church, let God talk to you.
After Church, talk to each other.

Pre-service prayer is just as important as the rest of the service – it is the time when you get your spirit in tune with God, clear the clutter from your mind, and usher in God’s presence into the service. 

So we can be ready to give God our undivided attention as we offer up worship, praise, and adoration to the One who is worthy.  Jesus deserves so much more than what we offer Him.

The preaching is where God can speak to us, direct us, lead, teach, or correct us through the preached Word. 

Then we conclude with altar service.  I’ve heard said and agree that we must always leave the Church by way of the altar whether we feel the message was for us or not.   It gives more time for God to work and let the Message sink in.

Prayer should be the foundation in every Born Again Believer’s life.

Prayer keeps our hearts tender and pliable before God.

“Prayer requires more of the heart than of the tongue.”

Prayer should not be something we turn to only when we want or need something.  Prayer should not be something we only use in times of emergency.

Colossians 4:2 – CONTINUE in prayer, and WATCH in the same with thanksgiving.

This means = Persevere and be diligent in praying, and KEEP AWAKE in the same.

We are in the end time hours.  The devil is seeking whom he may devour.

We need to pray – more than ever before – we need to be diligent and persevere in prayer!  We need to stay awake and aware spiritually! 

We need to pray!  We need to become the house of prayer!

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