Thursday, January 23, 2025



Luke 10 (KJV)

⁴¹ And Jesus answered and said unto her, 

Martha, Martha, thou art careful (anxious)

and troubled (disturbed) about many things:

⁴² But....: 



which shall not be taken away from her.

Mary had chosen to spend time listening and learning at the feet of Jesus.

There were many things at that moment to distract her.  

Things that needed to get done.

They had guests to feed and care for.

Martha was anxiously scurrying around to make sure the needs of others were met. 

Seems to be very important and very needful.


Time spent with Jesus. 

Mary realized she couldn't help feed others 

UNTIL she had spent time being fed Spiritual food by the Master.

She CHOSE the GOOD PART (time in His Presence).


more than any other responsibility we may have.

Every time we pray and read our Bible, 

Every time we attend Church or Bible study and hear the Word preached, taught, and expounded,


Jesus said it shall not be taken away from us.


Are you choosing that Good Part?

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Teach Your Children

 Teach your children to worship. 

Teach your children to pray.

Example it to them.

The devil is pulling hard for your children through what they read and watch in movies and on social media apps, especially Tiktok. 

Don't let him win!

Get those children to Church every time you can.

Jesus said to suffer (send, allow) the children to come to Him and forbid them not (don't stop or hinder them). Mt 19:14

Read the Bible to them and pray with them every day. 

Teach your children how to love, live for, and serve Jesus. 

In the end, that's what will truly matter. 

The Church can only do so much. 

Teach your children. 

(Not sure what church this picture is from but this is precious ❤️)


Worth Reposting again from 1-22-23

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Old Time Prayer Rooms

How many miss the old time prayer rooms and altars where you could hear the travail and cries unto God clear out in the parking lot and sometimes down the street?

Many miss it but how many that say they miss it are early to pre-service prayer and shaking the rafters with those fervent prayers? And having daily prayer meetings in their home that touches Heaven's Throne and shakes the gates of hell?

It can start with just one but it takes everyone uniting in fervent prayer to see the bands of wickedness loosed and chains fall off.  Will you be that one?

How many miss the prophets of old that would read your mail?  They are not the same as the ones who tickle your ear while telling your fortune and promising prosperity. A true prophet will not tell you what you want to hear; they will tell you what God wants you to hear whether it be a compliment or a rebuke. 

Of those that miss the old time prophets,  how many are trying to hear God's voice not just through daily prayer and Bible reading but are also sacrificing and denying the flesh often through fasting?

We reminisce about the old time miracles of healing.  I have experienced them myself and reminisce as well.  But why are we not seeing all this like we used to? Could it be that we're expecting someone else to rise up and be the one instead of looking in the mirror and thinking perhaps I am the one that God wants to use and is waiting on?

I'm talking to myself, too. God wants to use everyone who has His Spirit (the Holy Ghost) but it takes sacrifice and consecration.  

Will you be the one who allows God to use you? 

Are you willing to pay the price to become the man or woman of God that He can work through and use?

God is looking for willing vessels.  Will you be the one?

(Re-post from 1-18-22 + 1-18-24)

I finally came across Scripture that explains why we gain weight as we get older. The struggle is real but even the Bible says...

Psalms 92 (KJV)

¹³ Those that be planted 

in the house of the LORD 

shall flourish in the courts of our God.

¹⁴ They shall still bring forth fruit 



Friday, January 17, 2025

Can Faith Alone Save Us?

James 2 (KJV)

¹⁴ What doth it profit, my brethren, 

though a man say he hath faith, 



¹⁷ Even so FAITH,



¹⁸ Yea, a man may say, 

Thou hast faith, and I have works: 

shew me thy faith without thy works, 


²⁰ But wilt thou know, O vain man, 


²¹ Was not Abraham our father 

justified by works....?

²² Seest thou how faith wrought WITH his works, 


²⁴ Ye see then how that 



²⁶ For as the body without the spirit is dead, 


Did you notice James stated THREE TIMES in just these few Scriptures that: FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD (Vs 17, 20, 26)? 

He likened it to the body without the spirit is dead.  

It takes BOTH...Faith AND works.

Some teach or believe you don't need to be baptized or receive the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues.  They state, "we're saved by grace" ((Eph 2:5,8).  We are but those Scriptures we're written addressing THE CHURCH, those who had already been baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost.  

Jesus taught in Mark 16:16... he that believeth AND is baptized shall be saved. 

Jesus continued in verse 17... and THESE SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW them that believe...they shall speak with new tongues. 

Have you been baptized since you believed?

Have you spoke with new tongues since you believed?

Have you followed Christ's teachings to be Born Again?

Acts 2 (KJV)

³⁸ Then Peter (who was taught by Jesus) said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

³⁹ For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Get back to where the Fire is (the Church)

Two embers had fallen out of the fireplace a few days back.  They sat on the bricks until they grew cold.  As I stoked the coals in our fireplace, I noticed those 2 embers once again.  There was no fire, no glow, not even a spark left in them.  They were so cold that I could pick them up with my hands and not get burnt. 

I threw them back amongst the glowing coals in the fireplace and watched.  Slowly,  I could see one begin to revive.  A little glow began to slowly return.  Then, I noticed the other began to exhibit the same. Each began grow a little more red, a little more glow coming from them until finally they sparked and a fire began to burn in them once again.  

These cold embers and blazing coals example to us how much we need each other and need the Church.  

Ecclesiastes 4 

⁹ Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

¹⁰ For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.

¹¹ Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

¹² And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Maybe you are like those embers?  Maybe you have grown cold in your walk with God?  Maybe you feel the fire of the Holy Ghost isn't blazing as brightly as it once did in your heart?  Perhaps you no longer attend Church or never have? 

Get back to where the Fire is (the Church).  The more you are at Church worshipping together with fellow Believers, the more you'll begin to feel the warmth of the Holy Ghost begin to spark once again in your heart.  The more you are around those burning brightly with the Holy Ghost,  the more you'll begin to feel that old fire begin to rekindle within your heart as well.   

Pick up the Bible and begin to read it. Every day. Even if it's only a few verses, it's a start back on the right track.  Take a few minutes to talk to Jesus each day.  The more time you spend with Him, the more you'll grow in love with Him. Find a prayer partner. Attend Bible studies.  Be faithful to Church every time there are services.  Participate in the singing and worship. If you are one who is on Fire, reach out to someone who seems to be struggling or grown cold in their walk with God.

I need you.

You need me.

We do need each other.

We do need the Church.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 Sharing some very good points I heard....

Several people were interviewed that were affected by the Los Angeles fires. 

They were asked if they thought they were going to heaven or hell?  Every single person said they HOPE they're going to heaven because they feel they're a good person.

Each person was asked:

***have you ever stolen anything? 

***have you ever lied?

***have you ever committed fornication? Or adultery? Or lusted after someone in your heart?

They answered yes. To all.  

Then they were asked:

***Have you ever used the Lord's name in vain? As a curse word?

Answer was 'yes'

Next question:

***do you love your mom (or dad or child or spouse)?


Have you ever used their name as a curse word?

No? Why not?  

Because you respect them? 

And love them? 

Yet you have not shown that same respect and love to the One who shed His blood on Calvary to purchase our Redemption? (End of quote)

Jesus warned in Matthew 7:21 that not everyone who calls Him "Lord" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven,  only those who DO the will of the Father. 

Jesus continued teaching in verses 24-27 in the Parable of the wise versus foolish builder that the wise will not only HEAR but also DO what Jesus says.  

He likened everyone to the foolish man who will HEAR yet will NOT DO what Jesus says. 

Not because He's being mean. Or name calling. But because He's warning that not everyone who calls Him 'Lord' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, only those who HEAR and DO (obey) what He says. 

Jesus taught Nicodemus and all the Disciples who were with Him that night in John 3:

Vs 3 - EXCEPT (unless) a man be BORN AGAIN, he CANNOT SEE the Kingdom of God. 

He went on to explain in verse 5 - EXCEPT (unless) a man be born of water (Baptism) and of the Spirit (infilling of the Holy Ghost), he CANNOT ENTER into the Kingdom of God. 

Vs 7 - Marvel not (don't be in wonder or amazement) that I said unto thee, you MUST BE BORN AGAIN. 

You MUST be BORN AGAIN of water (Baptism) AND of the Spirit (Holy Ghost) or you cannot see nor enter into the Kingdom of God.

Those words are just as important as John 3:16. 

John 3:16 is a summary of all that Jesus said in the verses prior - not to nullify them or for them to be ignored.

Whosoever believes in Jesus should not perish - because if you believe in Jesus you will read His Words, you will hear His Words, you will obey His Words. 

Jesus also said in John 7:38-39....

He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water. But this spake He of the spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.

Jesus taught in Mark 16:16...

He that believeth AND IS BAPTIZED shall be saved; 

He continued in verse 17....


Have you been baptized since you believed? 

Have you spoke with new tongues since you believed?

That Promise is for you and your children and as many as the Lord our God shall call.  (Acts 2:38-39)

Jesus asked, "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" - Luke 6:46 

Are you HEARING what Jesus is saying?

Are you DOING the things which Jesus said?

Marvel not that Jesus said you MUST be BORN AGAIN as He instructed in John 3:1-7.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

A New Year & Resolutions

 A New Year & Resolutions

As the New Year approached, many pondered as to what their New Year Resolution(s) will be:

- diet

- pay off a debt

- travel to (destination)

and the list goes on.

The definition of Resolution means:

* A firm decision to do or not do something 

* The quality of being determined 

While resolutions can be good, very rarely does anyone  make a Resolution to....

* draw closer to God

* Read their Bible not only daily but even more

* Pray more each and every day

* Fast more

* Go to Church more

* Invite more people to Church 

* Tell more people about Jesus 

* Win a soul to Jesus 

☝️ THESE should be our top resolutions above all others.

Jesus is coming soon.  

We want to be ready for His coming, but we have to do our part to draw closer to Him.

If our mind and our time are filled with everything else with little or no time spent in God's Word and His Presence, we won't be ready when He returns. 

We want others to be ready for His coming,  but we have to do our part to reach out and sow seeds of the Gospel.  

There is a law of harvest.  If I do not sow seeds into the ground, I will not reap the fruit from it in due season. If you don't sow seeds concerning the Word of God into hearts and minds,  you will not see the fruit of harvest. 

Jesus gave the Great Commission: GO and TEACH.

Action is required on our part. 

In order to teach effectively what the Word of God instructs you must study and learn what the Bible teaches. 

Make the resolution (the quality of being determined) in this New Year to: 

* draw closer to God

* Read your Bible not only daily but even more

* Pray more each and every day

* Fast more

* Go to Church more

* Invite more people to Church 

* Tell more people about Jesus (sowing seed)

* Win a soul to Jesus (the harvest)

There Will Be No 'Participation Ribbons' Handed Out In Heaven

There Will Be No 'Participation Ribbons' Handed Out In Heaven

The trend for many years now has been to hand out 'Participation Ribbons' to everyone...
whether they won or not
whether they showed up or not
whether they participated and did their part or not
So that...
noone feels excluded
noone feels left out
and to boost self-esteem
and sense of accomplishment
even if they didn't win or do much
or anything to obtain the goal.

But there will be no 'participation ribbons' handed out in heaven.

✔️We must each do our part to strive and enter in.
✔️We must be faithful to daily pray.
✔️We must be faithful to daily Bible reading.
✔️We must be obedient to God's commands and instructions  (which are found within the pages of the Bible.  EVERYTHING that is written in those pages are for us to learn from. Romans 15:4)

✔️We must be faithful in ALL things for it is only those who are faithful that will hear "well done thou good and faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord." Matthew 25:21

A servant does not just "show up".
A servant does not get by with just doing the minimum while everyone else does the work.
A servant must serve and do the will of the authority over them.
It is only the servant who has been faithful and been obedient to God's Word no matter what He says do or not do that will hear, "well done, enter in!"

Jesus warned, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”
  — Matthew 7:21 (KJV)

There Will Be No 'Participation Ribbons' Handed Out In Heaven

If we want to make it to heaven, we must be faithful in all matters and do, not our will, but the will of the Father, whatever He requires of us.

For it is only those who are faithful that will hear, "well done thou good and faithful servant, enter in to the joy of the Lord."

There Will Be No 'Participation Ribbons' Handed Out In Heaven.