After Jesus had risen from the
dead, He walked with and taught His disciples for 40 more days after His
resurrection. His time of ascension was drawing
near but His disciples did not realize it. They were thinking their
resurrected King was going to take the authority and rule away from the Romans
and restore the land back to Israel with Jesus setting up His rule and reign as
King of Israel. (Acts 1:6)
Their mind was on an earthly
kingdom which is temporary, but Jesus was trying to get their focus on the
Heavenly Kingdom which is eternal. He told them it was not for them
to know the times or the seasons….in other words, He was saying not to worry
about who’s in charge and who’s not. Focus on the spiritual Kingdom of
God because that is what matters in eternity.
He left them with one last
Promise before He began to ascend up into the clouds.
And ye
shall receive POWER,
after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…
Acts 1:8
after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…
Acts 1:8
Power? What did Jesus mean? What kind of power was He referring to?
The Strong’s definition for Power means: (Greek #1411)
force; specially miraculous power
(usually by implication, a miracle itself – i.e. a worker of miracles)
force; specially miraculous power
(usually by implication, a miracle itself – i.e. a worker of miracles)
We don’t think about that….
We focus on the need to repent and turn from our sins.
We know we need to get baptized in Jesus’ name.
We know we need the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other
We know we need to strive to live a holy life, pleasing unto the Lord.
So we come to church and try to be good saints.
We pray and read our Bibles.
We focus on the need to repent and turn from our sins.
We know we need to get baptized in Jesus’ name.
We know we need the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other
We know we need to strive to live a holy life, pleasing unto the Lord.
So we come to church and try to be good saints.
We pray and read our Bibles.
But we overlook this verse of Promise
where Jesus said we shall receive POWER!
He wants to work through us and
use us in the miraculous! Once we
receive the Holy Ghost, God wants each of us to develop into a ‘worker of
We read about the miraculous things that Jesus did while on
the earth…..
* He healed the sick * made the lame to walk again
* unstopped deaf ears * restored sight to the blind
* raised the dead back to life * healed a man of palsy
* walked on water * multiplied loaves and fishes (twice)
* delivered those who were tormented and demon-possessed
* on a couple occasions, He commanded the storms with His Word
saying, “Peace, be still!” and they immediately became calm.
* He healed the sick * made the lame to walk again
* unstopped deaf ears * restored sight to the blind
* raised the dead back to life * healed a man of palsy
* walked on water * multiplied loaves and fishes (twice)
* delivered those who were tormented and demon-possessed
* on a couple occasions, He commanded the storms with His Word
saying, “Peace, be still!” and they immediately became calm.
These are only a few of the many
miracles Jesus did that are recorded in the Bible.
And there are also many other things which Jesus did,
the which, if they should be written every one,
I suppose that even the world itself could not contain
the books that should be written.
And there are also many other things which Jesus did,
the which, if they should be written every one,
I suppose that even the world itself could not contain
the books that should be written.
If everything Jesus did while on
earth was to be written down in books, there would not be room enough on the
earth to fit all the books written about His mighty deeds. That is mind-blowing to think about!
But even more mind-blowing is
another Promise Jesus gave to us in:
Verily, Verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on Me,
the works that I do shall he do also;
and GREATER works than THESE shall he do…
Verily, Verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on Me,
the works that I do shall he do also;
and GREATER works than THESE shall he do…
EVERYTHING Jesus did, He’s given us the authority and power to
do as well… and GREATER! When we pray, we should BELIEVE
and EXPECT great things will happen!
The Apostles walked in POWER and AUTHORITY!
Not only did the Apostles travel
around from city to city and region to region spreading the Gospel, commanding
people to be baptized in the name of Jesus, and praying with those they
encountered to receive the Holy Ghost….
But they also grasped what Jesus
was saying and walked in that power and authority through the Holy Ghost doing many
mighty miracles.
Acts 2:43
and fear came upon every soul:
and MANY WONDERS and SIGNS (supernatural miracles)
were done by the Apostles.
and fear came upon every soul:
and MANY WONDERS and SIGNS (supernatural miracles)
were done by the Apostles.
(Reference also: Acts 4:30, 5:12, 14:3 + Romans 15:19 + 2 Cor
12:12 + Heb 2:4)
A man who was lame since birth
was miraculously healed and labeled as a ‘notable miracle’ by those who opposed
the Gospel of Jesus. (Acts 3 + 4:16)
They healed many who were sick
and others who were vexed with unclean spirits.
(Acts 5:16)
The Apostles were put in prison
but were found the next day preaching in the Temple because God sent an angel
to open the prison doors and set them free. Yet, when the officers went to check on them
in prison, they found the prison doors still securely locked. (Acts 5:17-25)
Peter was also miraculously
delivered from prison on a separate occasion.
(Acts 12)
A young girl who was bound by a
fortune telling devil was delivered and set free. That made the men who had enslaved her angry
and so they had Paul and Silas beaten and put in prison. But they were also miraculously delivered
from prison when their worship caused and earthquake and the prison doors flew
open. (Acts 16)
These are just a few of the
miracles God worked through them.
HOW did they walk in POWER and
see miracles?
They knew the power came through staying
prayed up and FULL of the Holy Ghost! God wants to use each of us. He wants us to operate in the Gifts of
the Spirit. God doesn’t have it reserved for
just a few great men and women of God such as Bro. Lee Stoneking or Sis. Nona
Freeman or Bro. T.W. Barnes or Bro. Billy Cole.
God wants to use each and every
one of us…but we have to be men and women of prayer! We have to get prayed up
and stay prayed up and be FULL of the Holy Ghost. We have to be willing to sacrifice
the will of the flesh through fasting.
Sometimes we have to MAKE our
self pray but we NEED to pray!
Deny the flesh of its wants (turn
off movies or tv shows, put down novels, turn off social media) and take time -
make time to pray! Prayer is what breaks chains of
darkness and open prison doors…not only for our self but it can also have an
effect on those around us.
Paul and Silas were bound – the
only crime they committed was telling others about Jesus and setting a demon
possessed girl free through the power of the Holy Ghost. (Acts 16)
They could have sat there in
prison and complained about where they were at.
They could have been depressed and cried wondering WHY they were in the
situation they were in.
But you know what they did
First they prayed – next, they
began to sing songs of Praise to God.
It was midnight (the darkest hour) but still they prayed and praised!
I’m sure it was pitch black inside that prison but still they prayed and praised!
They were hurting from the beating and dirt may have been getting into their open wounds but still they prayed and praised!
They didn’t know what tomorrow held – freedom or death – still they prayed and praised!
I’m sure it was pitch black inside that prison but still they prayed and praised!
They were hurting from the beating and dirt may have been getting into their open wounds but still they prayed and praised!
They didn’t know what tomorrow held – freedom or death – still they prayed and praised!
The Bible said the other prisoners heard them.
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed,
and sang praises unto God:
and the prisoners heard them.
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed,
and sang praises unto God:
and the prisoners heard them.
Because of their prayers and praise instead of moaning and
groaning, the miraculous began to happen….
And suddenly there was a great earthquake,
so that the foundations of the prison were shaken:
and immediately all the doors were opened,
and everyone’s bands were loosed.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake,
so that the foundations of the prison were shaken:
and immediately all the doors were opened,
and everyone’s bands were loosed.
Earth shaking prayers and worship!
The other prisoners were not praying.
The other prisoners were not singing.
Yet, the prayers and songs of praise that Paul and Silas prayed and sang loosed the bands and opened the prison doors for EVERYONE around them!
The other prisoners were not singing.
Yet, the prayers and songs of praise that Paul and Silas prayed and sang loosed the bands and opened the prison doors for EVERYONE around them!
If you feel bound – pray and sing songs of praise.
If you have a family member who is bound – pray and sing songs of praise.
If you have a family member who is bound – pray and sing songs of praise.
Keep praying! Keep
singing songs of praise!
The devil is going to fight you because
he doesn’t want you or your family members loosed but keep praying and keep
singing songs of praise anyway!
Pray and praise your way out!
YOUR prayers
and YOUR songs of worship can cause the chains that are binding your
loved ones to fall off and set the captives free!
Walk in and possess the power and
authority God has given you through the Holy Ghost!
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