Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The devil is Trying to Wear You Out!

The devil knows that he has only a short time left so he is trying to wear us out!

1 Peter 5:8 warns....

Be sober (watchful), be vigilant (keep awake! Don't let down your guard!) Because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walk about, seeking whom he may devour.

We need to recognize the tactics of the enemy!

2 Cor 2:11 warns...

Lest satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices (purpose,  his intellect). 

The devil Is a sly ol' fox!

We know it so we need to be on guard.

He is going to attack each of us differently according to what it will take to either make us fall, give up, or back down.

For the past two years, our world has battled this virus. 

  • Many have lost loved ones or people they knew and cared about. 
  • It has caused a lot of fear and panic in many. 
  • It has caused many churches to shut down. 
  • Some people are still afraid to go to back to church yet they'll go to Walmart, the salon, or other places. 
  • Some Churches in some countries are still not allowed to gather. 
  • This is wearing on people spiritually. 
  • Some are battling depression. 
  • Others are battling prolonged sickness or recurring sicknesses.
  • Strange weather is causing damage and stress for others with tornadoes, strong winds, ice and snow in unusual places, Etc. 
  • Some are battling family issues.
Looking back at 1 Peter 5:8...

It says the devil is seeking whom he may devour. As I read that, this thought came to mind....

  • We know he's trying to devour us
  • Sometimes he uses the stress of lost family members
  • It APPEARS he has devoured them
But this is where we need to walk by faith NOT by what we see! The devil will try to keep our focus on what we see...

  • Our family member is lost
  • They're into this or that ungodliness
  • They said this or that
  • They say they no longer believe in Jesus 💔😔
Don't focus on what they say or what they're doing. Keep your eyes on Jesus!

Remember the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37. O Lord, thou knowest whether these Dry Bones will live again.

So we keep praying and holding on, speaking things that are not as though they were.

Whatever it is that is wearing us out spiritually, we need to GIRD UP THE LOINS OF OUR MIND! 1 Pet 1:13

Gird up according to Merriam-Webster means to prepare for a military attack, readying oneself for any kind of confrontation.

We need to gird up our minds so we can stay focused on who we are battling (which is the devil) and how to fight in the Spirit. 

Keep your prayer life up, stay in the Word of God, and fast often. Remember that each battle and each situation we encounter is the devil trying to wear us out. So keep your eyes on Jesus and gird up the loins of your mind.

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