Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet. His words irritated them because he was always speaking negative while the rest of the prophets spoke blessings and positive words.
People trembled when Samuel came to town - was he coming peaceably or bringing words of woe? (1 Samuel 16:4-5)
John the Baptist would be considered judgmental, unkind, and not showing enough love and grace if he was alive and preaching repentance as he did back then. His strong messages on repentance cost him his head.
Many of the Old Testament prophets were considered negative and were killed for their strong messages of coming judgment if people did not turn from their wicked sinful ways. (Matthew 23:31 + 1 Thess 2:15)
Even Jesus was despised and rejected for His Words. The movie makers like to portray Jesus as happy, loved, and popular by all but the religious leaders. But was He? The Bible says He was a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief. (Isaiah 53:3)
Many flocked to Him at first because of the mighty miracles He was doing in their midst. They flocked to Him for the healings, the miracles, the loaves and the fishes which filled their physical appetite. They followed Him for what Jesus could do for them.
But...when Jesus began to preach the harder messages, many turned back and followed Him no longer. They rejected Him when He required something from them. They turned back from following and murmured against Him because He didn't have the right names attached to His. "Is this not Jesus? The son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?" (John 4:42)
Reality is that it was not so much that He didn't have the right name, but rather He didn't have the right message attached to the miracles that made them feel good and justified.
Jesus wasn't mainly speaking "positive messages" nor was He a "motivational speaker." Jesus' message was repentance and remission of sins. (Luke 24:47)
Yes, His message is also messages of Hope. Thank God for Hope, Mercy, and Grace! But too many want to focus on that and do not want to hear the messages in God's Word that require denying of the flesh and the need to come out from among them, be separate, and touch not the unclean things. Too many do not want to hear that Jesus requires more of them than just believing. He said 'if you love Me, keep My commandments.' (John 14:15) That includes all of them, not just the ones we like or prefer.
What may seem to many as negative preaching or negative posts, may not truly be as one may perceive. Time is winding down rapidly. Wake up cries are going forth. Do you see the signs of the times? Do you see how close we are to the end?
Are you ready? Are you ready according to what the Bible says?
Have you obeyed Jesus' command to be Born Again of water (baptism) and Spirit (the Holy Ghost)? (John 3) Jesus instructed he that believeth AND is baptized shall be saved. And sign are to follow believers (including speaking with new tongues). Are these signs following you? (Mark 16:16-17) Have you obeyed Peter's instructions in Acts 2:38 to repent, bebaptized EVERY ONE in the nameof JesusChrist, and ye shall receivethe gift of the HolyGhost (Peter was taught by Jesus)? Have you been Born Again just like Jesus said?
Examine your hearts. Make sure there is nothing within to keep you from making heaven your home. Nothing will be worth losing your soul over.
This is not negative. This is a warning cry. If you miss heaven, you'll wish more had been crying out, trying to warn you against the wages of sin. There is hope and freedom from sin once we follow Jesus' commandments. We have the Promise of eternal life in a land where we'll never grow old, where there will be no more tears, no more sorrow, and no more pain. But we can only get there by obeying what Jesus taught.
Living for Jesus will be worth it all in the end.
Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to purchase our redemption. Will you live for Him? And obey His words?
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