Monday, December 13, 2021

Christmas Reflections 2021

The thought that's been heavy on my heart for several days....

How much do we truly make Christmas about Jesus Christ?

Seriously - think about it, ponder on it, and soul search.

I'm not knocking the presents, the lights, the trees, the parties, or family gatherings.   I enjoy those, too.  

But if Jesus is the Reason for the Season, how much focus do we truly place on Him?

I've never taught my children there was santa....for many reasons. 

  • I didn't like a fictitious character getting credit for what I worked hard to provide. 
  • I didn't like the focus being on santa instead of / more than Jesus.  
  • Just to name a few
So, while I didn't do those that, I still had to soul search how much I truly centered Christmas around Christ to my children.  

I said He was, but did my actions say something different?  We drove around playing Christmas music and looking at lights after their Dad passed,  trying to find some Christmas cheer. We tried to enjoy the beautiful tree with the presents beneath and the joy they'd bring, meager though they were. We gathered for parties with friends. And watched parades.

Even the Church "Christmas programs"

But how much attention did Jesus truly receive? 

Was it, is it, truly about HIM? or about watching the adorable kids perform? Or the warm fuzzy feeling WE get inside enjoying all these Christmas festivities and songs?

And the songs....don't get me wrong.  I love singing Jingle Bells and other fun joyful Christmas songs.  But how much are they truly about Jesus? and to Jesus? So many, too many, are about santa, or self, or worse...lust, fornication,  and adultery. I've cringed and grieved so much lately.  

I've reflected and I've repented for any way I've grieved God's heart and any time I didn't make Christmas more Christ focused.  

Because without Christ,  there would not be a Christmas!

Let's challenge each other to get back to Christmas being more Christ centered. After all, it's all about HIM and unto HIM. 

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