Many adhere tightly to the thought you shouldn't argue about religious beliefs. "You believe your way and I'll believe mine" is the motto many hold tightly to saying "I don't want to offend anyone."
Paul didn't believe that.
He went into the synagogue (the place of worship) and spake BOLDLY for 3 months DISPUTING and PERSUADING the things concerning the Kingdom of God. (Acts 19:8)
Paul disputed and spoke boldly trying to correct false doctrine.
Acts 19:9-10 says he DISPUTED DAILY for TWO YEARS.
Sound Biblical Doctrine is important.
Paul's actions proved that.
What a person believes and follows determines where they will spend eternity.
Jesus said we MUST be Born Again of Water (Baptism in Jesus name) and of Spirit (receiving the Holy Ghost).
Paul came to understand Jesus' instructions after his Damascus Road experience. Paul had fought this Way yet now he is found disputing and teaching it daily because he knew each of us MUST be Born Again or we cannot see nor enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
That's why he asked these Disciples in Acts 19:1-6 if they had received the Holy Ghost since they believed.
That's why he RE-BAPTIZED them when he found out they had not been baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus (vs 5).
That's why he laid hands on them and prayed for them to receive the Holy Ghost which they did evidenced as they spoke in tongues (vs 6).
Teach the Word.
Teach the Truth.
Teach it boldly.
Speak the Truth in love but speak - the - Truth without fear or favor of man.
Eternity is coming fast.
Souls are depending on you to show them the way.
Jesus instructed us to teach and make Disciples.
Pray for boldness and wisdom then Go make Disciples, teaching them to observe whatsoever things Jesus commanded.
Earnestly Contend for the Faith
Jude 1:3 was needful for me to write unto you,
and exhort you that ye should
which was once delivered unto the saints.
Earnestly = with sincere and intense conviction
Contend = assert something as a position in an argument
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