Don't Neglect This Great Salvation
Hebrews 2:3
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation...?
Neglect means to treat carelessly; make light of.
The Apostle Paul warned, "How shall we escape if we treat our salvation carelessly or make light of it?"
How do we treat it carelessly?
* Prayerlessness or very little of it
* Not much Bible reading if any
* Reading the Bible out of duty but not really absorbing what God's Word is saying to us
* Little or no fasting
* Most of your time is spent fulfilling your own pleasures and desires
* Church attendance is neglected and thought unnecessary
* If Church is attended, it is out of a sense of duty or obligation rather than a sincere desire to gather with other saints to worship Jesus together.
* You can't wait for Church to be over so you can go out to eat or to the lake or maybe just wanting to be home.
These are what Paul was warning against. They are signs a person is growing lukewarm or cold in their spirit.
Don't neglect this great salvation. Stoke the embers of your soul through more prayer, more Bible reading, more fasting, more Church attendance until those embers are a blazing fire of the Holy Ghost within once again.
Jesus didn't treat the cruel cross of Calvary carelessly concerning us. We shouldn't treat the salvation He offered us nor our walk with Him carelessly either.
Take time to do some soul searching and make sure you're not neglecting or treating your salvation lightly.
Re-post from 1-28-22
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