As we get older (and sometimes
even for those who are younger), it’s necessary and good to get a heart
checkup. There could be underlying
problems that we’re completely unaware of until something serious alerts us to
an issue such as a stroke or heart attack.
Too often, people ignore the
warning signs until it’s too late. Early detection can help to get any problems
under control before it becomes fatal. There are several tests which doctors
may do to help determine how the heart is functioning or reveal if there are
any problems.
Your doctor may order an EKG
(echocardiogram) to determine if a valve is narrowed or leaking. Or the doctor may order a stress test to
reveal how your heart responds to physical activity and whether any heart
disease symptoms occur during exercise.
A cardiac catheterization can
show if there are any blockages in the heart arteries. A heart CT scan will take images by which the
doctor can see what’s in your heart more clearly. An MRI (heart magnetic
resonance imaging) will reveal even more detailed images of the heart.
These tests help the doctor to
see and determine if there are any symptoms or problems that they need to be
concerned about and how to best treat or remedy them. If left untreated or a person does not
respond well to treatment, it will eventually lead to death.
Parallel that to the spiritual:
In the same way, it’s necessary
to often examine the spiritual condition of our heart to see what’s in it. When
a problem is discovered, if left untreated or if we do not respond well to
treatment, it will eventually lead to spiritual death.
Those words woke me out of my
sleep on Oct 3, 2022. Those loud and
clear words of warning were not just for me – they are a cry warning all of us
to look deep inside and examine our hearts to make sure they are clear of any
spiritual heart disease or problems.
It’s easy to look and think there
is nothing in our hearts, but a “stress test” can reveal things we may not have
realized were hidden deep inside.
Jeremiah wrote in Jer 17:9…
The heart
is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Sometimes, we don’t know what’s
truly in our heart until a test or trial comes our way, then all of a sudden
something comes to the surface that we didn’t realize was there. Trials and tests can reveal symptoms showing
a problem is there that needs to be treated before it becomes worse or fatal.
Cain is an example of one whose
heart was not right.
Cain was the first recorded being
born to Adam and Eve after sin entered the world. Mankind now knew right versus wrong and good
versus evil. Cain grew up to become a
gardener, tilling and working with the ground, while his younger brother, Abel,
grew to become a keeper of sheep.
Perhaps it was a custom that Cain
and Abel learned from their parents, but after some time had passed, they each
brought an offering to the Lord. Cain
brought of the fruit of the ground while Abel brought of the firstlings of his
flock and the fat thereof.
For some reason, God accepted
Abel’s but rejected Cain’s. There is much speculation as to why it happened
this way…
Perhaps it was symbolic of God
rejected Adam and Eve’s fig leaf covering then clothing them with a coat made
of animal skin?
We do know that God accepts
offerings from the firstfruits of the crops (Lev 2:1-2,12 + Num 18:12 + Ex
23:19, 34:26) but perhaps Cain tried to offer them as a burnt offering when
they were only to be brought, not burnt upon the altar? Or perhaps Cain did not
try to burn them yet God was requiring a burnt sacrifice as an offering?
All these are speculations
because the Bible does not give detailed explanation as to what
transpired. Perhaps Cain did everything
right just as Abel did, yet God rejected his offering.
Why did God accept Abel’s
sacrifice yet reject Cain’s? The Bible
reveals it was because his heart was not right…
1 John 3:12 – Not as Cain, who
was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him?
Because his own works were evil and his brother’s righteous.
Cain’s works were evil. He had sin in his heart. When he was corrected by God, rather than
repent, humble himself, and change his ways to do what was pleasing to God, he
became angry, hardened his heart and let hatred toward his innocent brother
Abel brew within him.
Jealousy is cruel as the grave
and his jealousy over God accepting Abel’s sacrifice led to Abel being in a
grave before his time. (Song of Solomon 8:6)
Jealousy led to anger; anger led to hatred; and hatred led to murder.
Then, he tried to cover it all up
and act innocent when God asked Cain, “Where is Abel thy brother?” Rather than confess and repent, Cain
arrogantly lied as he replied, “I know not: am I my brother’s keeper?”
Cain’s actions over and over
revealed that his heart was not right.
Jesus taught in Matthew 15:19
For out
of the heart proceed
evil thoughts, (wicked thinking - thoughts often lead
to actions such as…)
murders, (hate, anger, violence)
adulteries, fornications, (lust, sexual immorality)
thefts (greed, covetousness, stealing),
false witness (lying about someone),
blasphemies (slander; it is vilification against God or others)
And again in Mark 7:21-22
For from
within, out of the heart of men, proceed:
evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
thefts, covetousness (which come from greed and envy),
wickedness, (plots, malice, sins)
deceit (trickery, lies),
lasciviousness (unbridled lust),
an evil eye, (tricky side-glance given with wickedness in mind)
blasphemy (slander; vilification against God or others),
pride (haughtiness, arrogance),
foolishness; (refuses to listen to wisdom or learn from discipline)
It is out of the heart that these
things proceed and are manifested.
Heart check: Are any of these
things in my heart?
Maybe you passed that test, but just
as a doctor may order another test to see if it reveals something that the
first test did not show, we need to examine our heart further….
The Thoughts of Men’s Hearts….
Let’s examine what we think
on. What do our thoughts reveal? What we
think about often or most reflects what is in our heart.
Prov 23:7 teaches - As he thinketh
in his heart, so is he…
God looked upon mankind after a
span of time and found that every imagination of the thoughts of men’s hearts
were only evil continually. (Gen 6:5)
Unfortunately, people do
gravitate to and love darkness (things that are sinful) more than light (things
that are upright) because their deeds are evil. (Jn 3:19)
But even if a person does not
love evil, sometimes the biggest battles take place in the mind.
Have you ever been sitting in
Church while the preacher is preaching yet your mind has wandered off somewhere
else. Same happens when you are trying
to read your Bible or pray. The mind becomes
distracted rather than thinking on the Lord.
Philippians 4:8 admonishes us
what to focus the mind on…things that are true, things that are honest, things
that are just (righteous), things that are pure, things that are lovely
(meaning friendly towards), and things that are of a good report (well spoken
Think on good things because 1
Chron 28:9 reveals …the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the
imaginations of the thoughts…
God knows what we’re thinking
about and He’s searching our hearts.
Heart check: Are the things we are
thinking about pleasing to God or things that grieve His heart?
Let’s keep digging deeper and do
another heart check…
Mine Eye Affecteth My Heart…
What we allow our eyes to look
at, read, or watch can and will affect our heart. (Lam 3:51) This is why we need to be selective and
careful as to what we watch, what we click on while browsing the internet, what
we read, and what we look at.
And what our children or
grandchildren watch and look at. Things that are supposed to be ‘kid friendly’
are no longer ‘kid friendly’. We are
responsible to help direct and protect their young impressionable minds and
There are times when we may not
be able to help or to stop what may pass before our eyes, but we are in control
of what we continue to allow our eyes to look at.
O Be Careful Little Ears What You
The same with our ears – what we
allow our ears to listen to can and will affect our heart.
The old saying is true: Garbage
in, garbage out.
What you let your eyes dwell on
and what you allow your ears to hear will affect your heart and eventually begin
to be manifest in your life because what is in the heart will eventually come to
the surface either through words or actions.
Let’s dig further with another
test to check our hearts….
Out of the Abundance of the Heart
the Mouth Speaketh
Things that are in the heart will
often be revealed through what comes forth out of the mouth…
Jesus revealed in Matthew 12:34 -
…out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
And Matthew 15:18 – But those
things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they
defile the man.
Our words can defile us? Yes, according to Jesus they can.
Jesus said we are going to have
to give account for every idle word that we speak in the day of judgment. (Mt
12:36) It is by our words that we’ll either be justified (rendered innocent) or
condemned (pronounced guilty). (Mt 12:37)
Makes you really stop and think
“what am I talking about?” like Bro Gregory taught on last Wednesday
Are my 16,000 words per day
pleasing or displeasing to God?
One of the greatest struggles
Christians battle is the tongue. If you watch and observe, you will find much
of the trouble, strife, and divisions that arise in churches comes from
people’s mouths.
Even Paul wrote a letter to the
church in Corinth admonishing against things he was afraid they were struggling
with: debating (quarreling), envy, wrath (breathing hard in anger toward
another), strifes (contentions between each other), backbiting (defaming and
speaking evil against another), whispering (slandering others secretly), swellings
(haughty and lifted up in pride), as well as tumults arising (meaning agitation
and confusion causing disorder and instability – basically someone(s) was sowing
discord and division amongst the brethren which is an abomination to God). (2
Cor 12:20 + Prov 6:16-19)
The book of James contains many
verses concerning the tongue – one of which is a strong warning to everyone who
professes to be a Christian… “If any man among you seem to be religious, and
bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man religion is in
vain. (James 1:26)
Meaning: A person may appear to
be religious but if they can’t control their tongue, they are deceiving their
self if they think they are ok before God.
They are not and their religion (their worship) profits them nothing. There is a heart problem.
James 3:8-10 – But the tongue can
no man tame (that’s why we need the Holy Ghost); it is an unruly evil, full of
deadly poison. Therewith bless we God…and
therewith curse we men…Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing.
My brethren, these things ought not so to be.”
James 3:6 – The tongue is a fire,
a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the
whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on the fire
of hell.
David wisely penned, “I will take
heed to my ways that I sin not with my tongue.” (Ps 39:1)
We know there is a heart problem
with those who cuss or speak vulgar.
We know there is a heart problem
with someone who is angry, violent, and throws fits often.
We know that if a person is argumentative,
often quarreling, or fighting with others – it reveals that there is a problem
in the heart.
But also…
If a person struggles with gossip
– it is revealing there is a problem in the heart.
If a person backbites (speaks
evil against another) or whispers (slanders others secretly) against another –
it reveals there is a problem in the heart.
If a person is sowing discord
among the brethren (especially if they are causing others to rebel against or
think bad toward the pastor) – it reveals that there is a problem in the heart.
Heart check: Are my words
revealing that there is a problem with my heart?
The Bible makes reference to many
types of hearts. Some are good revealing
the heart is upright before God; some are not good revealing there are problems
in the heart.
You know what the great thing
about King David was? He wasn’t a
perfect man but he would acknowledge his sins and then sincerely repent of
He prayed in Psalm 19:14 – Let the
words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O
LORD, my strength and my redeemer.
It is good to often search our
own hearts. Really search, thoroughly digging
and looking deep within.
But unfortunately, sometimes, we
may not see within ourself that there is a disease forming in our heart - just
as King David did not see the issues in his own heart until Nathan the prophet
brought them out into the open when he proclaimed, “Thou art the man!” (2 Sam
There are times when God will use
the Pastor, Preacher, or teacher to reveal through the preached Word what we may
not see or acknowledge is deep within our hearts.
Because: the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, yet sometimes we may not even realize what is in our own heart. (Jer 17:9) Therefore, we need to ask God to search our hearts and examine our minds often. (Jer 27:10)
Because things left untreated in the heart, can lead to death physically and spiritually, a good prayer to pray is one that David also prayed: Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting. (Ps 139:23-24) Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps 51:10)
If our heart is not right, we will not make it 💔
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