I was watching a video of the tornado as it hit areas of Little Rock Arkansas. The warning had went out. The sirens were screaming a warning to take cover. You can still see cars driving back and forth despite the warning and and the signs all around that the tornado is near. There's a man standing in the parking lot watching it all. Thankfully, he listened to the please to get inside where it was safer. Then, suddenly, the tornado was upon them.
Those videoing nearly lost their life when they were almost pulled out the door by the force of the Wind. I am glad that they made it through. I do not know what happened to those who were in the vehicles driving by.
It reminded me of the warning cries that have been going out, "Jesuis coming! Get ready! Live for Jesus! Get in the Church! Obey Jesus' instructions to be Born Again of water (Baptism in Jesus name) and of Spirit (receiving the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues)" <John 3:3,5 + Acts 2:1-4,38-39 and so many more Scriptures >
Yet so many are ignoring the cries and the warning sounds and signs. They're standing there watching the debris fly around them. They feethe winds of destruction blowing harder and harder across this sin sick world. Yet, they're not making the move to safety. Some, are heeding the cries to get inside the Church where it safe. While others are continuing on with life as usual, as if they don't see or hear the roar growing louder around them.
Will you heed the warning cries? Time is running out. Some never lived to see today. 💔 Our hearts grieve with those suffering losses. We're not promised tomorrow. We'll either stand before God in judgment by way of the grave or at the return of Jesus when the wheat are separated from the tares. We don't know when either of those times will be. We just need to be ready and watching.
Don't be like those who ignored the warnings. Listen to the cries going out to obey the salvation call and get in the Ark of safety (the Church). Eternity is too long to play around with and delay getting your soul right with Jesus.
Will you heed the warnings or continue to ignore them?
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