Monday, March 28, 2022

Eternity is long. Make sure you'll spend it in the right place

Yesterday in Sunday School the kids were trying to guess my age.  One thought I was over 100 years old. 😳  Another thought I was in my 90's. 🥴 One child said her mom is not liking that she's growing up so fast so she pretends that she's still four. I told them I like to pretend that I'm still 21. One child accurately guessed that I was between 40 and 50. I told that I was but to let me live in the delusion that I was still 21.

We all laughed.   We were having fun and just to clarify I am not pretending to be 21.  I am closer to 50 than 40  There's no way I would try to appear to be 21.  I'm a grandmother and enjoying every moment although I wonder where has the time gone?!  

Life is but a vapor and passes all too quickly.

We need to make the most of every moment and make every moment count...with family and for Jesus.  

When we step into eternity, what will be the most important thing? What will be the thing that really matters?   

A job? A Promotion? The hours spent working away from family?  The hours spent away from family even though they're sitting in the same room because a person may be too engrossed in their phone or a movie/tv show that is derived from someone else's imagination? Fame? Fortune? Who won the latest game? Etc....

No, what will matter most is: Are we saved? Are we ready for the Lord's return? Is our family ready? Are we trying to reach out to those who don't know Jesus in the fulness of Truth?

Time is winding down fast.  One day it will be too late to get ready or get right with Jesus.    Today is the day of salvation.   Don't wait another moment.   We're only one heartbeat away from eternity and we never know when that might be.  

In the end, what will matter most is a life lived for Jesus and to hear Him say well done,  enter in!  For us, for our families,  and for others. 

I know this is lengthy.  I was simply getting ready to grab the vacuum when these thoughts filled my mind.  Make sure you're saved and ready.  Do what you can to help your family be ready.  Do what you can to reach the lost.  

Eternity is long.  Make sure you'll spend it in the right place.  

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