Monday, March 14, 2022

WWB 01 - Why We Believe What We Believe


WHY we believe WHAT we believe


Knowing why and what we believe is important. 

If we do not have that basic understanding, we can be swayed into false doctrine by contentions that may arise or by various winds of doctrine (teaching) that may blow.

Ephesians 4:14 – That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.

There are so-called “Christians” who are lying in wait in order to deceive and draw unsuspecting souls astray into error and false doctrines that are more appealing and pleasing to the flesh.

We do not want to fall prey and be deceived.  This is why we need to know WHAT we believe and WHY we believe it. 

One key way to keep us from going astray is to be prayed up, full of the Holy Ghost.   The Holy Ghost will lead and guide us into all truth.  (John 16:13)

People who are not diligently and faithfully praying
are more apt to be straying and easily swayed by every wind of doctrine.

I’ve seen too many fall away into false doctrines who once used to seem so firm and grounded.  Why? Because….

1.      First off their prayer life was not as on fire and fervent as it  
once was.  Their prayer life was lacking.

2.     And because they were not rooted and grounded in the Faith.  They did not have a Biblical understanding of what God’s Word truly teaches on a subject.

I grew up being TOLD that we don’t believe in doing this or that

I grew up being TOLD that we DO this or that

I grew up being told the REASON is because ‘it’s against our religion’ or ‘our church doesn’t/does believe in it’ or ‘it’s because we’re Pentecostal.’ 

That’s not enough to keep a person from straying when someone questions their faith.

I had friends growing up who would say, “WHY can’t you….?”  Or “WHY do you….?”  “I’m a Christian and I don’t (or do)……”

These questions and a Church split when I was a teenager brought me to a crossroads.

I had 2 choices before me….

1.      Hit my knees in prayer and begin to seek God’s face concerning what is or isn’t in His Word.

2.     OR let the turmoil, unanswered questions, and winds of doctrine cause me to stray away from all I’d been told and believed growing up.

Too many choose path #2 but thankfully, I chose path #1….which should always be our first choice and answer when questions arise.

I sincerely began to seek God’s face, asking Him to reveal HIS Truths to me. 

I was honest before God and let Him know that I was confused and didn’t understand which way or what denomination was right. But I did it with brokenness and openness - I asked God to show me HIS Truth.

It didn’t come right away.  It was here a little, there a little. 

Just as a baby’s learning is a process, so it is in our walk with God.  As God sees that we are maturing and growing and grasping what He’s already taught us, then He’ll begin to show us a little more, then a little more. 

Key is to stay pliable and teachable in His hands. 

Hosea 4:6 – My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:
because thou hast rejected knowledge,
I will also reject thee…

God is warning that His people are being destroyed because they lack understanding of what His Word truly says….what it teaches TO DO, and what it teaches to NOT DO.

Rejected means “to spurn: abhor, despise, disdain, treat it as loathsome, refuse” (H3988)

There is a strong warning against rejecting, despising, or abhoring the teachings in God’s Word. 

If God said it, there’s a reason.  And we do well to listen and obey.

Ignoring it or refusing to listen because it’s not something we want to hear, don’t like to hear, and is contrary to what this flesh wants and desires will not be adequate as an excuse when we stand before God.

God said He will reject us if we reject His knowledge.

When we stand before God and He says either “Enter in” or “Depart from Me, workers of iniquity” (Lk 13:27), saying “I didn’t know” or “I didn’t believe it” will not be adequate excuse to get us a pass into Heaven.

We have God’s Word and we are not only to READ it but we are also to STUDY it so we KNOW what God’s Word teaches.


2 Tim 2:15 – STUDY to show thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the Word of Truth.


Workman = a toiler, a laborer, a teacher (G2040)

In other words, we need to dig in and really search and study God’s Word so that when the devil whispers in your ear or sends someone to question our faith (and he will), we have the answers and are able to respond unashamed. 

We need to know how to rightly divide and correctly expound the Word of Truth.

We need to know WHY we believe WHAT we believe for our own benefit so that we can stand firm like a house that is built on a rock.

When a person is not reading or studying God’s Word every day, they are like a house built on sand.  They do not have a firm foundation, and the slightest wind of false doctrine could send them crashing down.  

Remember the homes that fell off the edge of the cliff in Savannah last year?

If their foundations had been secured into rock, those homes would still be standing. But their foundation was only in the dirt on the side of a cliff.  When the rains came and loosened the ground, their foundation was only as firm as the ground it was in.  So when the land began to give and fall away into the water, the homes fell with it. 

 You have to make sure your foundation is SURE (solid and stable)!

Once you have your foundation SURE (solid and stable), then you can teach others.

If you’ve ever been on a plane and they’re explaining safety procedures, the one thing they stress is that in the event of an emergency and those oxygen masks drop, put your oxygen mask on FIRST so that you can be able to then help others.

KNOW what you believe (what the Bible teaches) FIRST so that you will not be a novice who is easily swayed or left confused when questions are posed by others.

Some people are sincere and just don’t get it.  While other people just want to be contentious and try to trip you up.  It doesn’t matter if you can show Scripture to back it up, they just want to argue and will not listen.

Pray for God to help you discern the difference.

Jesus instructed His disciples to GO and TEACH
. (Mt 28:19-20)

He told them to teach others to observe ALL things, whatever He has commanded.

His disciples were not a novice concerning the Word of God. 

Jesus spent 3 ½ years pouring into them night and day at times, teaching them to observe (to follow) the things He commanded them and concerning the Kingdom of God. 

Peter instructed, “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” (1 Pet 3:15)

We are in the Last Days.  We need to be reaching for the lost and to be able to give Biblical answers to their questions.

You will be able to do this by not just reading but really digging into the Word of God.

Sometimes you will not understand what you’re reading. 

That’s why God gave us pastors and teachers.  As Bro Gregory read last night – we need a teaching priest to explain the Word of God to us.  (2 Chron 15:2)

Romans 10:14
How then shall they call on Him in Whom they have not believed?
And how shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?

Jeremiah 3:15
And I will give you PASTORS according to Mine heart,
which shall FEED YOU with knowledge and understanding.

God has given us pastors to feed us (spiritually) with knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. 

But we need to have a teachable spirit so we can ingest the proper spiritual nutrients that we need to help us grow to be a mature Christian in Christ.

Be a disciple. 

Being a disciple means to be a follower/a student of a teacher.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:1
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

Follow the pastor’s leading and teachings as he follows Christ.

The goal of these Bible studies is to help us to be Disciples who then grow into mature Christians that can then GO and TEACH as well. 

Luke 10:2
Therefore said He unto them,
The harvest truly is great,
but the labourers are few:
pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,
that he would send forth labourers into His harvest.

There are souls that only you can reach – pray that God will teach you how to be a laborer that will reap the harvest to bring into His storehouse.

Pray that God will MAKE you to become a fisher of men (Mark 1:17)

Someone’s eternity is depending on you.

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