Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Playing with serpent spirits

I had a dream. In this dream I saw a person squatting down with their hand dangling on the ground. As I watched, a snake slithered around that person's hand. The person moved their hand as if they were playing with the snake when suddenly it bit the person.  I was horrified because it was a poisonous snake.  I watched as that person's hand began to swell some and turn an off color from the venom yet they continued dangling their hand near the snake. The snake continued to slither around their hand and even seemed to wrap around their hand playfully.  

There are some who are playing with serpent spirits.  It's injecting it's venom into them yet they are unaware of the poison that is flowing through their veins, slowly killing them spiritually.  They continue playing with those spirits, unaware of what they're toying with.

It's easy to justify self, words, and actions, but if it's contrary to the Word of God and is not a Fruit of the Spirit, then it is a serpent spirit. Cast it away from you. Don't toy with it.  

The most common tend to be spirits of rebellion and/or spirits of pride...those are twin spirits that usually stick closely together.  They are the two things that caused lucifer to get kicked out of heaven. They may appear to be spiritual but if they're walking in rebellion, will not submit to a pastor or authority,  it's a serpent spirit.  Their words and actions will reveal it.  Pray for them but guard your heart through prayer and fasting that you will not fall prey to that snake as they did.

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. (1Sam 15:23)  Don't walk in rebellion! Don't practice witchcraft through a rebellious spirit!  It's a serpent spirit that will poison and kill you spiritually.  

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