Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Love of Money

 1Ti 6:10 - 

For the love of money 

is the root of all evil: 

which while some coveted after, 

they have erred from the faith, 

and pierced themselves through 

with many sorrows.

Don't seek after how to get more money.  

Many won't miss work yet they'll miss Church. 

One benefits only temporary. 

The other benefits the eternal.

This life is not about how to obtain more wealth 

to buy more things 

or impressing others. 

We have only one life and soon it will pass. 

Only what's done for Christ will last.

At the end of this life only 3 things will matter:

1. Seeing Jesus face to face

2.  Are we Biblically saved and ready?

3.  Have we tried to reach and bring the lost to Him?

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