Thursday, January 23, 2020

God's Treasure

Exodus 19:5     “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:”


 Webster’s Dictionary defines “treasure” as accumulated wealth such as money or jewels or any person or thing considered valuable.
As a verb it means to value greatly.
Since the beginning of time, man has placed high value on gold, silver, and other precious metals and gems. These items were used to trade and barter for the goods or services of another.  They were and still are a sign of prestige and wealth.
Some desired wealth and riches so much that they would raid, plunder, steal or kill to obtain possession of these items.

Achan was such a man. (Joshua 6-7)

Joshua led the children of Israel in battle against the city of Jericho.  The city was huge with massive walls surrounding it.  It seemed unsurpassable but God has a way of making a way where there seems to be no way.

God instructed Joshua to have the Israelites march around the city only once on the first day.  He gave strict instructions to not make a sound.

The people of Jericho may have been standing on the wall watching and taunting the crazy Israelites as they marched around their city.  But God instructed them not to say a word – because the battle was God’s, NOT theirs.  Sometimes our words can do more damage than good so they were to hold their peace.

They did this for 6 days.  Finally, on the 7th day, they marched 7 times around the city.  At the end of the 7th time around, they began to blow trumpets and shout. 

Seemed like a crazy thing to do but because of their obedience, the walls of Jericho fell down and the Israelites were able to enter the city and overtake it.

They were to kill everyone inside (except Rahab and her family who were with her in her home…only because she had protected the Israelite spies who entered the city.  Joshua 6:17, 25). 

Everyone else was to be killed and everything within the city was to be burned.  It was a cursed city and everything in it was cursed. (Joshua 6:18) 

The only thing to be brought out was the silver, the gold, and the vessels of brass and of iron.  Those items were to be added to the treasury of God’s House and not to be kept by any person. (Joshua 6:19, 24)

Everyone obeyed but a man named Achan.  He saw how nice some of the things were that were being destroyed.  Greed entered into his heart and so he took a few things for himself and hid them in his tent.

He thought no one knew but God knew!

He treasured the things of this world above obedience to God and it led to not only his death but the death of his entire family.  (Joshua 7:24)

Kings – for the love of treasure, would rise up against other kings and invade their kingdoms for the gold, silver, and jewels that were in their treasury.

Pirates – would attack unsuspecting vessels and plunder them for the riches aboard.

Claim-jumpers – would murder their neighbor to obtain their gold during the gold-rush in California.

The lust for treasure drove men to commit heinous crimes….all for a treasure that is temporal and which brings more heartache than happiness. 
But what makes these metals and gems hold such value?

Have you ever stopped to realize where gems come from and what they’ve gone through to become what they are?  They come from dark places…under the ground and deep down within caves. 

 Gems are formed in the earth through pressure and time.  Some gems take years to form – while others take only a short period of time depending on just the right combination of temperature, pressure, and saturation.  Some form so rapidly that you can actually see the crystals forming.  Sometimes the pressure forming these gems is so slight it appears to be almost non-existent yet it is there.

Some gems are formed from a rock that you might ordinarily kick out of your path as you walk across a field – at first glance you might consider it worthless. But if you open it up, you will discover a marvelously beautiful pattern of color and design.  Once cut, sanded, and polished it becomes a precious gem of beauty and worth.
Gold comes out of the ground alloyed to other metals and containing trace impurities.  It has to go through a refining process to remove these things.  Silver is recovered as a by-product of smelting various metals.  Smelting is the process of melting the metals in order to extract the pure metal.

Each of these gems are precious metals and rare.  They are not easy to find or obtain.  But once they are, they have to go through an extensive refining process.  This is why there is great value placed on them.

Yet the Bible states in…

Mat 6:19-21
19  Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and   rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,…
21  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

     Man’s treasure has always been on earthly things.  Because of it, their heart has become lustful, greedy, and murderous.  But these things will someday pass away.  And when we die, we cannot take these things with us. 

I Corinthians 4:7 reads:
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels….”

The only treasure we can keep is the Holy Ghost….it is through the Holy Ghost that we store up treasures in heaven.  Our heart needs to be on the things of God and not of this world.
We view the Holy Ghost as our treasure (and it is!) but God views us as His.  When we’re baptized in Jesus’ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues, we become a part of God’s treasure. 
 God’s treasure chest is filled with various gems and metals that He’s lovingly extracted from the muck and mire of this world.  He carefully cuts away the outer crust of sin that has formed like a rock over our hearts. 

The most important part after the cutting is the sanding process. This is where you make sure you get every scratch out.  The better you sand, the better polish you’ll get. 
When a stone is being sanded, it is important to have water dripping on it continuously while sanding.  In the same way, as we go through the sanding process in our spiritual walk with God, it is imperative that we constantly water and saturate our souls with the Word of God and prayer.

The last process is the Polishing:  it takes the shortest amount of time even for very hard minerals.  Polishing is briskly done but with a soft cloth so as to make the gem or metal shine and reflect the light.  We are to reflect the Light of Jesus Christ.

Some people will turn out to be diamonds….

·        reflect light
·        hardest mineral known
·   Mostly used as industrial tools for cutting and grinding – help in the process of making other gems.
·        Rare and only found in a few places.

Some will become sapphires while others become rubies, gold, or some other gem of great worth.  Some will develop rapidly into the gem God designed them to be while others will transform over a process of time.
Each is different yet each is precious to God and valued for its intended purpose.  We should never look at others and say:  “I’m not as valuable as Sis Diamond or worth as much as Bro Gold.”

God placed each of where we are for a purpose that only we can fulfill.  Each of us is worth a great price to God – our worth to Him is so great that He was willing to suffer great agony and die a cruel death on the cross to purchase us.  No price was too high so He paid for us with His blood. 

When you look at your brothers and sisters, look at them for what they are:  a gem in God’s treasure chest.  And never ever look at yourself as anything less that what you are: a treasure of great price!

When you go through dark times and feel like everything is caving in on you…like you are being buried alive…just remember God is forming you into a beautiful gem.

Do you know how diamonds are formed?  They are formed through intense heat and pressure?  They are then brought to the surface by deep source volcanic eruptions (i.e. more fire, more heat, more pressure).

When you’re under pressure, Hold On!  It may be that God is trying to make a diamond out of you.

And always remind yourself: “I AM God’s treasure!”

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