IN THE LAST DAYS 2 Timothy 3:1-2
Paul wrote Timothy a list of signs that would be evident that the last days were upon us....
*Perilous times = reducing of strength, it will wear a person out physically, mentally, and even wear on a person spiritually.
*Lovers of self = Look around and you will see evidence abounding of people who are so obsessed and in love with their own self. It is evident on social media with the often selfies (different from sharing an outing or event), the poses, the puckered lips, the self praise, etc seeking the approval and praise of others. The posts that are shared about 'needing to love yourself more' are not of God and anti Biblical.
*covetous = people are jealous and want what others have without working hard to achieve it. They think a person shouldn't have something better than they have not considering or caring how hard the other person has worked to achieve it. This is the core problem with socialism. It is covetousness.
*Boasters = love to brag on self, family, or anything that brings attention to self. (This spirit is different from posting an accomplishment of a family member or your own). Pride is the root of it. Sometimes the motive can be to get a "one up" on someone else.
*Proud = appearing above others. Considers self better or more spiritual than another. Looks or talks condescending toward others. Not humble. Won't receive correction or instruction from the pastor <pride and rebellion were the two things that caused satan's downfall ... guard your heart from it>
2 Timothy 3:2
Paul wrote Timothy a list of signs that would be evident that the last days were upon us....
Blasphemers - not afraid to speak against God. His Holy Name is only a cuss word to them. 

* Disobedient to parents - We know that children are naturally going to test boundaries and disobey but we are living in a time like no other. Children today will blatantly disobey and (continue to disobey) no matter what consequences are placed on them. They will smart off and talk back to adults, they lack respect and feel that the world revolves around them. Disney promotes it with sitcoms that portray the parents as bumbling ifiots while the super intelligent minors have to step in and direct and correct their parents. It is a spirit of rebellion. Cover your children's hearts and minds with prayer and monitor closely what they watch.
*unthankful - the mindset of many today is that they are owed whatever is done for them. You don't hear 'thank you' very often. It is human nature to focus on the negative instead of the positive. To many focus on what they don't have instead of what they do have. Israel fell into the same negative trap inthe wilderness - instead of being thankful for the manna, they whined about missing the foods they enjoyed in Egypt; forgetting about the slavery and cruelty they endured. It brought God's wrath. We need to always remember to be thankful.
* unholy - wicked. We are seeing that spirit of lawlessness and ungodliness grow and spread throughout our country and world. Wickedness is abounding and is glorified and promoted through movies. Evil is called good and good is called evil. Pray to hear God's voice. Pray that you and your loved ones are not drawn into a spirit of strong delusion.
2 Timothy 3:3Paul wrote Timothy a list of signs that would be evident that the last days were upon us.
People would be....
* without natural affection - hardhearted. The Bible warns that because iniquity (sin, wickedness) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. <Mt 24:12> Sadly, we are seeing that today. People used to care about each other. Even had compassion on strangers. Now, no one really knows their neighbors. Random drive by shootings occur often. You can see and feel the hate coming from a stranger's eyes. There are parents who abuse the very children they are to nurture and natural affection. Why? Because people no longer care about another person. Which stems back to prayerlessness, God's Word is no longer in the homes or read like it used to be, people spend more time watching entertainment than they do spending time with Jesus. When their love for Jesus grows cold so does their care for fellow humans. Jesus needs to become the center of our homes and nation once again.
* trucebreakers - do not keep their agreements or promises. "I know I originally said I would but...." or "that's not what I meant. I really was meaning...."
*false accusers - slanderer. People kill a person's reputation with gossip and backbiting...on purpose with malice and the intent to cause others to look disgustedly at the person being slandered. You want a good study on the tongue? Read the book of James. There are strong warnings within that book. If a person appears to be religious but cannot Bridle their tongue (control what comes out of their mouth) James said that their religion is vain and they're only deceiving their self. (1:26) James 3:6 says the tongue defileth the whole body and is set on fire of hell. Pretty strong warning. Guard the tongue! If you've slipped, don't make excuses but instead repent and make things right. Jesus is coming soon! We want our hearts to be right so we can make it.
* incontinent - without self control. This is why we need to get a handle on children's outbursts and tantrums, teaching them a better way to express their frustrations so they do not grow to become adults who continue to throw tantrums, bullying others, and being violent as we've seen occurring in our country. Theseare works of the flesh. We need to have the fruit of the spirit.
*fierce - Strong's defines this word as savage. Intense raging anger.
*Despisers of those that are good - Isaiah 5:20 issues a warning to them that call evil good and good evil; that put Darkness for light and light for Darkness; that put bitter for sweet and Sweet for bitter. We are seeing this happening more and more. the Bible warns about a spirit of strong delusion that will come up on those who will not receive the truth but have pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thess 2:10-12) They will believe a lie and think it is truth and truth is a lie to them. Guard your hearts and Minds through prayer. And buy the Truth and sell it not!
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