the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and COMPEL THEM TO COME IN, THAT MY HOUSE MAY BE FILLED.
As I was praying the other day about soul winning and reaching the lost, this Scripture came to my mind.
Jesus was giving a parable about a Great Supper. He told how many were invited, but when the supper was ready they all made excuses as to why they couldn't come.... too busy, have other obligations to attend to, something else is taking priority, spending time with family was more important, and so on. The same excuses many give nowadays as to why they can't come to Church.
The first invitation was joyous and peaceful "Come and dine!" But so many refused, not realizing what they were giving up for earthly temporal things.
Next, Jesus said to go invite those who are poor, and maimed, and the halt, and the blind. Because those who have needs and are not rich in the things of this world are more likely to receive Him gladly.
They did this yet there was still room. So Jesus said the lord instructed to go the highways and hedges and to COMPEL them to come in, that His House may be FILLED.
Compel means: (1) force or oblige (someone) to do something. (2) bring about (something) by the use of force or pressure. (3) literally meaning to force
That is completely opposite of how most think and operate when it comes to soul winning. I know we can't literally force someone to live for Jesus. But we need to COMPEL them as much as is possible using Godly wisdom because time is running out. We don't want our family, our friends, or anyone to be lost for eternity.
If you have someone who keeps seeming to badger and hound you about coming to Church, you need to thank God for them. They care about your soul and where you spend eternity enough to risk making you upset with them. But they're doing it because they love you.
Don't stop compelling others to make the choice to live for Jesus.
The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. (Mt 9:37)
Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest will teach you how to be a laborer in His field. Don't look and pray for someone else to do it. We all need to be reaching for the lost while we can.
So what if they think you're being a little extra. What is that in comparison to eternity.
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