Friday, September 8, 2023

Sharing memories of God answering prayer

Sharing memories.....

As we were sitting on the back deck watching the storm roll in, this scenery reminded of the picture memory I shared recently about God answering my prayer many years ago for it not to rain over Tioga since i had work to do.

Then, another memory flooded my mind of another prayer God had answered.   I was at work and it was another stormy rainy day. It was pouring down and nearing the time that my children would be getting out of school,  onto the bus, then have a long walk in the pouring rain to our cabin. 

I did not have anyone to pick them up for me and I couldn't leave work so I kept praying and pleading with God for the rain to stop so they wouldn't get drenched. Time passed, it was still pouring down,  and I knew they were already home.  My heart was heavy. The kids had already been through so much but I had to give it to God. 

When I arrived home to Tioga from Alexandria,  I asked if they had to walk in the rain? They told me no.  It had stopped raining just before they got on the bus and didn't start again until after they were safely inside.  God heard this widow's prayer and cares deeply for the fatherless.  

That's my Jesus! 🙌❤️

The memory and post I was referring to.....

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