Two Choices Lie Before You – Which One Will You Choose?
Enter ye in at the STRAIT gate:
for WIDE is the GATE,
and BROAD is the WAY,
that leadeth to DESTRUCTION.
And MANY there be which go in thereat.
and NARROW is the WAY,
which leadeth unto LIFE,
and FEW there be that find it.
The word ‘strait’ here means:
(G#4728) = Narrow
from obstacles close about
The word ‘narrow’ means:
(G#2346) = crowded,
afflicted, suffer tribulation
Jesus had been teaching many
things concerning the ways of God and trying to correct wrong thinking. As He was teaching, He began to admonish and
warn against the taking what appears to be the easy road.
Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14 to
“Enter ye in at the STRAIT gate.” What
does that mean?
The STRAIT gate is a NARROW gate
with obstacles close about, making it difficult to maneuver through.
The Strait gate is not the easy
way to enter. Why would Jesus ask us to
fight past obstacles and squeeze through such a narrow gate?
To some, that would appear to be
the wrong way. Living for Jesus
shouldn’t be difficult, should it?
There’s an old Christian song
about the Highway to Heaven and none can go up there but the pure in
When you think about a highway,
you think about cruising along between 55 to 75 miles per hour (depending on the
highway) with the path unimpeded except maybe a slow down here or there as you
come upon a slow driver that you finally get around and then you continue
cruising on.
But Jesus reveals that’s not the
way it is on the path that leads to Life Eternal.
Why are there obstacles? What are those obstacles?
The devil’s goal is to see each
of us fail and fall away from God.
He was kicked out of heaven
because of his pride and rebellion against God – he rebelled against authority
and wanted to be the one in charge. He
was filled with ungodly pride. (Is 14:12-15)
The rebellion continued after he
was kicked out of heaven as he continued to spread his lies to Eve as he
tempted her to question God’s Word. She,
in turn, rebelled against God’s command to not eat of that particular
tree. And then she tempted and caused
Adam to give into temptation and sin by eating what God said not to touch.
The devil has continued his
scheme for thousands of years, causing people to question God and give in to
He’ll put whatever obstacle in
your way that will cause you to fall.
He’s not a mind reader, but the Bible says he seeks whom he may
1 Peter
Be sober, be vigilant;
because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
In other words, the devil is
roaming back and forth throughout the earth observing people and looking for
their weakness. He puts temptation before them to lure them into his snare.
Then, just as a lion does its
prey, he pounces trying to tempt the person to give into the weakness of their
flesh and fall into sin.
As long as we’re in this flesh,
we are going to fight against the lusts and desires of this flesh. These are obstacles that we have to fight
We have to deny ungodliness and
worldly lusts (Titus 2:12).
Sometimes we have to do more than
just say no to sin, the Bible admonishes several times to FLEE (run away as
fast and as far as you can) from sin:
1 Cor 6:18 – FLEE from fornication
1 Cor 10:14 – FLEE from idolatry
2 Tim 2:22 – FLEE also youthful lusts
1 Tim 6:11 – FLEE these things
We can look back and read from
the beginning of the chapter to see what
‘these’ things are that we are
to flee from….
*those who teach things contrary
to the Doctrine of Godliness and won’t
listen to those who teach
wholesome words of sound doctrine.
*proud, seek to debate (questions
and strifes of words), envy, strife (argue),
railings (evil speaking), evil
surmisings, perverse disputings,
*destitute of Truth – they
think they have truth but they don’t because their
thinking is contrary to the
teachings of God and His Word.
*the teachings that gain means
godliness (i.e. having wealth and many
things does not necessarily
mean the person is blessed by God. And
because they say they love
Jesus does not mean they’re godly. A
has to do more than talk the
talk, they also have to walk the walk – actions
speak louder than words)
There are many things we’re admonished to flee from. But if we want the devil to flee from us, we
have to do these things….
James 4:7
Submit to God – obey God’s Word and allow His will
to be done in your life.
Resist the devil – don’t give in to temptation.
And don’t allow the devil to lie in your ear telling you you’re unworthy and
might as well give up, trying to get you to give up or give in.
The Bible says if you do these things, the devil
WILL FLEE from you. (Example of Jesus’ temptation while on a 40 day fast (Mt 4)
Jesus continued His teaching, admonishing against following
the crowd and what appears to be the wide and easy way.
He said….
for WIDE is the GATE
(it appears to be easy and is
spread out flat – G#4116)
and BROAD is the WAY,
(G#2149 – it seems so spacious
with roam to move and roam)
BUT….it leads to DESTRUCTION.
Yet that is the path that MANY choose. And MANY there be which go in thereat.
Living for the world seems easy. The
Bible even says they’ll find pleasure in sin for a season.(Heb 11:25)
People find pleasure in
unrighteousness (2 Thess 2:12). They
will watch hours and hours of tv shows or movies that contain so much that is
anti-Bible while promoting witchcraft, sorcery, and even root a cheer on the
character in the movie who is leaving their spouse to go be with someone else…they
glorify and applaud adultery.
People will go to concerts or
turn the radio to a rock or country station yet hardly ever but usually never
listen to Christian songs. If you’re listening to non-Christian music, pay
close attention to the words and see if it’s promoting godliness or carnality
and sinful things?
People will go to the lake, wash
their cars, mow their lawn, etc on Sunday morning but will not go to Church. Yet they’ll claim to love Jesus.
They want Christ without carrying a cross. But Jesus said “take
up your cross and follow Me.” They want
salvation without sacrifice.
They see the life of dedication, consecration, and holiness as
bondage and hard to live.
All the while, they don’t see the
chains that are binding them and the destruction that the life of sin they are
living is leading to….
Nicotine addiction - is costly, increases
the risk of cancer, and puts
the health of not only
their self but those around them at risk.
Alcohol addiction – is also costly and usually
produces a hangover
with the person
puking their insides out because they drank too
much. People will say and do things they normally
wouldn’t yet
are embarrassed
over after they become sober. Alcoholism
leads to a life of
misery, loneliness, and a destroyed liver.
Drugs – destroy not only the
users life and mind but also affects and
destroys their
family as well.
STD’s and
other diseases without cures abound because the world
changes partners
faster than a person changes clothes.
And the list goes on.
Living for Jesus, a person does
not wake up with a hangover, puking their insides out because they drank too
much the night before.
Living for Jesus, a person learns
to find their strength in the prayer room to get through whatever situation
they’re facing.
Living for Jesus, a person can be
set free from any stronghold holding them captive to addiction and then find
peace in Jesus.
So who is really bound? And which
path is worth following?
This is not said to condemn
anyone but rather to help us to see that living for Jesus is not the rough and
difficult path.
Overcoming the lusts and desires
of the flesh are the obstacles we have to maneuver around. There is so much freedom in living for Jesus
and it leads to Life Eternal with Him.
That STRAIT gate may be NARROW
but it is the way that leads to LIFE….life eternal with Jesus.
It’s not the popular way. It’s not the most traveled path, in fact the
Bible says there are FEW that find it and choose to walk the TRUE
pathway to Life Eternal.
It’s rough and rugged at
times. It’s narrow and you have to fight
through obstacles. But it is the most rewarding path to be on….to see Jesus one
day face to face and hear Him say ‘well done! Enter in!’
THAT’S our ultimate goal!
Not just for us, but also for our
family. That’s why we keep fighting the
good fight of faith.
1 Timothy
good fight of faith,
lay hold on eternal life…
We’re in a fight – for our own
souls and the souls of our family and friends.
We keep fighting and walking this
way, not just for our self, but because what we do affects not just our self
but also our children. Our family is
watching how we live.
We keep fighting the good fight
of faith for the sake of our loved ones.
Because what we do and how we live and how we act and react can make an
eternal difference in the lives of our family and friends.
The example we live can cause
them to either turn to or turn away from Christ.
In the end, living for Jesus will
be worth it!
We need to do a self examination
looking in the mirror of God’s Word and see which path we’re truly on.
If we’re on the wrong path, it’s
not too late to make a course adjustment.
Jesus is coming soon – we need to
be ready!
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