Monday, August 14, 2023

COMPEL THEM TO COME IN - Reaching for the Lost



Luke 14:23 – And the lord said unto the servant, Go out in the highways and hedges, and COMPEL THEM TO COME IN, THAT MY HOUSE MAY BE FILLED.

This Scripture along with the following notes popped up in my facebook memories from April 13, 2022. As I was praying a year ago about soul winning, that Scripture came to my mind.

Jesus was giving a parable about a Great Supper (Luke 14:16-24).  He told how that many were invited, but when the supper was ready they all made excuses as to why they couldn’t come… too busy, have other obligations to attend to, something else is taking priority, spending time with family was more important, and so on.  They gave the same excuses many give nowadays as to why they can’t come to Church.

The first invitation was joyous: “Come and dine!” But so many refused, not realizing what they were giving up for earthly things.

The master of the house became angry at their excuses, so he next sent them to invite those who are poor, and maimed (crippled), and the halt (limping), and the blind.  Because those who have needs and are not rich in the things of this world are more likely to receive Him gladly.

The servants did as they were instructed and some must have responded and came, yet they reported back to the master of the house that there was still room. So, Jesus said the lord instructed them to go to the highways and hedges and COMPEL them to come in so that His House may be FILLED.

Compel means: (1) force or oblige someone to do something (2) bring about something by the use of force or pressure (3) literally means to force.

This is completely opposite of how most think and operate when it comes to soul winning.  I know we can’t literally force someone to live for Jesus, but we need to COMPEL them as much as is possible using Godly wisdom because time is running out.  We don’t want our family, our friends, or anyone to be lost for eternity.

If you have someone who keeps seeming to badger and hound you about coming to Church, you need to thank God for them.  They care about your soul and where you spend eternity enough to risk making you upset with them.  But they’re doing it because they love you.

Don’t stop compelling others to make the choice to live for Jesus.  So what if they think you’re being a little extra or a bit strange.  What is that in comparison to eternity? 

The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. (Mt 9:37) There are not very many who will actually go out and knock doors, invite people to come to Church, and teach Bible studies. We each need to pray therefore that the Lord of the harvest will teach us how to be a laborer in His field.  Don’t look and pray for someone else to do it.  He gave each and every one of us the ‘Great Commission’….

Matthew 28:19-20 – GO ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…

Has anyone ever fished?  Does anyone like to fish?

I personally do not care for fishing because when you are fishing, you may sit there for hours casting out your line then reeling it back in, doing this over and over without catching anything.   You may catch a minnow or a crawdad that you keep throwing back and they keep coming back.  Or you may catch one, possibly two small fish the entire time you are out.  All that work with very little to show for it. Yet, you may go back out on a different day at a different time and catch fish after fish after fish. 

Jesus wants us to become fishers of men.

Mark 1:17 – And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

We need to each be praying every day for Jesus to make us to become Fishers of Men.  That is what He has called us to do…reach for the lost.  As we follow Jesus (drawing closer to Him daily through prayer, Bible reading, and often denying the flesh through fasting), He said He will make us to become fishers of men.

I believe Jesus was drawing a correlation between fishing for fish and fishing for souls.  Sometimes you’ll fish all night and catch nothing….you’ll be reaching and witnessing and inviting and yet no one responds, no one comes.  Then, all of a sudden, we feel Jesus leading us to ‘cast our net on the other side’ and suddenly there are many responding.  We can’t give up just because we have not seen a harvest.  Keep reaching, keep casting your net because the next cast out may be the one that brings in a net full.

We all need to be reaching for the lost while we can.  We need to look at each person we meet or pass with eternity in mind, because this could be the day when they step foot into eternity.   Where will they spend it?

Was there a door of opportunity to try to witness to someone or invite them to Church that we ignored? Did we try to tell them about Jesus Christ? 

There will be specific people that only you will be able to reach.  The Pastor does what he can but he’s only one person.  If you reach and reach and reach and only one comes, that is one more soul on their way to heaven.  You never know how God will use that one that you reached. 

What are you doing to reach your family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances for Jesus?

Sometimes our hindrances in reaching out to the lost could be….

Fear of what they’ll think – it really is sad that many will ‘claim’ to be a Christian yet will make fun or laugh at someone for reading their Bible or praying over their meal or talking/posting mainly about Jesus.  It is backwards. A real Christian wants to talk about Jesus and read His Word.

Jesus said if you’re ashamed of Him, He’ll be ashamed of you.  (Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26, Romans 1:16) We’re living in an adulterous and sinful generation as Jesus said.  Keep shining your light because it matters mainly what Jesus thinks and gaining His approval.   Those who mock and make fun may not show any signs of moving toward God now, but you never know if that seed planted will one day take root and begin to grow years from now.

Fear of not knowing what to say – this is especially difficult for those who are not outgoing.  Pray and ask Jesus to put the right words in your mouth.   One lady was having trouble knowing what to say but finally realized she could read a quick Bible study to someone once the door was opened.  God helped her with the rest of what to say.  When you open your mouth in obedience,  God will fill it and use you.

Fear that they’ll get angry with us – “I don’t want to make them mad.”  A few may get angry, but many will not.  Those who get angry will one day regret it and wish they had listened instead.  If they get angry, don’t return venom for venom.  Just walk away silently, try to maintain a good countenance, and pray for them.  They don’t realize how bound they are, and we may not see what Jesus is doing inside of them to change their heart.  If we respond inappropriately, it could fuel their anger toward the Church and cause them to never come.  But a peaceful response may stick in their mind and work on their heart.  

2 Timothy 1:7 -  God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER (that power comes when we receive the Holy Ghost – Acts 1:4), and of LOVE (loving others can reach them more than words can at times so let the love of Christ flow out of you to others), and of a SOUND MIND (this word means disciplined, having self-control.  When others react harshly toward us, we need to exhibit self-control and not open our mouth to return evil for evil just as Jesus did not open His mouth to retort when He was being reviled and spit upon.).

The Bible says, ‘he that winneth souls is wise.’  (Prov 11:30)  Pray for God to give you wisdom on how to reach them and what to say.

The enemy of our souls wants us to think and believe that we’re not capable of winning the lost.  He’ll give us excuses such as, ‘that’s not my calling.’   Yes, it is!  It is the calling of each and every person that Jesus redeems from the mire of sin.  When we receive the Holy Ghost, He gives us the power to be His witnesses….

Acts 1:8 – But ye shall receive POWER, AFTER that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be WITNESSES unto Me…

We DO have the ability and God wants to use each of us to reach those in our circle of influence.

One soul winner wrote that he follows this rule:  he shakes off the feeling of rejection immediately and tries to reach for someone else almost right away because he realizes some will, some won’t, so what? Someone’s waiting, somewhere.  That’s a good rule to follow.

With some, you can reach them with the Gospel Truth and they’re open to receive a Bible study right away.  Others, may have a wall of resistance up so you have to be wise.  You may need to build on friendship with them first by inviting them over for coffee and cookies, calling to check on them, having small chats.  Eventually, the door may open for you to witness to them.

With some, it will take persistence.  These are the ones that you will need to COMPEL to come in that God’s House may be filled.

Some will be time wasters – They want your time and your attention and to see what all you will do for them.  It doesn’t matter what you show them in the Scriptures, they do not want to change or be converted.  Pray for wisdom and discernment to know when it is time to move on to find a truly hungry soul.


Ways we can help visitors and new converts:

As we see more and more people enter the Church doors, we all know to be friendly and welcoming.   Everyone does a great job making them feel welcome. 

Smiles can help a person feel more comfortable.  😊 

Visitors – our goal and commission from Jesus is to reach the lost and help convert a sinner from the error of their ways.  I know this sounds redundant but it needs to be taught in all of our churches:  if a person visits from a neighboring Truth teaching Church, make them feel welcome but don’t try to pull them out of their Church to start coming to ours.  Our mission is to reach the lost, not sow discord among the brethren.  Trying to knowingly convince someone to leave their Church that already teaches Truth to switch to another Church is sowing of discord and God calls it an abomination (Prov 6:16-19).  It is something God hates so we want to be careful not to do that.

Pray during prayer time – this examples to the visitor that we are here to worship Jesus.  Pre-service prayer also helps to get the focus on Jesus and can affect whether the Spirit of God can freely flow and move during service. 

If someone or even children come and start to chat with you during prayer time (unless it’s a first time visitor), you can quietly and politely try to bring the conversation to an end.  If need be, you can ask them if they can help you pray for your needs and offer to help pray with them for theirs. We need to example the importance of prayer.   We reserve the 10 minutes before service starts to greet each other and any visitors.  

If you can get their contact information, call or visit them and try to build a friendship with them.  Some of you will be able to establish and build a friendship with them quicker than the pastor/pastor’s wife. 

Guard your words.  Don’t let the visitors/new converts hear you gossiping or talking negative about others.   One: it’s not pleasing to God.  Two: it could turn them away from coming back.   I’ve seen some chew on and tear up this one, and that one, and also the pastor yet they can’t understand WHY their family member will not come to Church.   Our words can help or they can hurt.


Matthew 9:37-38 - Then saith He unto His disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;  pray therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.

Too many look at it as ‘someone else’s job’ or the pastor’s responsibility to grow the Church and get upset with him when it doesn’t.  The pastor preaches and teaches and he oft times reaches, but it is the responsibility of every Born Again Christian to reach the lost.

If every born again Christian would grasp that concept, the harvest would be easier to reach and reap.  Jesus said the harvest is PLENTEOUS.  We look at it as being small and hard to reach.

John 4:35 – Say ye not, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, LIFT UP YOUR EYES, AND LOOK ON THE FIELDS; for they are white already to harvest.

It’s not that the harvest is small and hard to reach.  It’s not that they’re not ready.   The problem is that the laborers are few therefore the harvest is not being reaped, because we’re not doing what Jesus commissioned us to do.

Jesus, help us to get a burden, get out into the field, and COMPEL THEM to come in that Your House may be filled.


Scriptural Prayers for the Prodigals and the Lost


Lord Jesus, we pray that you would deliver them from the power of darkness and translate (transfer) them into Your Kingdom.  (Colossians 1:13)

Redeem them through Your Blood and forgive their sins. (Colossians 1:14)

Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to Light.  Turn them from the power of satan unto God so they may receive forgiveness of sins. (Acts 26:18)

Move on them to repent, turn to God, and do works meet (suitable) for repentance.  (Acts 26:20)

Help them to seek the things which are above (spiritual, holy, to seek Jesus Christ). (Colossians 3:1)

Help them to set their affections on things above, not on the things on this earth. (Colossians 3:2)

Help them to get a hunger and thirst for Righteousness.  Help them to crave for You and Your Word.  Let nothing else satisfy. (Matthew 5:6)

Jesus, Your Word says that the Gospel is hid to them that are lost because the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not, lest the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ should shine on them.  Jesus, we are praying that you would remove the blinders from their eyes.  Help them to see and believe the Gospel.  Let Your Light shine on them and dispel the spiritual darkness that has blinded and bound them for far too long.  Command the Light to shine out of the darkness and into their hearts bringing understanding.  (2 Corinthians 4:3-6)

Thank You, Jesus, for Your longsuffering to them and to all of us.  We know according to Your Word that You are not willing that any should perish.  Your desire is for all to come to repentance.  Lead them to repent, turn from all sins, and turn to serve You with all of their heart.  (2 Peter 3:9)

Help them to purge themselves of all iniquity and sin.  Make them into a vessel of honour (valuable to You), sanctified (purified), and meet (prepared) for the Master’s use unto every good work. (2 Timothy 2:21)


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