Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Letters To the 7 Churches in Revelation - Letter to Ephesus

 As taught at Bible Study on 7-13-21

Letters To the 7 Churches in Revelation

Letter to Ephesus


The Book of Revelation was written by John while imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos.  He was placed on the Isle for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

John had a lot of time on his hands since he couldn’t go anywhere and basically there wasn’t much else to do on that island, so he spent a lot of time in prayer.

As was the Jews’ custom on the Lord’s Day, John was praying and devoting time to God.  He went into a deep place in the Spirit as he prayed….

Rev 1:10  I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet,

Vs 11 – Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and what thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; (note: which is modern Turkey) unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

Vs 12 – And I turned to see the voice that spake unto me.  And being turned I saw 7 golden candlesticks;

Vs 13 – and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man (Jesus) <NOTE: these 7 candlesticks represent those 7 churches (see vs 20) and that Jesus is to be at the center! EVERYTHING revolves around Jesus Christ!>

Vs 16 – And He (Jesus) had in His right hand seven stars <Note: those 7 stars represent the pastors of the church  (vs 20 – angels in the Greek meant messenger/pastor) So Jesus is saying He holds the Pastors of the churches in His right hand> and out of His mouth went a sharp twoedged sword <that is the Word of God – Heb 4:12>

Many people avoid reading the book of Revelation because it is difficult to understand.  It’s a mystery.  But the Bible says….

Rev 1:3  BLESSED is he that READETH, and they that HEAR THE WORDS of this prophecy, and KEEP THOSE THINGS which are written therein: for the time is at hand. (meaning: it’s coming quickly)

We are in the Last Days and it is important to study and know what the Word of God truly says is coming.  There are too many fallacies that have been taught for too many years and pushed through Christian books and movies such as “Left Behind”. 

But the focus of this study right now is not on Pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-tribulation as to when the return of Jesus will be.  This Bible study is going to focus on examining the letters John wrote to the 7 churches.  Because those letters are applicable to us even today.

Jesus is coming soon so we need to examine our hearts and make sure we are not doing any of the things that Jesus wrote to the 7 Churches instructing them to repent for.

The first letter John wrote was to the church of Ephesus….

**The following history of Ephesus I am about to give came from the Spring 2021 Word Aflame Sunday School Curriculum….

Ephesus was a commercial and cultural center in New Testament times.  Today, it would be comparable to San Francisco or Chicago.  Ephesus was filled with idolatry, the occult, and demonic practices.  The citizens of Ephesus loved prosperity, pleasure and power.

The Ephesian church was pioneered by the Apostle Paul (Acts 18:19).  Later he returned for a revival (Acts 19).  When the Apostle Paul ministered, people usually responded with either a revival or a riot, and sometimes both.

The city of Ephesus was shaken by Holy Ghost power. Born-again Christians who were once demon worshipers burned their books worth 50,000 pieces of silver – equal to several million dollars in our currency.  They also destroyed their once precious idols of the false goddess Diana.  The foundation of the Ephesian church was built on a love for God and for Truth.

The apostle John, and elder in the church at Ephesus, was often referred to as the “apostle of love”. In his writings, the key word was always love.  As John wrote his epistles 1, 2, 3 John do you think he saw a heart condition creeping into the Church?  Was this why God repeatedly spoke through John to warn the saints to love God and one another?  From his imprisonment on the Isle of Patmos, do you think John was surprised when Jesus dictated a letter to the Ephesian church that diagnosed their heart condition as having left their “first love”?

(end excerpt from Sunday School material)

To the Church in Ephesus

Rev 2:1 – Unto the angel (Pastor) of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith He that holdeth the 7 stars (Pastors) in His right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks.

*Jesus is walking in the midst of the Churches, examining their works – some churches teach that works are not important but if that’s so, then why would Jesus be walking through the churches examining their works?

James 2:18 says – Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith BY my works.

James 2:17 – Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

The works/the deeds/ the things you do ARE going to prove your faith. 

And faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone – that’s Bible!

In Rev 2:2, Jesus said -  I KNOW THY WORKS, and thy LABOUR, and thy PATIENCE, and how thou CANST NOT BEAR THEM WHICH ARE EVIL: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: <they were discerning who were wolves in sheep’s clothing and the false prophets>

Vs 3 – and hast borne (endured), and hast patience, and for My name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

He even went on to compliment them in verse 6 for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which God said He also hates.

It is said that the Nicolaitans ate food which was offered in pagan Roman worship.  The Nicolaitans were those who conformed to the Roman culture and tried to blend it into the Church.  And not only did they conform, but they also were encouraging others to do the same during a time of dire persecution….

‘Just blend in / don’t rock the boat / everyone’s doing it / there’s nothing wrong with doing it / there’s nothing wrong with wearing this / there’s nothing wrong with watching that / this is the NEW Pentecostal way

There is no new Pentecostal way!  It is the spirit of compromise! And the love of worldliness!


The Bible instructs us to –

Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ASK FOR THE OLD PATHS,
where is the GOOD WAY, and WALK THEREIN,
and ye shall find rest for your souls. 
But they said, we will not walk therein.  (Jeremiah 6:16)

Those who are taking this ‘new’ path are doing the same thing that God warned against through Jeremiah the prophet.  Too many want to create a new path but that path leads to destruction and hell. 

There is a way that SEEMS right unto a man,
but the end thereof are the ways of death!
Proverbs 14:12 + 16:25

**Notice the Bible warned against the way that SEEMS/APPEARS to be right in man’s eyes in 2 different passages – that way leads to death!**

THERE IS NO NEW WAY!  There is only the old tried and true way – only God’s way.

When the Church becomes more like the world to win the world,
the Church has not won the world.  The world has won the Church.

The Bible said it is a narrow way that leads to life everlasting and FEW will find it.  Because too many want the blessings of God while holding tightly to the things of this world.

They don’t want to take up a cross to follow Jesus.  The cross is splintered, it’s heavy, and it hurts.  Too many are choosing the easy way but there is no easy way.  It is a way of deception!

The Nicolaitans/the modern Pentecostals were trying to blend in with the world while claiming to serve God.  You can’t serve two masters!  The church in Ephesus recognized that and hated the way of compromisers.  Take note that God said He hated it too!

These were all good qualities that Jesus was complimenting.  Yet, His next words were NEVERTHELESS….

Vs 4 – Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, BECAUSE thou hast left thy first love.

They had everything else right but despite all that, they had put Jesus on the backburner in their lives without even realizing it.  

They were so busy doing things FOR Jesus that they were not spending quality time in prayer WITH Jesus like they once did.

When a person first falls in love with Jesus, they spend so much time in prayer and reading His Word.  It’s like the honeymoon phase of a marriage.  They crave to be in His presence and to feel His touch. 

But then, as time goes on, a person settles in to their relationship with Jesus just as a married couple settles in and each go about their separate routines.  Meaningful time spent together becomes less frequent.   Irritations and frustrations of life slowly come between the couple once so in love.  And in the same manner, we see this same pattern repeated in our walk with God.

Oh, yes, we’re still married to Jesus but we let little things shorten our time that we should be spending with Him.  It’s like a quick “Love you” to your spouse as one hurries out the door while the other hurries to do other needful things. 

“Love you Jesus” but the kids need me right now.  
“Love you Jesus” but I just received a text or phone call I need to respond to.
“Love you Jesus” but this housework is getting out of hand. I’ve got to get it done.
“Love you Jesus” but I’m late for work
“Love you Jesus” but I have so much to do!

And the list goes on….you fill in the blank. Because we each individually know what is coming between our meaningful time spent with Jesus.

There was a song that Larnelle Harris wrote back in the 90’s or late 80’s as if from Jesus to His Bride….

I miss My time with you.  Those moments together.  I need to be with you each day and it hurts me when you say you’re too busy.  Too busy trying to serve Me.  But how can you serve Me when your spirit’s empty.  There’s a longing in my heart wanting more than just a part of you. It’s true, I miss My time with you.


God desires that intimate time spent with Him in prayer.  That’s why He first created Adam.  He longs for and desires those walks and talks in the Garden with each of us. 

Rev 2:5 – Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen (Realize and recognize that we’ve drifted away from that closeness with Jesus that we once had) AND REPENT and do this FIRST WORKS; OR ELSE I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, EXCEPT thou repent.

The cry is going forth – we need to repent for any and every time we have put Jesus on the back burner while we rush through the day and only offer Him microwave prayers.  He issued a serious warning – He will remove our candlestick if we don’t get back to prayer!  Meaningful prayer!  Deep consecrated quality prayer time!

Quality prayer time is what is going to carry us through these perilous Last Days and keep us from falling. 

Rev 2:7 – He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches; to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. 

There is a reward at the end – we’ll be able to partake of the tree of life.  We’re going to live eternally somewhere.  We need to strive to overcome this world of heartache and woes so that we can hear Him one day say “Well done thou good and faithful servant!  Enter in!”

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying unto the Church!

---  After reading Bro Guy’s post from several years back, I’m going to add this….

Churches are trying to implement all these different outreach techniques, visitor connect cards, fancy lights and fog machines, they have this going on and that going on…kayak groups, hiking groups, coffee groups, and the list goes on…trying to keep people coming to their church.  While those are fun, THAT IS NOT THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH!

The mission of the Church is to win the lost!

And while we definitely can not do away with outreach – the way we are going to see souls birthed into the Kingdom is THROUGH PRAYER, TRAVAILING PRAYER with outreach.

For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
Is 66:8

We need to get back to having an old fashion Travail Revival of Prayer.

I’m going to be gone this week but please consider coming to the church either by yourself or with someone else and spending time in travailing prayer for our city and church.   It is the travailing prayers that will break the yokes and tear the strongholds in our families and in our city down.  It is travailing prayer that will bring about the birth of souls into the Kingdom of God.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying unto the Church!

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