A New Year & Resolutions
As the New Year is approaching, many ponder as to what their New Year Resolution(s) will be:
- diet
- pay off a debt
- travel to (destination)
and the list goes on.
The definition of Resolution means:
* A firm decision to do or not do something
* The quality of being determined
While resolutions can be good, very rarely does anyone make a Resolution to....
* draw closer to God
* Read their Bible not only daily but even more
* Pray more each and every day
* Fast more
* Go to Church more
* Invite more people to Church
* Tell more people about Jesus
* Win a soul to Jesus
☝️ THESE should be our top resolutions above all others.
Jesus is coming soon.
We want to be ready for His coming, but we have to do our part to draw closer to Him.
If our mind and our time are filled with everything else with little or no time spent in God's Word and His Presence, we won't be ready when He returns.
We want others to be ready for His coming, but we have to do our part to reach out and sow seeds of the Gospel.
There is a law of harvest. If I do not sow seeds into the ground, I will not reap the fruit from it in due season. If you don't sow seeds concerning the Word of God into hearts and minds, you will not see the fruit of harvest.
Jesus gave the Great Commission: GO and TEACH.
Action is required on our part.
In order to teach effectively what the Word of God instructs you must study and learn what the Bible teaches.
Make the resolution (the quality of being determined) in this New Year to:
* draw closer to God
* Read your Bible not only daily but even more
* Pray more each and every day
* Fast more
* Go to Church more
* Invite more people to Church
* Tell more people about Jesus (sowing seed)
* Win a soul to Jesus (the harvest)