Tuesday, April 16, 2024




Every year Jesus with Mary, Joseph, and their other children would make a trip from Nazareth to Jerusalem for Passover celebration. (Luke 2:41 + Mk 6:3) 

The Passover was when God told the children of Israel (while they were held captive in Egypt) to take the blood of a lamb, apply it over their windows and doorposts, then cook and eat the lamb.  God said that the death angel would pass by every house that had the blood applied.  

They did not and still do not realize that the Blood and the Lamb were symbolic of Jesus becoming the final Passover Lamb and shedding His blood for our redemption. (Interesting information: The Passover celebration for the Jews has not taken place yet.  It will be commemorated from sundown on Monday, April 22 and end after nightfall on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.)

Year after year, Jesus grew accustomed to the journey from Nazareth to Jerusalem and then back to Nazareth again once it was over.  When Jesus was 12 years old, they made the journey once again.  Once the Passover celebration was over, Jesus knew what to do.  He knew the family would be traveling back home with other relatives and neighbors.  

The Bible does not say what happened, but at some point, Jesus became separated from the group.  I believe He started out with them and why His parents assumed He was still with them at the end of the day when they stopped to rest. 

My mind wonders if they possibly passed by the Temple or He could see the Temple as they were leaving Jerusalem.  Whatever the reason, Jesus slipped away from the crowd and made His way into the Temple where He sat amongst the doctors (those who were instructors of the Scriptures).  For 3 or 4 days, He sat there not only listening and asking questions, but He also astonished them with His understanding and the answer He gave to them. (Luke 2:46-47)

Mary and Joseph made the days journey back to Jerusalem then frantically began their search.  After 3 days, it sounds like they had almost given up hope when they finally found Him in the place they should have looked first….in the Temple.  

Mary scolded Jesus, “…Thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing.” (meaning they were grieved and tormented as they searched).  Jesus said unto them, “How is it that ye sought Me?  Wist ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?”  (Luke 2:48-49)

Mary and Joseph did not understand what Jesus meant.  Joseph was a carpenter, not a priest or scholar of Scripture.  Jesus was being taught to be a carpenter as well (Mk 6:3). They did not understand at that point that Jesus was not referring to Joseph’s earthly business.  He was referring to spiritual business and the reason He came to earth.  

Jesus was Kingdom Minded.  We are to be Kingdom Minded as well. 

1. The first thing we find Jesus did to be Kingdom Minded was to listen, learn and ask questions regarding the Scriptures so as to increase in wisdom and spiritual maturity.   That’s why reading your Bible and praying DAILY is vitally important to your spiritual growth. Coming to Bible studies and attending Church regularly are also important. 

We must first KNOW what the Bible says in order to be able to effectively teach others. We learn what the Bible says and gain understanding through the expounded Word being taught by the Preacher and teachers.  Otherwise, someone can trip you up and trick you into false doctrines. Memorizing Scripture is also an important part of our walk with God so that we hide God’s Word in our heart and can be ready to give an answer when needed.   

2. Jesus was Kingdom Minded and shared the Gospel wherever He went. The first message Jesus preached was a message of repentance. (Mt 4:17 + Mk 1:14-15) Sharing the Gospel is not always standing behind a pulpit delivering a sermon.  Sharing the Gospel is simply telling others about Jesus and what His Word says we must do to be saved.  It may be in a restaurant or a grocery store or perhaps in a home over coffee. 

Everywhere Jesus went, He was trying to reach people with the Gospel.  We are to be as well.  Time is winding down fast.  There are so many that still need to be reached.  Don’t let fear stop you from reaching out. “I might lose a friend if I say anything.” Or “they may become angry with me.”  Think about their eternal destination if you don’t.  That should be enough to compel all of us to fervently reach out and try to win people to Christ. 

They may reject what you said or may appear not to respond, but at least you have planted a seed.  God may send someone else to water it (build on what you planted).  It is then up to them as to whether they obey the Gospel or not. 

Pray for God to make you to become a Fisher of Men.  If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone, begin by leaving a Bible study tract wherever you go while praying that God will lead a hungry soul to find it and their understanding be opened to the Truth of the Gospel. 

3. Jesus was moved with compassion. Kingdom Mindedness is sometimes looking around and feeling compassion and care for others, then showing it. In a time when so many, too many, take advantage of others and the Church, it is easy for our hearts to become hardened and less compassionate.   Jesus didn’t let that hinder or harden Him. Many followed Him for what He could do for them, yet He kept reaching out and is still reaching out.  

The Gospels mentions at least 5 times that Jesus was ‘moved with compassion.’  One Scripture passage in Mark 6:34 caught my attention: “And Jesus, when He came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, BECAUSE they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and HE BEGAN TO TEACH THEM many things.”

So many today do not have a shepherd (a pastor).  They do not know God nor do they know His ways.  They may say they love Jesus, yet they do not go to Church or read the Bible and live contrary to the Scriptures.  They are spiritually blind and yet they do not see it.  That’s why we keep reaching and trying to teach and lead people to Christ.   Expressing care and compassion can help open their hearts to listen to what we have to say because they will see Jesus through us. 

4. Being Kingdom Minded will be inconvenient and take you way out of your way at times.  Jesus went far out of His way when He went through Samaria just to reach out to and talk with the woman at the well.   Jesus had been in the region of Judaea (close to where John the Baptist had been baptizing in Aenon near to Salim because there was a lot of water there) teaching His disciples how to Baptize. (John 4:1-3 + 3:22-26)  

When Jesus heard that John the Baptist was thrown in prison for telling Herod and Herodias to repent of their adultery (Mark 6:17-18), Jesus departed from there and headed toward Galilee.  The region of Galilee was northwest of Aenon & Salim.  Yet, Jesus told His disciples that He needed to go through Samaria.  He came to a city of Samaria called Sychar. (John 4:5) Sychar was southwest of the area where Jesus had been.  

Which brings me to the next point….

5. Kingdom Mindedness does not look at anyone as too dirty or too unworthy.  Jesus went the extra miles and wearied Himself to reach out to a woman living with a man outside the bounds of marriage. (John 4:16-18) Not only was this woman a sinner, but she was also shunned and avoided by the Jews because she was a Samaritan. (John 4:9)  Yet, Jesus asked her to give Him a drink of water from the well when she came out of the city around noon. 

This shocked her.  It shocked the Disciples, as well, when they came back from buying food to find Him talking with the woman. (John 4:6-9, 27)  The person we may see as too dirty, too sinful, too far gone, perhaps untouchable may actually be the key person Jesus wants to use to reach others.  It’s interesting to note that she became a soul winner bringing many to Jesus before she was even fully converted. (John 4:39-41) She just knew that Jesus had touched her, and she wanted to share what Jesus had done for her with others. 

As we reach for souls, we need to remember that Jesus never looked down His nose at anyone.  We are not to either keeping in mind that ‘but for the grace of God there go I.’  They are the ones Jesus came to save and the greatest testimonies can come from their depravity of sin. 

I know I already mentioned this, but if we can keep our focus that time IS winding down fast.  We’re running out of time to reach the lost.  I woke out of my sleep a few years back to hearing these words clearly, “Work while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work!”  

God is not referring to physical work – He’s talking about Kingdom work.  We all need to be Kingdom Minded and pray for God to show us how we each can ‘be about our Father’s business.’ 

1. Going back to point 1 – Get into reading the Word of God more; not just reading but also absorbing and seeking to understand.  If you don’t understand, ask questions, attend Bible studies, listen to Truth teaching preachers. Memorize Scripture. And don’t neglect prayer.  Pray for God to open your understanding. The more you pray, the more connected to God you will become. 

2. Share the Gospel wherever you go whether it is by talking with someone or leaving a tract explaining the way of salvation. Know the Scriptures – it will help you to effectively explain and point them in the right direction as well as rebuttal false doctrine and ideologies. 

3. Have compassion and show kindness to others.  Even if they never come to Church.  Kindness can be shown by leaving food in the food box with the church’s label on it. It can be opening the door for someone or smiling at a stranger.  I’ve had strangers begin talking to me in the store merely because I smiled as I walked past.  Guard your speech against negative speaking. Avoid and divert gossip – walk away.  People are watching and listening even when we think they may not be. Our words will either draw a person to Christ or push them away. Our words can either cause division or bring unity. Guard your tongue and ears.  What goes in the ears can get in the heart.  One day, we will have to stand before God to give account for every word spoken.

4. Go out of your way to help and reach for someone.  Door knocking and inviting people to Church when you’d rather be doing something else or have other things to do can be inconvenient at times, but their soul is worth it. Picking up people for Church will mean getting up earlier and driving out of your way, but their soul is worth it. Whatever you do to reach souls for Jesus Christ is worth it. 

5. Reaching for lost souls will sometimes mean you’ll come away smelling like smoke. Or it may mean you will frequently deal with lice because the little children have an infestation but want and need a hug from you. It will mean you will be hugging people who do not take baths.  Or entering homes that are dirty and bug infested. Don’t look down on and avoid them or the drunkard, the drug addict, or the prostitute – there’s no one too dirty that Jesus can’t make worthy.  He died for them, too. Jesus can make the vilest sinner clean and what a testimony for Jesus Christ they can become!

Keep the focus “I MUST be about my Father’s business!  I MUST be Kingdom Minded” so that one day when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, we can hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter in!” instead of being called an “unprofitable servant” and told to depart from Him.  

Jesus saved us so we could reach for others.  Our mission is to have others sitting with us on the pew.  Our mission is to go and teach – as we grow in wisdom and understanding of God’s Word, we each should be able to teach Bible studies and share the Gospel with others.  

A fisher does not catch fish every time he casts out his line with a worm.  In the same way, we may not draw in every person we witness or reach out to.  But keep casting because eventually there is going to be a hungry fish (a hungry soul) that is going to grasp hold of that worm (the seed sown) and hold tightly to it. Not a good analogy but Jesus said He will make us to BECOME fishers of men if we follow Him. 

I MUST be about my Father’s business!  

I MUST be Kingdom Minded!

Because Jesus is coming soon and souls are depending upon you and me. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

A Picture of the Cross - song & lyrics by Byron Millison 1995

The words of a song written by my brother Byron Millison back in 1995.  A Stark reminder of what Jesus endured to buy our Redemption. 



Flesh hanging from His body, blood rolling to the ground,

Rusty nails piercing His hands, and a crown of thorns shoved on His brow;

Splinters digging into His body, and His lungs gasping for air,

Hanging naked upon a rugged cross, the arm of the Lord made bare.


It's a picture of the Cross that we all need to see,

It's the sacrifice Jesus made for you and me;

It's a picture of the cross that we all need to know,

The sacrifice of love, given us by God, so He could bring us home.


The sky turned black as night in the middle of the day,

And the veil was torn in two, as Jesus passed away;

At His final breath, His spirit left, as He gave up the ghost,

And the heavens rang, with a mournful cry, sung by the Heavenly host.


But the story doesn't end there, as the devil would have you believe,

You see my Jesus Christ - even tho He was crucified - stayed buried until just day 3;

And on that third glorious morn, He rose up from the grave,

Oh, praise God forever, He's coming to gather all His children away.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

 Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet. His words irritated them because he was always speaking negative while the rest of the prophets spoke blessings and positive words. 

People trembled when Samuel came to town - was he coming peaceably or bringing words of woe? (1 Samuel 16:4-5)

John the Baptist would be considered judgmental,  unkind, and not showing enough love and grace if he was alive and preaching repentance as he did back then.  His strong messages on repentance cost him his head. 

Many of the Old Testament prophets were considered negative and were killed for their strong messages of coming judgment if people did not turn from their wicked sinful ways. (Matthew 23:31 + 1 Thess 2:15)

Even Jesus was despised and rejected for His Words. The movie makers like to portray Jesus as happy, loved, and popular by all but the religious leaders.  But was He? The Bible says He was a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief. (Isaiah 53:3)

Many flocked to Him at first because of the mighty miracles He was doing in their midst.  They flocked to Him for the healings, the miracles, the loaves and the fishes which filled their physical appetite.  They followed Him for what Jesus could do for them.  

But...when Jesus began to preach the harder messages, many turned back and followed Him no longer. They rejected Him when He required something from them. They turned back from following and murmured against Him because He didn't have the right names attached to His. "Is this not Jesus? The son of Joseph,  whose father and mother we know?" (John 4:42)  

Reality is that it was not so much that He didn't have the right name, but rather He didn't have the right message attached to the miracles that made them feel good and justified. 

Jesus wasn't mainly speaking "positive messages" nor was He a "motivational speaker." Jesus' message was repentance and remission of sins. (Luke 24:47)  

Yes, His message is also messages of Hope. Thank God for Hope, Mercy, and Grace!  But too many want to focus on that and do not want to hear the messages in God's Word that require denying of the flesh and the need to come out from among them, be separate,  and touch not the unclean things.  Too many do not want to hear that Jesus requires more of them than just believing.   He said 'if you love Me, keep My commandments.' (John 14:15) That includes all of them, not just the ones we like or prefer. 

What may seem to many as negative preaching or negative posts, may not truly be as one may perceive.   Time is winding down rapidly.  Wake up cries are going forth. Do you see the signs of the times? Do you see how close we are to the end? 

Are you ready? Are you ready according to what the Bible says?  

Have you obeyed Jesus' command to be Born Again of water (baptism) and Spirit (the Holy Ghost)? (John 3) Jesus instructed he that believeth AND is baptized shall be saved. And sign are to follow believers (including speaking with new tongues). Are these signs following you? (Mark 16:16-17)  Have you obeyed Peter's instructions in Acts 2:38 to repent,  bebaptized EVERY ONE in the nameof JesusChrist,  and ye shall receivethe gift of the HolyGhost (Peter was taught by Jesus)? Have you been Born Again just like Jesus said?

Examine your hearts.  Make sure there is nothing within to keep you from making heaven your home.  Nothing will be worth losing your soul over.  

This is not negative.  This is a warning cry. If you miss heaven,  you'll wish more had been crying out, trying to warn you against the wages of sin. There is hope and freedom from sin once we follow Jesus' commandments.  We have the Promise of eternal life in a land where we'll never grow old, where there will be no more tears, no more sorrow,  and no more pain.  But we can only get there by obeying what Jesus taught. 

Living for Jesus will be worth it all in the end.

Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to purchase our redemption.  Will you live for Him? And obey His words?