Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Beware Another Gospel

 As taught at Bible Study 6_1_21



When this topic first came to me, I really questioned and sought God as to whether this was really the topic for me to teach.

I asked God if this is truly what He wanted me to teach on, then to give me confirmation – I was busy praying and doing things around the house but when I opened FB later, the first post I saw was this: 

          Enough of the sugarcoated false doctrines going around.
          We need to be sharing the Apostolic Truth!

Galatians 1:6-7
       I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the
             grace of Christ unto ANOTHER GOSPEL:
      Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would

Pervert = corrupt/change (Strongs G3344)


There are many variations of the Christian religion in our world today.

          Baptist                   Methodist                     Church of God               Charismatic  
           Catholic                Jehovah Witness          Mormon                         Pentecostal
           And the list goes on

Some think it doesn’t matter which one you follow or where you go to Church as long as you go to Church.

Some think you don’t even have to go to Church….or maybe only occasionally

But if the teaching and views do not line up with what the Bible says, it can lead to a spirit of error.

Jesus admonished us in John 5:39

        SEARCH the Scriptures for in them you THINK you have eternal life.
        And they are they which testify of Me.

Search = to seek, to investigate (Strongs G2045)

It DOES matter what you believe and it DOES matter what the Bible says. 

That’s why it’s important to read your Bible and pray daily so you can know what God’s Word says.

When we stand before God one day, we will be without excuse. 

Jesus told us to SEARCH the Scriptures for in them you THINK you have eternal life.

He said this because He knew there would be those who wanted to twist the Scriptures to create an easy route to Salvation.

Jesus knew there would be those who would teach others that all they have
                to do is just believe on Jesus and now they’re saved.  

Believing is only the first step.  Jesus said ‘He that believeth AND is
                baptized shall be saved.’ (Mark 16:16)

Jesus knew that there would be preachers who would teach that all you have to do is follow the Romans Road to Salvation….There is no romans road
                to salvation!  (Romans is written to the Christians in Rome = those
                already saved)

Jesus knew there would be those who would teach that those who sin can
                go confess their sins to a priest and pray to Mary and the other Apostles
               (which God’s Word teaches against).

Jesus knew there would come WOLVES in sheep’s clothing and FALSE
                PROPHETS……He warned us about them. 

That’s why He said to SEARCH the SCRIPTURES.


If a person is not STUDYING and SEARCHING the Scriptures, they will think these things are accurate and are the correct Way to Jesus. 


Biblically, we can see that these other religions are “Another Gospel.” 

What they teach, does not line up with the way the Bible says we need to follow to be saved.

Most everyone here understands this, but what many do not realize is that they also need to be cautious of Churches who claim to be Pentecostal yet are teaching ‘another Gospel’…..a corrupted and changed Gospel and not the unadulterated Word of God.


How do we recognize them?

Paul continued in his letter to the Galatians…

1:10 – For do I now persuade men, or God?
            Or do I seek to please men?
            For if I pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

1:11 – But I certify you, brethren, that the Gospel which was preached of me
            is NOT after men.

Paul was not preaching to impress people.  He was not sweetly tweaking his messages to be a crowd pleasing goose bump tingly feel good messages.   

Paul would not cower under the pressure to receive the praise and admiration of men. 

His goal was to get souls ready for heaven, not tickle the ears with pretty motivational speeches.


He warned Timothy in a letter….

2 Timothy 4:3 – For the time will come when they will not endure
      SOUND DOCTRINE; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves
      teachers, having itching ears.

4:4 – and they shall turn away their ears from the Truth,
      and shall be turned unto fables.


Unfortunately, we are seeing that happen.     Often.       Too much!

Most people today just want to hear how God is going to bless them – I see post after post shared about God blessing them and claiming it.
They don’t want to hear anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.  ITCHING EARS!

The post on the Church page on Holiness inside and out – some have been contentious.  They are following another voice, another Gospel.   ITCHING EARS!

I’ve had people who are supposed to be in Church come against my posts about holiness or separation from the world.  Demanding I just talk about the Love of God.    ITCHING EARS!

This was a strong warning post on FB posted by someone I know.  Most won’t heed this person because they’re not well known but if they are speaking Truth, we need to listen, take note, and examine ourselves….

“Many have left the old paths of holiness and are living lives without your power and anointing.  Yet they are still going to church every service and worshipping in Church.  Some of the women are prophesying and giving tongues and interpretation in the Church service, but they are cutting their hair and wearing makeup and wearing pants when they’re not at Church.

I weep at the altar for souls that are lost and going to hell in the world AND in the church!

Wake up lost and dying sinners in the world and lost and dying saints who once were full of the Holy Ghost and anointing but now you are dead men and women going to church every service and going through the motions to put on a show for everyone who sees you!!!

Many of the pastors have stopped preaching holiness because they say that the lost rich people just coming to the church and the old rich ones who have been in the church a long time tell them “If you don’t quit preaching holiness then I will quit coming to your church!!!”

These same pastors 15 years ago would preach a sermon on holiness.  Then at the end they would say that holiness is not a heaven or hell issue.  Then why preach it in the first place?!?!  They are hirelings!

Two years ago I was reading the Scripture where Jesus said ‘Depart from Me!  I never knew you!” I knew that meant those who never obeyed Acts 2:38.  But I asked Jesus ‘what did you mean when you said, “Depart from Me!  I know you not!”?

Jesus spoke to my spirit and said those are the ones who repented of their sins then went back to those sins like a hog wallowing in the mud after you wash them or a dog eating his vomit.  And those are the 5 foolish virgins who had let their oil run down in their lamps.  Yes, they were still going to Church every service and wearing dresses when they went to Church and going through their worship at Church.

But Jesus said “they have dropped their holiness standards and have forsaken Me. And I no longer know them or listen to their prayers or worship.”

****Scary place to be!


I was in a group having a Discussion concerning Changing Lights and Fog machines – I mentioned that I am adamantly against fog machines in a worship service because I have seen the True Glory Cloud manifest when pure worship was offered to our Savior.  A fog machine makes a person have to question and discern whether what they are seeing is the True manifestation or a cheap imitation.  A few mocked and scoffed when I referred to the Glory Cloud.  They’re following Another Gospel!

They have ITCHING EARS desiring entertainment and what appeases and pleases the senses rather than a Genuine move of God!  They’re trying to strum up a cheap imitation.  It’s STRANGE FIRE!


Everyone loved Jesus’ messages at first – as long as He was passing out loaves and fishes, healing the sick, and doing things FOR them – but the more He taught, the stronger His teachings became, and the crowd began to thin as they began to leave and forsake Him until they yelled CRUCIFY HIM and mocked as He hung writhing in agony of the Cross.

They didn’t kill Him because He preached “Love!”   They killed Him because He taught and preached Truth.  Think about it.

Paul said in Galatians 1:11

          But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me IS
           NOT OF MAN.

Paul was preaching an unchanged, uncorrupted Gospel that didn’t make a person feel good in their sin but convicted them of their sin.

It made some so mad that they stoned him – completely different from the Gospel being preached today.


Todd Starnes - - 43% of millennials stated they either don’t know, don’t care, or don’t believe God exists.  And this is a surprise? We turned our Churches into glorified nightclubs starring preachers who deliver self-help sermons and worship leaders who want to be the next ‘American idol’.

Some preachers label theirself as “motivational speakers” on FB - Avoid them!

          They’re hirelings and in it to make a name for self!

If they’re scared to preach, teach, speak, or post against sin because they might offend someone, then they fear people more than they fear God.

If the preacher is stepping on your toes, it’s because your feet are in the wrong place.

The way to heaven is a narrow way.  A rough rugged path with many obstacles to be overcome and narrow crevices to squeeze through.

The broad way where anything goes is the path that leads to destruction and hell.

The road to heaven calls for sacrifice and denying the flesh.
The broad way allows a person to feel good while sinning and convinces them they’re still saved because Jesus loves them.

Yes, He loves them but He loves them too much to leave them in their sin!

Every person who came in contact with Jesus were to be changed. 
He told the woman caught in adultery – GO AND SIN NO MORE! 

We must allow the Word of God to correct us the same way we allow it to encourage us!

Give me that Old time religion that had us weeping in the altar!

God is looking for prayer warriors to rise up and wage spiritual warfare, weeping between the porch and the Altar…the pew and the altar.

Beware of another gospel which is not another!
It is a corrupted and changed Gospel that is deceiving many, making them feel good and saved when they’re not.

Read the letters in Revelation to the 7 Churches of Asia.  He commended them for some things but then there were the “NEVERTHELESS” issued.

They were commanded to repent and change or their candlestick would be removed.

But Jesus loves me!?!?   Yes, He does, that’s why He warns us to get the sin our our lives!  It’s love that warns us to change or else eternity awaits.

Heaven or hell – the destination is our choice.   Sin can not enter there!

If someone is making you feel good about your sin and making you still feel saved when God’s Word condemns it, that’s ‘Another Gospel’

Remove not the ANCIENT LAND MARKS!  They were put there for a reason!

The cry is going out because Jesus is coming soon!  He wants His Bride to be ready – without spot or wrinkle!

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