THE BEATITUDES ~ Matthew 5:1-6
As Jesus went throughout the regions of Galilee and Samaria healing those that were sick and delivering those that were afflicted, more and more people from all over made long journeys to get to where He was. The Bible says that great multitudes came from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judaea, and from beyond Jordan.
The Bible says that when Jesus
saw the multitudes, He went up into a high mountain and began to teach what we
call ‘the Beatitudes.’
I was curious where that term came
from since Beatitudes is not mentioned in the Bible. This word is a Latin word which means ‘blessed.’
Therefore, it is a fitting description since each concept Jesus taught began
with ‘blessed.’
As we read and study the
Beatitudes, we need to understand that Jesus was teaching SPIRITUAL concepts,
not earthly ones. Our understanding will grow as we look at Jesus words from
the spiritual side instead of the natural. Although the natural side can help
us to grasp and understand the spiritual.
Jesus began teaching in Matthew 5
verse 3, “Blessed are the POOR IN SPIRIT: for theirs is the kingdom of
heaven.” Has anyone else wondered what that means?
What does a poor person do? A person who is poor realizes they have a
need. They know that they can not make
it on their own. They know they have to
ask for help....whether it’s for food, clothing, shelter, or some other
need. Sometimes a person may become so
desperate that they resort to begging for help.
A person who is poor in spirit
realizes they have a spiritual poverty – meaning they realize they need Jesus!
They are broken, repentant, and humble before the Savior. They are pleading with Him for His help. They
know they cannot make it without Him.
‘Blessed are the poor in
spirit (those that realize they need Jesus – they realize they are spiritually
impoverished without Him), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’
The next thing Jesus taught in
verse 4 was, “Blessed are THEY THAT MOURN: for they shall be comforted.”
When we hear this phrase, we
often think about various Scriptures that reference how God will comfort the brokenhearted.
We cry at times because we are
sad. A person who is sad is brokenhearted.
We cry at times because life can
be tough or stressful.
We cry at times because someone
has been hurtful with their words. That old phrase, “sticks and stones may
break my bones but words will never hurt me” is the furthest thing from being
accurate. Words can hurt much much deeper
and leaves a wound at times that is harder to heal than any wound left by
sticks or stones. Therefore, we need to
be careful with our words and never purposely try to hurt someone with them.
God listens to every word we speak and knows the intent in the heart.
We cry at times because we are
grieving over the loss of a family member, a friend, or a well-loved pet.
There are many things that can
make us cry.
It is true that God is near to
the brokenhearted.
Psalms 34:18 comforts us, “The
LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart…”
Psalms 147:3 assures us, “He healeth
the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”
When Jesus read the Scriptures
from Isaiah 61:1 in the Temple in Nazareth, He said He has come to heal the
brokenhearted. (Luke 4:18)
I can testify that this is true. But Jesus, here in Matthew 5, is referring to
a spiritual mourning. The message that John
the Baptist, Jesus, and many of the prophets went around preaching was a
message of repentance.
Jesus is teaching here about the
need to be sincerely sorry for our sins and repent with real tears, being
broken before God.
This is not the tears that children
cry when they get caught by mom, dad, or Grandma… “I’m sorry, I PROMISE I’ll
NEVER do it again!” Not really meaning it, but they are crying and saying it
because they don’t want to be punished or grounded. Yet, there is no change and they WILL do it again.
You can tell if someone is truly
sorry or not. Actions will speak louder
than their words. Repentance/mourning
over our sins will bring true tears letting God know that we sincerely realize
we have done wrong and are sorry for our sins. And will change.
‘Blessed are those who mourn
(are truly sorry and repent of their sins), for they will be comforted.’
Jesus continued His lessons by
saying in verse 5, “Blessed are THE MEEK: for they shall inherit the earth.”
What does it mean to be
meek? To be humble.
Many today are filled with PRIDE
and vanity, the opposite of meekness and humility.
People like to boast about their
They like to brag about their
There are those who are proud and
boast about their sinful ways.
The Bible warns about children
thinking they know more than their elders. Isaiah 3:5,12 ….the child shall
behave himself proudly against the ancient…..” “…as for my people, children are
their oppressors….” (meaning children
are talking down to, backtalking, and mistreating adults)
Proverbs 16:18 warns, “Pride
goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
A prideful, haughty attitude will
be that person’s downfall. No one will make it to heaven with pride or
haughtiness in their heart. Pride and haughtiness reveal what is going on in a
person’s heart and spirit.
And while this correlates with
the spiritual, in this teaching, Jesus is again talking about spiritual
There are those who are
spiritually prideful and haughty – these are there are those who feel like they
don’t need Church; they don’t believe they need a Pastor; and they definitely
do not want a Pastor telling them when they are doing something wrong.
There are some who feel they
already know it all even though they do not really know what the Bible says; and
they cannot be instructed even if a preacher or teacher gives them Scripture to
support what they are teaching.
It is difficult to reach those
like this.
A spiritually meek person will be
humble and have a teachable spirit. We
can read the same chapter in the Bible ten times and see something different
from it every time IF we have a teachable spirit.
If we live to be 100 years old, there
will always be something new that we can learn and be taught concerning God’s
Word and our walk with Him. The
spiritually meek will always be open to hear and learn (while still standing
firm for Truth because there are strange doctrines that will come to try to
sway and trip you up.)
Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the meek
(those that are not spiritually prideful but rather humble and have a teachable
spirit), for they will inherit the earth.’
Jesus next taught, “Blessed are they
which do HUNGER AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS: for they shall be filled.”
Have you ever been so thirsty,
your mouth is parched, you’re seeking for something cold to refresh you. You walk into a restaurant and ask for an ice
cold glass of water and they point and say, “outside is a mud puddle. Go drink from it.”
Has anyone ever been really
really REALLY hungry? You are so hungry
your stomach is gnawing at your backbone.
You come in the house, searching for something to eat – not just chips
or cookies, but something that will nourish your body and satisfy your hunger.
You are searching through the cupboards
and fridge. A family member hollers from
the other room, “What are you looking for?” You holler back, “I’m hungry!” They
come into the kitchen and hand you a rock and say, “here you go.” Or maybe they
hand you a snake. A SNAKE?! I’d be
running and think they do not love me.
Wouldn’t you?
Jesus taught a parable about that
in Mt 7:9-10. He said, “What man is
there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask
a fish, will he give him a serpent?” No,
someone who cares is going to give you some real food.
Yet, there is a spiritual hunger
inside of each of us. However, instead
of feeding our spiritual man the Bread of Life (reading the Bible), we hand it
a stone. Instead of feeding our
spiritual man spiritual meat, we hand it a serpent.
This is what we are doing each
time we turn on the tv, or browse social media, or listen to music that
promotes ungodliness and things contrary to the Word of God instead of opening
up and reading the Bible, turning on Christian music or preaching that feeds
the spiritual man and gets our minds focused on Jesus and the spiritual rather
than the carnal.
We are filling our hearts, our
eyes, our ears, our minds with stony things and bad things that are like a snake
that will bite and inject its poison into our hearts and minds. (remember the
devil came as a snake in the Garden of Eden injecting his poison of lies and questioning
of God’s Word into Eve’s mind and heart.)
But, when we come to God hungry
and thirsty to know more about His Word and desiring a deeper relationship with
Jesus, He will feed us with good things and He will fill us.
However, we must GET A SPIRITUAL
APPETITE. We have to HUNGER and THIRST after RIGHTEOUSNESS – notice Jesus said
to hunger and thirst after RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Jesus instructs us in Matthew
6:33 to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS.
We are to seek not only the
Kingdom of God, but we are to also seek after HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. These are the FIRST things we are to seek
What is HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS? Righteousness is doing what is right in the
eyes of God. We have to HUNGER (DESIRE)
and not only hunger, but we must also then DO what is RIGHT IN GOD’S EYES.
We have to SEEK for His
Righteousness. How will we know what is right in God’s eyes? By reading and searching the Bible, coming to
Church faithfully, then listening to what the pastor or the teacher teaches is
right according to God’s Word.
Jesus said when you ‘hunger and
thirst for righteousness,’ you will be filled.
You will feast from the Word of God.
We have to DESIRE the Word of
1 Peter 2:2 – as newborn babes,
DESIRE the SINCERE MILK of the WORD, that ye may grow thereby.
Old habits are hard to
break. When a person realizes the need
to nourish the body so they can become healthy, they have to break the habit of
reaching for junk food instead of fruits and vegetables. They have to MAKE their self eat right.
In the same way, to get spiritually
hungry, you have to break old habits and make yourself reach for the Bible. Make yourself turn off the tv or put down the
phone and take time to pray. (Let’s be
honest: it’s not so much that we have to MAKE time, but rather we need to MAKE
yourself turn on Christian music or preaching – things that feed the spiritual
man rather than the carnal.
Get hungry for the things of
God. Get thirsty for the things of
God. Crave them more than your daily
food, more than sleep, more than even life or breath itself.
“Blessed are they which do HUNGER
AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS: for they shall be filled.”
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