Interesting Biblical Facts About Events Leading Up To the Triumphal Entry
The Bible is full of such interesting details that we sometimes miss. A recount of an event told from 4 different angles in the Gospels will have similar yet varying details. One may add a detail that another may consider insignificant and vise versa. To get a full understanding of what happened, we need to look at all 4 Gospel accounts.
Let's look at the Anointing at Bethany....
Jesus came to Bethany 6 days before the Passover. (John 12:1) This was the town where Lazarus (whom Jesus raised from the dead), Martha, and Mary lived.
Jesus and His Disciples were invited to dinner.
John's account (chapter 12) mentions that Lazarus sat at the table with Jesus while Martha served.
Matthew 26:6 and Mark 14:3 reveals that they were at Simon's house (one who used to be a leper).
Luke 7:40 again confirms they are at Simon's house. Luke 7:36,39 reveals Simon was also a Pharisee.
So, we see from Scripture comparisons that Jesus was at the home of a Pharisee named Simon who had formerly been a leper whom Jesus healed.
Going back to John's account, we see that Simon is also the father of Judas Iscariot. (Jn 12:4 + 13:2)
While Jesus was there, a woman came and poured very precious ointment from an alabaster box on Jesus' head. (Matthew 26:7 + Mark 14:3)
Luke 7:37-38 explains this woman was a sinner.
John 12:3 + 11:2 reveal the woman's name is Mary, the sister if Lazarus, that anointed Jesus with the ointment. Some accounts also tell of her humility and sorrow as she continued by washing Jesus' feet with her tears and drying them with her hair.
Some within the house were appalled that Jesus would allow this sinful woman to touch Him. Some felt like she was wasting precious money. But Jesus, moved with compassion, forgave her of her many sins. Mary came broken and unclean but left forgiven.
I doubt she realized her actions were anointing His body for burial that was to take place only a few days later, but Jesus knew. (Jn 12:7)
Everyone thought He came to be their King, who would kick the Romans out and set up an earthly throne. They could not comprehend His Kingdom was not of this earth. They did not understand He must first die so that we may have a chance to live (eternally).
Jesus opened the door for us, but we make the choice to walk through it or not. We must follow and obey Jesus' instructions to be Born Again of water and of Spirit.
Everyone focuses on John 3:16 but just a few verses prior, Jesus instructed the same audience (Nicodemus and His Disciples) that unless a person is Born Again of Water (Baptism in Jesus name -Jesus taught His Disciples how to baptize) and of Spirit (receiving the Holy Ghost which is evidenced by speaking in other tongues) we CANNOT ENTER NOR SEE the Kingdom of God. Don’t marvel that you must be Born Again.
Scripture ref KJV: John 3:1-16, 22 + Mark 16:16-17 + Acts 2:1-4, 38-39 + Acts 10:44-48 + Acts 19 and so many more...
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