Friday, August 3, 2018

Don't Judge Me

Posted on fb 9-19-15

There is a post going around FB that is really bothering me.  It reads: "Don't judge someone just because they sin differently than you do" and implying that God looks at all sin as the same.  This is incorrect theology.   

1) We should not be continuing in sin.  As Christians, we are to strive to live above sin. If we do sin, we can gain forgiveness through repentance and by not doing it again. 

2) When you read the Bible, God gave different consequences for various sins: 
**The adulterers were to be stoned. 
**Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed by fire & brimstone.
**a thief was to make restitution plus extra

Notice the difference in degrees of consequences?  While all unrepented sins have the same end, there are differences in the severity of sin.  A judge is not going to hand the same sentence to a murderer as he would to someone who stole something.  Please do not buy into this incorrect doctrine. God calls some sins sin, others He calls an abomination.


This saying has been floating around on Facebook and the internet for a while now. Many are proudly sharing it, and I even heard that a pastor has this saying displayed in his office. I am bothered when I see born again Christians spreading this.  I'm not trying to condemn anyone, but this popular belief is not biblically sound. 

I John 3:8 reads... 
He that committeth sin is of the devil. 

I John 3:9 reads...
Whosoever is born of God 
doth not commit sin;

I John 3:10 reads...
In this the 
are manifest,
and the 
whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God,
neither he that loveth not his brother.

So, if we're sinning, whose child are we? 

If we sin, we're walking in the flesh and not in the Spirit.

The good news is if we do sin, God's Word lets us know... 
If we confess our sins, 
He's faithful and just 
to forgive us our sins, 
and to cleanse us 
from all unrighteousness. 
I John 1:9

Let's not be so easily swayed to follow after popular sayings that sound good and are pleasing to the flesh yet are not doctrinally or Biblically sound. 

I recommend reading Minister Martin Ballestero's blog for a more in depth study concerning  judging. That Scripture has been misused for far too long.  His study is very informative and enlightening. 

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