Sunday, September 22, 2024

Jesus is Coming Soon - Are You Ready?

For years and years people have been trying to guess and figure out exactly when Jesus is going to return. Back in the 80's, someone wrote "88 Reasons Why Jesus Will Return in '88" (obviously He didn't).

And then a FB memory popped up that it was rumored the world was going to end on Sept 23, 2017. Here we are years later and Jesus still hasn't returned. But I can assure you, that doesn't mean that He is not coming.


Jesus said in Mat 25:13 - Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.  

While no one knows the day or hour of His return. The main thing is to keep your heart right, oil in your lamp filled and burning bright (stay prayed up and full of the Holy Ghost), and keep working for God's Kingdom until He returns.

He's coming soon! Are you ready?

Have you followed Jesus' instructions in John 3 and Peter's instruction in Acts 2:38 to be Born Again of water (Baptism in Jesus name) and of Spirit (filled with the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in another tongue)?

It's not too late.

(Fb memory 9-22-17)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

We Are Not "Sinners Who Sin Differently"

  ...And, let every one that nameth

the name of Christ

DEPART from iniquity.

2 Timothy 2:19

As Christians,  we are not "sinners who sin differently."  

We are to DEPART from iniquity. 

This flesh can't do it on its own.  

It comes by drawing closer and closer to Jesus through a daily walk with Him....pray, seek His face (through prayer, Bible reading, and fastings), turn from all wicked (sinful) ways. 

Paul continues admonishing Timothy in verse 21: 

If a man therefore PURGE HIMSELF from these, 

he shall be a vessel unto honour, 

sanctified, and meet for the Master's use, 

and prepared unto every good work. 

If we want to be a vessel unto honor 

that the Master can use, 

we must PURGE ourselves 

and DEPART from iniquity. 

That's not judging.

That's not hate.

Warning against sin 

and where it will eventually lead if not repented of 

is actually loving others.

BECAUSE those who care where you spend eternity 

Will love you enough to issue a warning cry

And explain what the Scriptures say.

It's the Word of God.

Every single part - the verses of comfort & hope, and the verses of correction & instruction.

Monday, September 16, 2024

1 John 3

2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, WHEN HE SHALL APPEAR, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM; for we shall see Him as he is.


One day soon, we will see Jesus face to face. When he shall appear we shall be like Him. 

Those that have this hope IN them, are purifying their hearts and minds, repenting of every sin, and doing what God has commanded in His Word to make their selves ready. 

Jesus is coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle. Sin cannot enter there.

Are you making yourself ready?

Have you repented of all your sins ? 

Have you washed your sins away in the waters of baptism calling on the name of Jesus just as Ananias commanded Paul to do in Acts 22:16? 

Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? Acts 19 (Since = from that time until now) It's not too late.  Jesus wants to give you the precious gift of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus is coming soon. 


(Fb 9-16-22)

And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.

Acts 22:16

Why delay? Time is winding down quickly.  

Arise, and wash away your sins in the waters of Baptism calling on the name of the Lord Jesus.



Paul wrote in Hebrews 4:12 concerning the Scriptures: For the Word of God is quick, and powerful….

What did he mean when he wrote, “the Word of God is quick”?

Quick does not mean ‘fast’ as we define the word today.

          When the Bible was being translated to English the word ‘quick’ actually
                meant ‘to live’ (see Strong’s G2198)

Paul, who is the author of the Book of Hebrews, is explaining that the Word of

                  God is alive…. Because the Word is God.

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

(3) All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.

(10) He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not.

(11) He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.

(14) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

These Scriptures reveal that the Word of God is alive – that the Word is God – and that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (referring to Jesus).

Every Scripture we read is God speaking to us because the Word is God.

God wants to speak to us every time we open and read the Bible.

Paul wrote to the Church in Philippians 2:5 - Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.

How do we get the mind of Christ?  He tells us in His Word. The more you read it, the more you will begin to get the mind of Christ in you. In other words…you’ll begin to think and act and talk more like Jesus. 

The Word of God should never become stagnant or boring to us.  If it is, then we’ve fallen out of the One who inspired holy men of old to write His letters to us.

Daily Bible reading should be a routine (a daily habit) but never just a ritual. (ritual = actions or behavior regularly followed by someone)  We should never read just to be reading or just to say we’ve read it because as Paul wrote in….

2 Timothy 3:16-17

          All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God,

          and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,

for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

That the man of God may be perfect (complete),

thoroughly furnished (fully equipped) unto all good works.

When the Bible says all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God it is saying that all Scripture is divinely breathed by God.  (Strong’s G2315)

Every Scripture is important and was given by God to:

instruct and teach us concerning God’s laws and ways (doctrine)

chasten and convict us when we’re doing things that displease God (reproof)

to correct us so that we’ll change our ways and straighten up (correction)

to educate and train us how to be more Christ like in every way (instruction)

BECAUSE – there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, BUT the end thereof are the ways of death. The wisest man that ever lived felt this warning was so important that he penned it twice in Proverbs 14:12 + 16:25.

There is a way that APPEARS to be right/ok/no big deal in man’s way of looking and reasoning and justifying BUT the ending result is death (physically and spiritually).

Just because it APPEARS to be right/no big deal to man does not mean it is right/no big deal to God.  That’s why it’s important to SEARCH the Scriptures DAILY to see what God says about a matter (whether it’s salvation, words, actions, reactions, and so on). (John 5:39 + Acts 17:11 + entire Bible)

Are our ways right before God?  In the end, He has the final say.  The instructions are in His Word. Every Scripture in the Bible was written and recorded for a purpose and is profitable.  Therefore, it is important to read the Bible front cover to back cover to see what God is saying to us.

Did you know the Bible actually instructs us to STUDY and SEARCH the Scriptures?

Paul admonished in his letters to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:15 to…

          STUDY to show thyself approved unto God,

          A workman that needeth not to be ashamed,

          Rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

When you learn a trade/job, you study and read and re-read and study some more.  You listen to those who are more knowledgeable concerning it to gain insight, wisdom, and understanding from them until you know and understand as well.

It is the same with the Bible – to learn it you must read, re-read and study it some more. You listen to those who are more knowledgeable concerning it to gain insight, wisdom, and understanding (that’s why we need Preachers).

Hearing the Preached Word can help us to grow spiritually and to understand more fully what the Scriptures are saying.  God gives the Pastor anointing and revelation to expound and explain the Scriptures.   Titus 1:3 - But hath in due times manifested  His Word through preaching.

Manifest means: to make clear or obvious to the eye or mind.  So, God uses the preaching to help bring clarity and make His Word clear to the mind.  The preaching helps bring understanding.  Hearing the preached Word is necessary and important…

BUT that does not take the place of daily personal Bible reading. The preaching is to help you understand what you have already read. The more you read and study the Scriptures, the more you hear the preached Word, the more you will know what is written within it.

Jesus, Himself, taught in John 5:39 that we are to…

          SEARCH the Scriptures; For in them ye think ye have eternal life:

          And they are they which testify of Me.

Search means (through the idea of inquiry) to seek, to investigate (Strong’s G2045)

God WANTS us to seek, to search, and investigate the Scriptures. Every time we open the Bible to read, we need to have an open mind to hear what God wants to say.

Jesus taught us in John 15:7 – If ye abide in Me and My Words (the Scriptures) abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.

-         We are to let the Scriptures abide (dwell) in us

-         How will the Word abide (dwell) in us if we do not read it?

As Christians, we have personal responsibilities (things God requires of us), but we won’t know what those responsibilities are unless we read the Bible often.

There are two important things in our walk with God that we must not neglect.

·        Daily Bible reading

·        Daily Prayer

These two things are vitally important to feed our spiritual man. 

When the devil came to Jesus tempting Him to turn stones into bread, Jesus responded with the Word of God.  He said in Luke 4:4….

….It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone,


We need the Word of God (the Bible) more than our daily food.

It is God’s Word that will sustain us day to day.  

Isaiah 40:8 - The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the Word of our God shall stand for ever.

Every thing else will one day pass away, but God’s Word will never change.  It will stand forever.

As Christians, we need to read the Bible DAILY!  It doesn’t have to be several chapters, but it needs to be read.

*The importance is not concerning how much you read but how much you retain.* Meaning….it’s more important to understand what you’re reading than to have read 3 chapters and not understand what you just read. (that would be reading ritualistically)

The Psalmist penned in Psalm 119:11 - Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.

That’s the goal – to get God’s Word hidden deep down in our heart.

When we know what the Bible says, it will help us not to sin and do wrong. 

You’ll also find the more you read it, the more things will quicken to your mind as you read and you’ll begin to make connection between Scriptures.

What if I don’t understand what a word means? 

If you don’t understand what you’re reading, you can do two things:

1.     Pray and ask God to help you understand what He is saying in His Word.  He will begin to open your understanding…but it will take time. (Just as a baby learning to talk, walk, eat, etc)

2.     Ask the pastor or a teacher of the Word - Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask if you don’t understand.

 Important to note: Sometimes you can look in a dictionary or ask google the definition of a word HOWEVER, that will not always be accurate since some word meanings have changed over the years. (Just as the word “quick” in Hebrews 4:12 did not mean ‘hurry’ or ‘fast’ when the Bible was being translated to English.)  

God has a purpose/a reason for everything that is written within the pages of the Bible.

Romans 15:4 – For whatsoever things were written aforetime (previously) were written for our learning…

What is written in the Bible is recorded so that we can learn from it.  So, every time I open my Bible, I think about what I’ve read and what lesson I can learn from I’ve just read.  How can it apply to my life?  Is there something that I need to stop doing and repent over? Or is there something God’s Word is instructing me to do that I’m not already doing?

We are so blessed to have our freedoms and many have several Bibles in the home yet oft times, the Bibles sit unread collecting dust.  It is God’s letters to us.  What He has to say is important.

There are those in other countries who wish they could freely have even one Bible and to be able to gather together with other Believers as we so freely do here in the US.  It’s so easy for us to take for granted what they long for.

The Scriptures are our Daily Bread.  They feed our spiritual man if we’ll read them….daily and often.

The Word of God is also our sword of the Spirit according to Ephesians 6:17. It’s our weapon against the devil when he comes to try to deceive. 

If Adam and Eve had not only quoted God’s Word back to the serpent, but also stood firmly on what God said, the world would not be in the mess that it’s in today.

Jesus quoted Scripture back to the devil when he came trying to tempt Him after a long fast in the wilderness.  Every time the devil tried to tempt Jesus to sin, Jesus responded back by quoting Scripture, “It is written….”  (Matthew 4:11) 

Jesus was exampling to us the importance of knowing what the Scriptures say so that we will be able to use it wisely to combat the devil and his lies.

 They say a Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t – meaning: a Bible that is often read will help keep us through whatever storm we may go through and face in life because we will know the Promises within God’s Word that we can cling to in tough times.

God’s Word will direct and lead us, but it must be read daily and often.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

There Is A Way That SEEMETH Right BUT....

 “There is a way

which seemeth right unto a man, 

BUT the end thereof 

are the ways of death.”

  — Proverbs 14:12 (KJV)

“There is a way 

that seemeth right unto a man, 

BUT the end thereof 

are the ways of death.”

  — Proverbs 16:25 (KJV)

The wisest man that ever lived felt this instruction was so important that he penned it twice.

There is a way that APPEARS to be right/ok/no big deal in man's way of looking and reasoning and justifying BUT the ending result is death (physically and spiritually).

Just because it APPEARS to be right/no big deal to man does not mean it is right/no big deal to God. 

That's why it's important to SEARCH the Scriptures DAILY to see what God says about a matter (whether it's salvation, words, actions, reactions, etc).  (John 5:39 + Acts 17:11 + the entire Bible)

Are our ways right before God? In the end, He has the final say.  The instructions are in His Word (every single Scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction,  and instruction - 2 Tim 3:16).  We will not be held guiltless if we do not read and search through them DAILY.

Friday, September 13, 2024

What are your words and actions doing?

I talked with a young man a while back and his words have stayed on my mind.   He has withdrawn socially because when he would go out to a store, he saw some stare at him and then call him a meth head loud enough for him to hear.

He's not a meth head. He doesn't do drugs.
He's been through a lot throughout his childhood.
He's suffered a lot of rejection.
He has a lot of pain pent up inside.
Those cruel words casting judgment hurt deeply.
It's caused him to withdraw more.
Be kind. Be friendly.
Don't assume.
Show love, care, and compassion. 
Pray for them.
Life has been rough for so many.
We talk about mental health.
What are your words and actions doing to help someone else's?
Are they helping them heal?
or hurting them more?
A smile and a "hi, how are you?" in passing could make a positive difference.
Let's do better. 
Let's treat others how we want to be treated.
Thank you to those who already do!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

My Poor Plant - (a comparative)

 My poor plant!

My husband bought it for me for Mother's Day.

I was diligent to take care and water it at first. 

But then...

I got busy...."I'll water it later"

But later, I forgot. 

Then, I'd remember again at some point and water it.

Unfortunately,  the same cycle of being busy and forgetting kept repeating 

Until....I realized my plant had shriveled and died.

The same happens in our spiritual walk...

We get busy...."I'll pray and read my Bible later"

But later, we forget.

At times we'll remember and take a few quick moments to pray and read a verse or two before hurrying off to do whatever we need to or are wanting to do.

Unfortunately,  that cycle of being busy, forgetting, or just wanting to do something else continues 

Until....our spiritual man has shriveled and died.

Sometimes,  a person will realize it 

Sometimes,  a person won't 

Because cares of life have choked out and become dominant over the spiritual and spending time with our First Love (Jesus)

Jesus warned the Church in Sardis that they were alive, yet they were dead.  They were alive physically but dead spiritually.  (Rev 3:1)

Don't be alive to the cares, wants, and desires of the physical flesh

While letting your spiritual man starve and die 💔

Take time,  make time,  to pray and read your Bible (God's letters to us) EVERY DAY.

Eternity is coming.  

What you do for Jesus Christ is the only thing that will matter then.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

That We Might Understand THY Truth

That We Might Understand THY Truth

All this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might 

(1) turn from our iniquities, and 

(2) understand THY Truth. 

Daniel 9:13

That we might understand THY Truth

and turn from our iniquities 

To understand THY Truth

and repent (turn) from all sin

We're so quick to claim the Promises of God - what God will do for us - but how much do we SEARCH the Scriptures to see what God requires of us? 

There are 66 Books in the entire Bible. 

How much of those 66 Books are you reading?

It needs to be ALL, 

every single chapter, verse, and word.

Because whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for us to learn from. (Romans 15:4)

We need to seek for HIS Truth

Not just what we THINK is Truth

It's written in the pages of the Bible 

We need to seek to understand HIS Truth

and turn from our iniquities


Friday, September 6, 2024

Only Talk About The Love of God?

I've had a few at times tell me "just talk about the love of God. Quit talking about all this other stuff." 

Yes, God is love and He loves you too much to leave you in the filth of sin clothed with the beggarly elements of this world.  Sin cannot enter Heaven's gates. 

It is out of His great love and not willing that any should perish that He lays it on the hearts of some to cry out for the need to repent, get sin out of our lives, and obey Jesus' instructions to be born again.  Time is running out. 

Too many are deceived into believing they can live any way they want, do whatever they want, talk however they want and still go to heaven. But the Bible warns in Galatians 5:19-21.....

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these:

Adultery = relations with someone other than spouse

fornication = relations without being married

uncleanness = physical or moral impurity

lasciviousness = intense or unbridled desire

20 Idolatry = anything put before God

witchcraft = fortune telling, horoscopes, anything to do with witches, scorcery, demonic activity,  etc

hatred = hostile feelings toward another

variance = strife, quarreling 

emulations = jealousy,  malice

wrath = fierce anger

strife = contentions, bickering, bitter disagreement 

seditions = divisions

heresies = false doctrines

21 Envyings = jealousy, ill-will toward another 

murders = kill another person 

drunkenness = intoxication

revellings = rioting 

and such like = anything that is similar and a sin

of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that THEY WHICH DO SUCH THINGS SHALL NOT inherit the kingdom of God.

And we're warned again in 1 Corinthians6:9-10....

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God? 


neither fornicators = relations without being married

nor idolaters = anything put before God

nor adulterers = relations with someone other than spouse

nor effeminate = a man expressing feminine qualities 

nor abusers of themselves with mankind = that word means they DEFILE themselves with mankind 

(Cross ref: Rom 1:20-28, 2 Pet 2:6-22, Lev 18:22, 20:13, Gen 19:4-11, Rev 21:27)

10 Nor thieves = steals, takes what is not theirs

nor covetous = eager for gain, desiring more)

nor drunkards = intoxicated

nor revilers = someone who speaks abusively or contemptuously to others

nor extortioners = uses threats or intimidation to obtain something from another)

shall inherit the kingdom of God.

The good news is: such WERE some of you.  

You don’t have continue living in sin. 

There is hope, joy, and peace when we have been WASHED, and SANCTIFIED, and JUSTIFIED in the NAME of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Cor 6:11)

Yes, God loves you very much. 

BUT He loves you too much to leave you as you are. When you're born again, you will become a new creature. 

You will not be the same and you will not stay the same. 


God is going to present to Himself the Church 

that does not have SPOT (stain or blemish)

Or WRINKLE (folds, creases, unkept)


but that it should be 

HOLY (physically pure, morally blameless)

And WITHOUT BLEMISH (without blame or fault or sin)

If we want to be in the Bride of Christ we must get sin out of our lives....that's what true REPENTANCE is.

And we must be BAPTIZED in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins

And be filled with and full of the Holy Ghost 

(Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16-17, John 3:1-7)

Come let Jesus transform your life.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Faith Without Works

Faith Without Works

James 2

14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?


18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I WILL SHEW THEE MY FAITH BY MY WORKS.

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD?

21 Was not Abraham our father JUSTIFIED BY WORKS, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?

22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and BY WORKS WAS FAITH MADE PERFECT?

23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.


25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?

26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, SO FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD also.

It takes more than just believing.