Today's Bible Reading was Job 1-5 (following the Chronological Bible plan - KJV).
Calamity and distress came upon Job suddenly. It's one thing to lose most of what he possessed, but to lose all of his children in one day was grief beyond what most can bear.
Yet, despite all of the loss, heartache, and grief, Job chose to worship.
Job fell in the ground and worshipped after hearing of all his loss. (1:20)
"The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD." (1:21)
In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.
Job did not blame God!
I've seen some who get angry with God and blame Him when tragedy strikes their home. They forsake God and quit going to Church. Yet, God is the One we need most during those difficult times.
While Job acknowledged that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, he did not get angry nor speak anything against God.
After my first husband passed away, I went through intense grief along with my children. There are steps of grief that they say each person goes through. Anger is one of them yet I did not feel any anger... toward God or anyone else. I had a Christian counselor tell me I needed to go through the anger process so I could heal. They wanted me to go home and get angry with God. I just couldn't do it. (This is not condemning anyone who has.)
I grieved. I questioned, not understanding why. But I could not and will not charge God foolishly. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are beyond our thinking or comprehension.
Whatever you're going through, when you don't understand, when you don't see His plan, when you can't trace His hand, trust His heart (as that beautiful old song admonishes).
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