The recurring common reason and excuse I'm hearing for not teaching holiness and separation from the world is to "wait until they ask".
Do you wait until a baby or child asks before you instruct them not to bite, or hit, or steal, or pull hair, etc?
No, you work to teach and correct a bad behavior they're exhibiting.
Do you wait until a baby asks before you teach it how to say words, how to walk, or what 'No!' means?
Do you wait before a child asks before you begin teaching it the ABCs, how to put letters together to make words, and how to write?
Do you wait until a child asks before beginning to teach him or her reading, writing, arithmetic, history, geography, art, music, etc?
No,you begin trying to teach and instruct things you know they need to learn, increasing the knowledge and lessons needed as they grow and grasp what they've previously been taught.
Did God wait for His people to ask before He gave them the 10 Commandments and extensive instructions in the Law concerning the governing and ordinances of right and wrong?
No, He gave them rules to follow, instructing and correcting bad behavior and the sin nature that are contrary to God's ways.
God gave them instructions on how to dress, how to live, what was ok or not ok to eat, things that were an abomination to Him, what was right and what was wrong.
Did Paul wait for the saints in the Churches to ask questions before sending letters of instruction on how to live as a Christian and the sins they needed to shun and avoid?
In a few instances yes, but for the most part, No. Paul sent them letters instructing them how to live Godly in this present world.
His letters included instructions for and women....concerning clothing, hair, alcohol, submission, things that will send a person to hell, and the need for the Fruit of the Spirit besides just the Gifts of the Spirit.
Paul in his letter to Timothy instructed him to.....
2 Timothy 4:2
- Preach the word;
- be instant in season, out of season;
- reprove, ( means reprimand, tell a fault, admonish)
- rebuke, (means express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions.)
- exhort (means to try to encourage or strongly urge someone to do something)
- with all longsuffering and doctrine. (Use patience and the Word of God)
No, I will not wait until someone asks before teaching Biblical Truths that are contained within the Bible. Because....
[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable
- for doctrine,
- for reproof,
- for correction,
- for instruction in righteousness:
[17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
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