This year, we had a good harvest of cucumbers (and they're still coming in). I had already pickled some and put a few in the fridge wrapped in paper towels and sealed in a ziplock bag to preserve freshness until I could figure out what to do with them.
Today, I decided to pull them out of the fridge and put them in the dehydrator to make healthy cucumber chips.
They all looked good as I unwrapped them, so I began to slice the first one up. I grabbed a piece and popped it in my mouth as I sliced them. Suddenly, I had the most awful bitter taste in my mouth. Ugh! I quickly spit it out (sorry to be so gross) and grabbed a drink to try to wash away the awful taste. That cucumber looked good on the outside but had become bitter and rotten on the inside. So, I removed all its pieces and threw them in the trash.
I began slicing the second one. It also looked fine on the outside, but once again my mouth was filled with the most bitter, horrid taste as I tasted a slice from it. I spewed it out of my mouth as well. The inside was bitter! (again, I apologize for the horrible word picture but I want to convey how awful it truly was.) That cucumber and its pieces also went into the trash.
I was hesitant to try the third and fourth cucumbers but they tasted fine. So, I sliced and seasoned them, then placed them in the dehydrator to bake.
While what the outside looks like IS important to God (I can show you many Scriptural passages supporting what I say, beginning in Genesis), the inside is equally as important.
We can look so good and have everything appear perfect on the outside, but yet be so bitter on the inside.
The inside matters too! (Matthew 23)
It is important to examine our heart to make sure there is no bitterness taking root and spreading in our heart and mind. Make sure there is no hate, envy, anger, or strife wrestling within us. Cast out and repent of all rebellion and pride which are contrary to God and His nature.
Jesus is coming soon. We don't want anything to cause us to be lost for eternity. We don't want anything in our heart that is displeasing to God that would cause Him to spew us out of His mouth.
Eternity is too long and hell is too hot to be lost forever.
Make sure your heart is clean and pure in God's eyes. (not ours, because: the heart is deceitful above all else and desperately wicked. Who could know it? Jer 17:9) We may not see it, but God does so let HIM search the hearts and minds.
Make sure the inside is as clean and pure as the outside.
It's better to have a clean heart and meet Jesus as Savior rather than as Judge.
Make sure, make very sure you're ready.
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