Saturday, September 21, 2024

We Are Not "Sinners Who Sin Differently"

  ...And, let every one that nameth

the name of Christ

DEPART from iniquity.

2 Timothy 2:19

As Christians,  we are not "sinners who sin differently."  

We are to DEPART from iniquity. 

This flesh can't do it on its own.  

It comes by drawing closer and closer to Jesus through a daily walk with Him....pray, seek His face (through prayer, Bible reading, and fastings), turn from all wicked (sinful) ways. 

Paul continues admonishing Timothy in verse 21: 

If a man therefore PURGE HIMSELF from these, 

he shall be a vessel unto honour, 

sanctified, and meet for the Master's use, 

and prepared unto every good work. 

If we want to be a vessel unto honor 

that the Master can use, 

we must PURGE ourselves 

and DEPART from iniquity. 

That's not judging.

That's not hate.

Warning against sin 

and where it will eventually lead if not repented of 

is actually loving others.

BECAUSE those who care where you spend eternity 

Will love you enough to issue a warning cry

And explain what the Scriptures say.

It's the Word of God.

Every single part - the verses of comfort & hope, and the verses of correction & instruction.

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