I have been trying to teach my Sunday school class the importance of prayer and Bible reading. So I issued them the challenge to read at least three Bible verses per day and to pray everyday. Then have their parent or Guardian initial it. When they bring it back in one week they would receive a prize in the effort to encourage these children to pray and develop a relationship with God.
The Bible passage we read last night at church was Psalm 30:1-3. After we read it, I explained what David was praying. He was thanking God that his enemies had not triumphed over him or killed him. One of his enemies was King Saul who had become jealous that the people were applauding and singing songs about David killing Goliath.
David was only able to defeat Goliath and save all of Israel because he prayed. He had developed a relationship with God from a child while watching his father's sheep. He would pray and sing songs of worship as he watched over the flock. It was because David prayed that he was able to defeat a lion and a bear that came after the Sheep. It was because David prayed that he was not afraid to go against Goliath. It was because David prayed that God directed that stone to Goliath's forehead and delivered Israel that day.
One of the children mentioned that they love the story of Noah. So we will be talking about Noah on Sunday. The Bible says the people of his day were wicked and the thoughts of their hearts were only evil continually. But Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord. The Bible says Noah was a just man and he walked with God. Noah prayed and had a relationship with God.
It was because Noah prayed and talked to God everyday that he was able to hear God's voice warning that there was going to be a great flood. It was because Noah prayed that he was able to hear not only God's warning but also His instructions on how to build the ark. It was because Noah prayed that he and his family were saved.
The Bible is full of so many true stories such as these. If only we could truly grasp the power we have through prayer. What can and will happen when we pray? Not just quick microwave prayers. What can and will happen when we walk with God and talk with God on a daily basis and develop a deep consecrated walk with God. As the disciples prayed so we need to pray, "Lord, teach us to pray."
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