Friday, March 25, 2022

Sin no more lest....

Jesus had come to the pool of Bethesda. There He found many impotent folk (meaning feeble, diseased, sick).  But one particular man caught his attention who had been sick for 38 years.

At a certain season each year, and Angel we come down and Trouble the waters. As soon as the people saw the waters begin to be troubled, if they would make their way to the water and get in, the first one to touch the water would be healed.

Jesus asked the man who had been sick for 38 years if he wanted to be made whole? In other words, he was asking if he wanted to be healed of his sickness. The man wanted to but could not get to the healing waters as fast as others. So, year after year he returned home the same way he came.  

Jesus told the man to rise, take up his bed and walk. He obeyed and was healed that moment.  I imagine he was more than happy to be made well.  His family and friends were likely suprised to see him walking through the town that day. 

Then he went to Church!  Jesus found again in the Temple.  The first time Jesus found him,  the spoke healing.  The second time, Jesus found him, He issued a dire warning as He said, "...sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto you."

Why did He add that clause? 

We like to revel in the blessings, but when Jesus has done such mighty miracles in our lives, we need to guard our hearts so that we do not sin anymore lest a worse thing come upon us.  

You may think that's negative,  but that is Jesus' words and warning. We do well to listen.  God heals us and saves us so we can walk in the Light as He is in the Light....and the Blood of Jesus Christ  cleanseth is from all sin. 

Scripture ref: John 5:1-16 + 1 John 1:7

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