"...Make a seperation between the Sanctuary and the profane place." Ezekiel 42:20
There must be a seperation!
There must be a seperation between the Holy and the unholy!
Too many for too long have been trying to blend the two. You cannot be Holy and unholy at the same time!
God is a Holy God and commands us to be Holy as He is Holy. He commands us to 'come out from among them <the world> and be separate. And touch NOT the unclean thing.' 1Cor 6:17
Ezekiel 42:20 stood out to me yesterday as I read my Bible. And stood out to me again this morning.
My eyes were drawn to several passages in Daniel 9 where Daniel not only repented for himself but for all of Israel. God is calling His people to repentance and to cleanse our homes from anything that is displeasing to Him. So I began to repent and ask God to forgive me or any time that I have rebelled against Him; for anytime that I have not obeyed His voice; for any time I have not walked in His ways.
I knew God was speaking, I could feel His Presence strong, yet I felt a hesitation at posting it. I told God many do not want to hear what I have to say. They don't believe it and some get angry at my words. I wrote these words down but then set it aside.
I began to listen to a video I was tagged in. Brother raggio confirmed in his teaching on The Beauty of Holiness what I was feeling and writing. I would encourage you to listen for the entirety of his message as well. (It's on YouTube and FB)
Too many look at God as a loving God while ignoring the other part of God that is Holy and requires Holiness of us. They excuse away sin and think God will not condemn them for sinful lifestyles. This is one of the greatest deceptions the devil has perpetrated on mankind. Just claiming to love Jesus is not enough to get you into heaven. The Bible says no sin can enter there. There must be a separation between the Holy and the unholy.
The time of Jesus' coming is drawing nearer. There is also coming a time of great Tribulation.
I feel a confirmation to what Bro Raggio said, "If you persist in being worldly and spiritual, you're going to be destroyed."
There must be a separation!
"...Make a seperation between the Sanctuary and the profane place." Ezekiel 42:20
If we don't teach it, how will they know?
We must teach Holiness and separation from the world.
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