Monday, April 18, 2022

Are You Walking in the Power?

 After Jesus had risen from the dead, He walked with and taught His disciples for 40 more days after His resurrection. 

He left them with one last Promise before He began to ascend up into the clouds...

And ye shall receive POWER,
after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…
Acts 1:8

Power?  What did Jesus mean?  What kind of power was He referring to?

The Strong’s definition for Power means: (Greek #1411)
           force; specially miraculous power
           (usually by implication, a miracle itself – i.e. a worker of miracles)

We don’t think about that…. 
           We focus on the need to repent and turn from our sins. 
           We know we need to get baptized in Jesus’ name. 
           We know we need the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues. 
           We know we need to strive to live a holy life, pleasing unto the Lord. 
           So we come to church and try to be good saints.
           We pray and read our Bibles.
          Occasionally, we try to invite someone to Church

But we overlook this verse of Promise where Jesus said we shall receive POWER! 

He wants to work through us and use us in the miraculous!  WE are His vessels.

Once we receive the Holy Ghost, God wants each of us to develop into a ‘worker of miracles’! 

We read about the miraculous things that Jesus did while on the earth…..
          * He healed the sick                         * made the lame to walk again
           * unstopped deaf ears                     * restored sight to the blind
           * raised the dead back to life         * healed a man of palsy
           * walked on water                            * multiplied loaves and fishes (twice)
           * delivered those who were tormented and demon-possessed
           * on a couple occasions, He commanded the storms with His Word saying,
              “Peace, be still!” and they immediately became calm.

These are only a few of the many miracles Jesus did that are recorded in the Bible. 

John 21:25
And there are also many other things which Jesus did,
the which, if they should be written every one,
I suppose that even the world itself could not contain
the books that should be written.

If everything Jesus did while on earth was to be written down in books, there would not be room enough on the earth to fit all the books written about His mighty deeds.  That is mind-blowing to think about! 

But even more mind-blowing is another Promise Jesus gave to us in:

John 14:12
Verily, Verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on Me,
the works that I do shall he do also;
and GREATER works than THESE shall he do

EVERYTHING Jesus did, He’s given us the authority and power to do as well… and GREATER! 

When we pray, we should BELIEVE and EXPECT great things will happen!

The Apostles walked in POWER and AUTHORITY!

Not only did the Apostles travel around from city to city and region to region spreading the Gospel, commanding people to be baptized in the name of Jesus, and praying with those they encountered to receive the Holy Ghost….

But they also grasped what Jesus was saying and walked in that power and authority through the Holy Ghost doing many mighty miracles.

Acts 2:43
and fear came upon every soul:
and MANY WONDERS and SIGNS (supernatural miracles)
were done by the Apostles.

(Reference also: Acts 4:30, 5:12, 14:3 + Romans 15:19 + 2 Cor 12:12 + Heb 2:4)

A man who was lame since birth was miraculously healed and labeled as a ‘notable miracle’ by those who opposed the Gospel of Jesus. (Acts 3 + 4:16)

They healed many who were sick and others who were vexed with unclean spirits.  (Acts 5:16)

The Apostles were put in prison, but then were found the next day preaching in the Temple because God sent an angel to open the prison doors and set them free.  Yet, when the officers went to check on them in prison, they found the prison doors still securely locked. (Acts 5:17-25)

Peter was also miraculously delivered from prison on a separate occasion.  (Acts 12)

A young girl who was bound by a fortune telling devil was delivered and set free.  That made the men who had enslaved her angry and so they had Paul and Silas beaten and put in prison.  But they were also miraculously delivered from prison when their worship caused an earthquake and the prison doors flew open.  (Acts 16)

These are just a few of the miracles God worked through them. That was way back then, but what about now?



Paul wrote a letter to Timothy and warned of many things that would come in the last days.  He said it would be perilous times, we would see many signs, and one of those being that there would be those who would have a form of godliness but deny (reject/refuse) the power that God has given them. (2 Timothy 3)

I am sadly convinced that so many of us do not fully understand or grasp the power that God has given to us once we receive the Holy Ghost.  Perhaps it is because of lack of faith or perhaps it is from lack of teaching?

The Holy Ghost is Christ in us (Gal 1:27, Rom 8:9) so when we operate and walk in the power of the Holy Ghost, it is Christ working through us.  Yet, so many think that power is only for the big name popular preachers or the apostles of old and no longer available today. 

Jesus taught in Acts 1:8 that we will receive power after we receive the Holy Ghost.

Paul is warning there would come a time when people would appear to be godly yet deny that power.

Jesus teaches in His Word that there are signs that will follow every believer…not just those who are well known or the former apostles. It is not just for those operating in the Gifts of the Spirit (although those are available to every believer as well). 

But Jesus said in Mark 16:17-18 that signs will follow EVERYONE who believes….

{16:17} And these signs shall follow them that believe;
In my name shall they cast out devils;
they shall speak with new tongues;

{16:18} They shall take up serpents;
and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;
they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

If you have the Holy Ghost, those promises are available to you!

Jesus issued another promise in Luke 10:19 –                                                                           .
Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Jesus instructed His disciples in Matthew 10:8 which is also instruction to us…               .
Heal the sick,
cleanse the lepers,
raise the dead,
cast out devils

Jesus instructed them (and us) to do these things.  Yet, we are not seeing this happen much if at all because too many of us are not claiming that authority and walking in the power God has given us.

God has not changed – our understanding and belief is what has changed.


That is a promise many will believe and somewhat claim.  I’m not against going to the doctor – I’ve had to go many times myself – but are we quicker to trust the doctor than in the power of prayer? 

I’ll be honest…I am amazed and do not understand why some do not ask for prayer, especially when they have something serious going on in their body.  

James 5:14 instructs…

Is any sick among you?
Let him call for the elders of the church;
and let them pray over them,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord

Jesus said to ‘heal the sick’ (Mt 10:8).  God is still able!  Do we no longer believe?  Who are we trusting in more?  God and His power to heal or the doctors? (again, I’m not against going to doctors – Luke was a physician and a Christian)

It’s easier to believe for the small things but what about the big things?  What about a new heart?  Or other serious health issues?

I’ve heard testimonies of people receiving a new heart through prayer or God performing a surgery, leaving the doctors amazed.

What about limbs growing out?  We mainly hear about this happening in other countries because people here in the states do not believe.

Jesus wants us to walk in that authority and power so He can operate through us.

*I could give many personal testimonies of God healing me, my children, family, or people I know.  I’m sure each of us could as well.


That is one where many of us and our faith waiver. 

I did pray and pleaded with God to bring my first husband back to life after he passed. It didn’t happen.  I became consumed by guilt afterward thinking I didn’t pray the right prayer, I didn’t pray boldly enough, I was too timid and quiet in my prayer, maybe there was some sin in me that kept it from happening, etc.

God finally gave me peace that it was his time.  I had faith but it wasn’t in God’s plan.

So, should we then conclude that every time a person dies, we should just assume it’s their time and not pray in faith believing for it to happen?  No.

We are to do our part: pray in faith and in the authority through the Holy Ghost and believe it will happen.…whether it be for healing or for someone to be raised from the dead.  The outcome is up to God.  

Minister Lee Stoneking and Minister Jeff Arnold were both brought back to life through the power of prayer.

I recently heard a testimony posted by a woman who attends a Baptist church.  She was at Cracker Barrell with her mother and sister when a group of Apostolic women entered. She made reference to her family that ‘they’re having a holy roller convention.’

As they stood up to leave, her mother suddenly felt sick and had to sit back down.  One of the ‘holy rollers’ happened to be an RN so she came over to see how she could help.  She kept eye on the woman’s pulse. The daughters were checking her pulse as well and her breathing.  She and the woman’s daughters knew that she had passed away as they tended to her.  She was dead.

But rather than offer her condolences, she called for some of the other ladies who were with her to come help pray.

They began to pray in faith believing for God to raise her from the dead.  The daughter testified that they prayed for a little while.  I’m not sure how long she was dead but the daughter testified that suddenly it was like lightning went through her mother’s body and she jumped up. God raised her from the dead in the middle of Cracker Barrell.

How many of us would have prayed for her to be raised back to life? Or would we have just offered our condolences? And prayed comfort for the family?

I know we’re sticking our necks out and risk being mocked if God doesn’t do it – Jesus was also mocked - but Jesus said to raise the dead.  We are to obey and leave the outcome to Him.


There are a few reasons we are not seeing this happen more than it does:

Some are afraid and feel powerless against these devils
     I’ve been in services where people have backed clear away from the person who needs deliverance
     I’ve heard stories of others who have locked theirselves in rooms of their church out of fear.  Not sure how that will protect from spirits?   If a person is not right before God they shouldn’t be present.

Many are not detecting them –
     they come disguised as sheep when they are really wolves in sheep’s clothing. 
     Paul warned in 2 Cor 11:13-15 that the devil can masquerade himself as an angel of light.  And his ministers will appear to be ministers of righteousness.
         Paul warned that such are false apostles, deceitful workers, who have transformed into the apostles of Christ
         Jesus said not everyone who prophesies, casts out devils, or does many mighty works in His name will enter Heaven. (Mt 7:22-23)
         Not everyone who appears to be speaking in tongues is by the Holy Ghost.
         The devil will mimic tongues, quote Scripture, and isn’t afraid to say Jesus.
         The devil even tried to use Scripture against Jesus (Mt 4)
        That’s why we need to discern and try the spirits to see if they be of God.

Some devils are being labeled as ‘mental illness’
         That is not saying all mental disabilities or issues are a spirit. 
         Depression and some issues can be caused by a hormonal imbalance or just
         But sometimes we’re not discerning a spirit that is binding that person.

Some devils are disguised as an illness, disease, or infirmity (some…not saying all)
         A man brought his son to Jesus with what many might label as having
         The boy couldn’t speak or hear.  He would often fall on the ground
         wallowing in foam.  And sometimes would fall into water or fire.
         Jesus commanded that dumb and deaf spirit to come out of him and enter
         into him no more!
         Notice: a child can be devil possessed  (Mark 9:17-27)
         Notice: it was a devil that caused the boy not to be able to hear or speak.
         Is that saying every person who is mute and deaf or sick is possessed? 
         No, example of the man who was deaf and had a speech impediment
         (Mk 7:32-35)

There are many more examples I could give but for time sake, we’ll move on.

There are some devils who can only be cast out through prayer and fasting.  (Mt 17:21)

We need discernment which only comes by spending more time with the Master than with worldly entertainment which numbs a person spiritually and dulls their spiritual perception.


I know many believe that God is in control of the weather.  And He definitely is.  So, wouldn’t we be praying contrary to what God has sent if we pray against it?

Yes, God can create storms to someone’s attention. (Jer 10:13, Ezek 12:13, Jonah 1:4)

But - Not every storm is sent by God.

Let’s look at Job:
     Fire fell from heaven and burnt up all his sheep and the servants (Lightning?)
           The messengers called it the fire of God but God did not send it – He
           allowed it
     A great wind came out of the wilderness and destroyed the home of Job’s
           oldest son killing all of Job’s children who were inside. God did not send it.

Jesus and His disciples were in a ship in the middle of the water when a Tempest (a violent windy storm) arose.  Jesus wasn’t afraid of the storm.  He slept through it.  The disciples were afraid because they didn’t understand the power that was in the boat with them. Jesus commanded the winds and waves to be still and they obeyed Him. (Mt 8:23-27)  Did He send that storm? I don’t know if He sent it, but He allowed it.

What about us?  Are we able to calm a storm as well?

Remember Jesus’ promise in John 14:12……………………………………………………..
Verily, Verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on Me,
the works that I do shall he do also;
and GREATER works than THESE shall he do

Jesus promised that we shall do GREATER works than what He did while on earth.
That includes all of them! Even speaking to the storms. That is mind-blowing! Our finite minds can not grasp it.

There is a video of a tornado heading straight for a Church in the Philippines as they were in service.  The people began to pray and call on the name of Jesus as it came closer. That tornado disappeared as they prayed. (found on Youtube: Chasing away a tornado in Jesus’ name)


There have been a lot of violent storms move through over the past couple years, especially at church times.  Why is it not happening as much on non-church days?  Do you think God is trying to keep people out of Church? 

These storms are wearing some down spiritually because they are not receiving much spiritual food compared to the steady daily carnal appetite being fed through entertainment.  

We have the authority and power to command those storms to be still. The same authority Jesus used and gave us permission to use.

Tornado and severe storm warnings have been issued on several church nights lately. We prayed and came to church anyway.  God honored our faithfulness and de-escalated the storms every time!  Thank You, Jesus!

I understand needing to be cautious. Storms can be dangerous and have cost lives.  But we also need to walk in the power and authority Jesus has given us through the Holy Ghost.

Sometimes He calms the storm.  Sometimes He doesn’t.  We pray in faith believing and on the rare occasions He chooses not to calm them, we accept that it must be God’s will.  

That song by Jeremy Camp we sometimes sing says….

The same power that rose Jesus from the grave
The same power that commands the dead to wake
Lives in us, lives in us
The same power that moves mountains when He speaks
The same power that can calm a raging sea
lives in us, lives in us
He lives in us, lives in us


That same power is living in us!

HOW did they walk in POWER and see miracles?

They knew the power came through staying prayed up and FULL of the Holy Ghost! And they believed God! They had faith that what Jesus said He would also do!

God wants to use each of us.  He wants us to operate in the miraculous and the Gifts of the Spirit.

God wants to use each and every one of us…but we have to be men and women of prayer! 

We have to get prayed up and stay prayed up and be FULL of the Holy Ghost.

We have to be willing to sacrifice the will of the flesh through fasting.

We have to deny the flesh of its wants (turn off movies or tv shows, put down novels, turn off social media) and take time - make time to pray!

Prayer is what breaks chains of darkness and open prison doors…not only for our self but it can also have an effect on those around us.

We are in the last days and need to walk in and operate more in the Spirit and the  miraculous than we ever have before. 

That same power is available to each and every one who is full of the Holy Ghost.


The devil will fight you and your family the more you operate and walk in that power and authority of the Holy Ghost. You will face many spiritual battles, opposition, and trials.

But the devil is a bully.  You can’t back down or give in when those battles come.  Instead, that’s the time to pray more and take a stand in the authority and power God has given us over him. Because greater is He (Jesus) who is living in us than he that is in the world.

Jesus didn’t save us to live a defeated life.

Are you walking in the power? Don’t deny the power thereof.  God is looking for vessels He can use and work through.

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